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Posts posted by Chaosliege

  1. Re: Re: Would U allow this? Multiple opinions welcome


    Originally posted by Monolith

    I would allow the power, but built as a lower attack:

    3d6 EB, NND: +1 (self-contained breathing or 10+ PD Resistant Defenses), Continuous: +1 (stops if light source removed), Costs END to Activate: +1/4.


    I agree with this except the 10+ resistant defence as a defence. Something like stiff neck covering maybe, but FREd specificly says 'not' to use a minimum amount of any defence.

  2. Re: A sfx is a sfx is a sfx


    Originally posted by Confusinator

    I would allow it. You're reasoning against it (and some of the alternative ways of generating it) has to do with the shadow.


    But that's just the sfx. He could just as easily say its a giant lugie that encases the targets head and is too sticky to peel away. I don't think it warrants a change in the power. If he said the shadow could also attack other players or bring him a fresh cup of tea, then I would think it needed to be summoned.


    I think it is a really creative way of describing his power. And as stated by others, there are ways to defend against it. If he wants to sink all the points into it, so what. First time he gets his butt whooped by some street thug with low light goggles in a dark warehouse, he's gonna wish he bought the Spider-Man belt light also.


    Here I agree and dissagree. I dissagree in that the SFX of a power often dictates what defence a power has, that's why we have things like that. I agree in that the guy did buy the power correctly and if he wants to spend all his points on one attack that is inefective probably 1/4 of the time that's his problem. I still standby my previous statement that this power has an incredibly high active point value, and in most games with powers that high, L/S gets more common. Heck, two guys on our team have L/S and we're only 350/70 active.

  3. Re: Re: Bricks


    Originally posted by Klytus

    That sounds a lot like the "Dynamo" brick in one of our games. SHE is a 4'10" powerhouse who has two types of absorbtion. Physical attacks feed her STR while energy Attacks feed her STUN.


    That's pretty close to my guy. Mine has kinetic absorption which feeds his STR and an energy Absorption to feed a 0d6 energy attack. originaly, he could only absorb kinetic attacks, and energy attacks were devistating to him. Then in a PBEM game with some friends, he was exposed to a huge amount of "gate key" energy. This was after he had completely absorbed another brick on the team(the brick in question was described as being pure kinetic energy). Dynamo went nuts and pounded the opponent into an "unconcious bloody heep". I got lucky he didn't kill the guy..

  4. Re: anyon made a Flash ?


    Originally posted by tenebre

    just curious if anyone has.


    Working on one myself and wanted to see how people made him.


    working with more current flash not the golden age.


    I try not to make clones of Marvel or DC guys. You always end up making them too powerful or too weak, or just not quite the same. Then you have to think of eveything you've seen them do, and come up with a power for it. This tends to put them out of scope with playing in a game. I usually just make a character inspired by the guy I want to emulate. Same feel without having to be true to the original. A true Flash clone is going to be so many points as to make him unplayable.


    Speedsters are fun to make. You can come up with some great effects.

  5. Re: Re: Re: Newbie Question


    Originally posted by Geoff Speare

    I don't think this is really true any more. I ran a Fantasy Hero con game (with Hit Locations)...in 4 hours I had two major battles and three major roleplaying scenes, with time leftover for minor scenes. I've been running a D&D 3E game for a couple years now, and combats now take at least as long as Hero. Obviously, a fight with tons of combatants is going to take a long time, but 2 MGs, a tank, and 6 soldiers shouldn't take long at all.


    I can see this. Given the fact that they're all going to have speeds of around 3. All our guys in Champions have 5s and 6s and there are 6 of us and usually 6 or so oponents. But you're also talking about someone unfamiliar with the game. I remember the first time I played. It took me 2 hours to make a character....... Wait, it still takes me two hours to make a character... :D

  6. Originally posted by Lord Liaden

    Reed Richards would probably be close to 50, though, and maybe Bruce Wayne. ;)


    I don't think I agree with you on Bruce Wayne. He'd be inteligent, but he's no Reed Richards. He has tons of detective skills and levels.


    But I look at it like this. Reed Richards is considered one of the smartest people on the planet. As smart as Doom. In champions, I think everyone agrees that Destroyer is our version of DOOM, albeit more powerful. So what is Destroyers INT? I don't have CKC, so I don't know, but that would be my basis for 'Super Genius'.

  7. Re: Re: Which program for good pics


    Originally posted by Dynamo

    The GIMP (the site seems to be down right now) is free for the downloading and can be had for the PC platform as well as Unix/Linux (the website claims that the PC version is more unstable than the author would like, but it's never crashed on my Windows box, unlike MS Photodraw). The learning curve can be a little rough, but it's simpler to learn than Photoshop, easily as powerful if not more so, and isn't crippleware without a Mac. Free documentation and tutorials are available online. I recommend Grokking the GIMP, which is browsable online, downloadable, and available in hardcopy (gotta pay for that last one).


    Would you say this program is better than Adobe Photo Deluxe? I got that program with my scanner, but I've only used it a couple of times, and I don't know a lot about it.

  8. Re: Newbie Question


    Originally posted by Eduardoh

    I also wanna know if I can make a big battle, like, 2 machine guns, a tank, 6 soldiers againt the PC´s....and make it a coherent fight and not take too much time.


    For this you want The Ultimate Vehicle.. As far as time, I'd suggest you settle in. Hero doesn't do fast battles.

  9. Which program for good pics


    I recently purchased and downloaded the character template pack. I as wondering what would be a good program for editing these templates to make good superhero pics. Keep in mind, I can't afford $600 for things like Photoshop pro. I'm talking about a reasonably affordable program that can make effects like engulfing flames or radioactive aura.

  10. We don't realy adress it very much. I'm not the GM, so I don't know what's going on that evil mind of his, but we just accept that there are aliens and leave it at that. Dealing with each one as we encounter it. One of our team is an alien. I guess we realy don't have a limit as to how many aliens may be out there. But we haven't encountered that many yet.

  11. Re: Green Lantern


    Originally posted by Southern Cross

    I'd treat the power ring as OHID,myself as the ring user can summon it by mental command.Incidentally the power ring has probably always had a computer system,as I remember Green Lanterns accessing the ring database well before those rotters Priest,Gerard Jones and Ron Marz got their twisted paws on the book.


    I agree with this. While it looks like a focus, it's not limiting enough to be one.


    As for the power structure, I would use a MP and an EC. MP for the most common attack powers and EC or things like flight and FF.

  12. Originally posted by Foxiekins

    :D I dunno... It resembles something I did for a game, but rather larger... Couldn't you just accumulate the fractional speed points at the end of each turn, and then treat the character as having +1 Speed for one turn each time 10 fractional points or more have accumulated...? And reduce the accumulated fractional points by 10 when you do...?


    Yeah... Cause there's not nearly enough math in Hero already..;)

  13. Originally posted by Steve Long

    Sorry to hear you missed out on getting Aaron's autograph.


    At GenCon, when asked to sign copies of Champions, I usually signed with my "Be a Hero!" message. He would then come along behind and sign "Be a Villain!". ;)


    I was sitting here reading this and my fiance thought it was funny that Steve's pic was the same as the book I have next to me(yes I keep it next to me at all times). I had to point out that Steve Long was the same as Steven S. Long, the author of said book. :D


    Now she's calling me a dork.. That's ok.. at least I can read.. LOL

  14. Re: Would U allow this? Multiple opinions welcome


    Originally posted by Mystendanian

    I have a player in my campaign that has built the following power: [6d6 EB, NND (not vs. self-contained breathing), Continous, 0 END]


    The special effect is that the "hero" causes the enemies shadow to come alive and choke them. I have a problem allowing this power because if the enemies don't have self contained breathing (or they don't hold their breath), this power will continue to drain their stun and there is nothing they can do about it (save losing line of sight or rending the attacking character unconscious or stunned). I feel that the affected character should be able to attack the shadow or somehow make it release it's grip. Or, at the very least, have it cost END so if the hero does maintain it, he can't do it forever.


    My understanding of the concept behind building a continuous attack power is that:

    a) There should always be a defense against it (even if it is an NND, there is still SOME defense)

    B) If it does bypass the defense and affect a character, there should be some way to overcome the power's affect


    With all that said, would you allow this power or any other power that once it is in effect, there is nothing an character can do to escape it?


    First there is a defense(L/S self contained breathing). This is a fairly common defense for NNDs.


    Second, from the special effect you describe, I would treat it as a Choke Hold. Use the active points in the attack as the STR for escaping. Once the victon escapes, the shadow turns back into a regular shadow.


    BTW: At 6d6 this power is 105 active points. If that is the normal active points for your game then there should be very few paople who don't have L/S.

  15. Steve, forgive me if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find it in the FAQ or another post here.


    In order to aply the Damge Shield advantage the power must be bought as continuous or 0 END/Persistant. In my case, I wanted the power to be 0 END so it was cheaper to add the Persistant advantage rather than Continuous. But I want the character to have to actively control the power, so if he's knocked out, the power shuts of. I could put Concentration/required throughout use of constant power at -1/2, but that isn't the effect I'm looking for. Could I put a limitation on the power that defines this? If so, would -1/4 be the apropriate limitation value?




    Yep.. That's the one that caused me to stop reading those boards. I love Hero for superhero gaming, but I hardly think that makes me a fanatic. BTW I personally like d20 for fantasy games, I just never could get into fantasy hero. D&D just works for us. We have also played d20 Star Wars.. A cool game. But for Superheroes, IMO Hero is the best.

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