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Posts posted by Chaosliege

  1. Re: Re: Re: Watched vs. Social Limitation


    Originally posted by BasilDrag

    Star Hero, p.306-307, has a NPC (Major Allyssa Barth) who is a honest, by-the-book cop, who has both Watched and Subject to Orders.


    IME, all cops are Watched (by their superiors, the Internal Affairs Office, etc.) as well as Subject to Orders. The same is true of DAs, some military, etc. It is not always necessary for active, specific suspicion to occur for someone to be Watched. Throughout the Law Enforcement, Intelligence and Military communities (and perhaps others) there is a level of institutional 'suspicion' that results in members of those communities being Watched.


    Now, what roll that Watched has is another matter....


    It make sense to me that they'd have both. The IA is always watching the police. The frequency is the only thing that would change. I don't have Star Hero, but your example sounds like it would be like an -8. If the guy being watched is a rogue cop like in previouse examples, you could up it to -14. Or even a hunted by Internal Afairs -8.

  2. Re: But I thought...


    Originally posted by Delthrien

    I thought the focus was defined as personal (or not) when purchased. IIRC, Independent merely means that if the focus is taken it's gone (along with the character points used to build it...) and can't be replaced short of taking it back or buying it again with XPs gained through play.


    Have I missed something?




    That is posible. I haven't ever used an independant focus. I don't like them. But my point is still that if the staff is intended to be safe for the purchaser in all but the most remote sercomstances( when is the hero not going to have the gloves on, and if the hero doesn't have the gloves on, why would he use the staff). And at the same time does damage to someone who is able to take it away and use it on him, this is an advantage not a limitation. Again, this depends intirely on how the concept is suposed to be, witch Ben didn't elaborate on. Even if the staff is a personal focus and can only be used by the character, I wouldn't allow this limitation to be worth more than 1/2. probably 1/4. Because it would just never come up.

  3. Originally posted by Monolith

    I would write it up as follows:


    17 Shock Staff: Energy Blast 8d6 (vs. ED), Penetrating (+1/2) (60 Active Points); OAF (-1), Extreme Side Effects (Side Effect always occurs when not wearing protective gloves -3/4), 12 Charges (-1/4), No Range -1/2


    I personaly would cut the side effects limitation at least in half, if not down to 1/4. This is going to be a very rare side effect. And if the idea is to make it so that if the staff is taken away and used on you, the other guy gets hit, then it would be an advantage to have the side effects(witch would almost never effect you and always effect the guy that stole your staff). Granted in the above ex. the staff is not independant, and therefore could not be used by anyone else, but even in that case, I wouldn't go higher than -1/2. If you were to make it independant, then the side effect becomes a +1/2 advantage. Just my opinion.

  4. Sounds like it was a lot of fun :( Well, Maybe next year I can get the time off. Was there a large turnout of Hero gamers? My friends and I went to Orccon last year and there was only one guy there running a Hero game :( I was realy looking forward to Dundracon, at least until I found out we were having inventory on the same weekend...

  5. Re: Disadvantage: Held Accountable


    Originally posted by MisterVimes

    25 Social Limitation: Held Accountable, Very Frequently (14-), Severe


    This sounds good, but I wouldn't think it would be worth 25pts. I mean it's only going to come up if you go against Gods will. How often is that going to happen?


    1) Captain America (talks the talk; walks the walk)


    2) Iron Man (Truly a self made hero.. flaws and all)


    3) Spider-Man ( What can I say, With great power comes great responsibility)


    4) Magneto ( A product of his environment)


    5) Super-Man ( Absolute power corupts absolutely... not so for the Man of Steel)


    6) Bat-Man (The first of many wanabes, The one true dark knight)


    7) DOOM ( The vilain by witch all other vilains are measured)


    8) Flash ( cause when you think speedster, you think Flash)


    9) Venom ( The symbiot shows us there realy is a fine line between love and hate)


    10) The Watchers ( Unfathomable power and can never use it)

  7. Originally posted by Law Dog

    One of my favorite variations on Speedsters came up a few times on the old board. It involved Duplication with some limitations on duplicates appearing only within the path it would be possible for the speedster to move along. It's very pricy, but a Flash level speedster isn't going to be cheap.


    I like that too.. Or maybe a limited form of images..


    It works well for a speedster needing to make multiple skill rolls in the same phase (like doing a little high speed chemistry experiment) and then tossing the mixture into the mouth of the rampaging monster.


    Again.. a good idea..

  8. Re: magic


    Originally posted by Kefrem

    how would one go about making a magic type pool similar to dr.strange? i mean..doc always seems to shoot spells from the hip and always seems to have just what he needs when he needs it...would this just be one wicked VPP? or something different...i have the old mystic masters book..but...alot of it seems either illegal now..or just hoky, any ideas out there?


    A mage on the order of Doc Strange would definately be a VPP(probably along the lines of 75-85 active points).

    It would have "change powers as 0 phase action" +1.

    Posibly "no skill roll" +1 ( if you're talking Doc Strange)

    Limited class of powers(magic) -1/4


    A lower level mage could have a small VPP and a Multipower to hold the "well known" spells.

  9. Re: A request


    Originally posted by JmOz

    Right now to purchase reduced End on a characteristic you either have to make a custom power OR you can use a Char as a power and mark the right check box, however to use the latter you must have at least one point bought this way (IE you must have +1 STR) any way to allow it as a 0 point option (thus making it essentialy a advantage on the base stat.


    Also something weird, on vehicle templates it gives the END cost for Str




    I think you want this on the Hero Designer board

  10. Originally posted by Monolith

    I am currently working on a powered-armor character which uses Multiform though. The character will have 4 different suits of armor to choose from for various missions much like the older concept of Ironman (battle armor, stealth armor, space armor, sea armor). I will be giving the Multiform power itself an OIHID limitation to represent that the armor cannot be removed though.


    I personally see this as more of a multiple vehicle thing. Build the guy, then build the various armors as different vehicles. I've tried this with one of my PA guys, but I have yet to master the technique.

  11. Re: I understand your head ache.


    Originally posted by Patriot

    Heres my take on it:




    Special sense: Detect hostility 10Pts

    360 degrees 5pts



    2d6 Aid To Power framework and powers with in(+1/2)

    AutoFire 5(+1/2) Autofire based off Per roll (-1/2)

    +48 to Max(24) 54points




    When the Pc encounters negative emotions you may ask for a perception roll for every 2 points it is made by, thats 2d6 to the pcs pool, to a max of 10d6 (possibly 60 active points)


    Hostility can be considered any negative disad(Casual killer,belligerent,hatred of whatever(if its active) or a hunted(again, if its active))



    OK.. First of all, I think this is the way you want to do this. You can change it so the Aid goes to the END RES instead, still getting the same effect, pretty much. But a corection on the interpretation of Autofire Aid. You get to roll an extra time for every 2 you make the roll by, they are not cumulative. You only get the highest roll +1 for every "shot". This is the way it is described for absorption, witch is also an adjustment power. It doesn't show the advantage availabe for Aid, but I'd guess it works the same(FREd p88).



    If you have 2d6 Aid with Autofire3(+1/4) and you make the role by 4 you get to roll 2d6 3 times and take the highest roll. Then add 3.


    If you ave 2d6 Aid with Autofire5(+1/2) and you make your roll by 8 you get to roll 5 times and take the highest. Then add 5.


    NOTE: With autofire Aid as with any autofire, it's still limeted to how much you make the given roll by. So if you only make the roll by 2, you only get 1 extra roll.


    NOTE 2: I was just reading the rules for autofire, and you may want to forget using that part, it could get very expensive.

  12. Originally posted by Aroooo

    Like others have suggested, I've just gone with length in most cases, and disregarded the mass column where it is 'off' from the 'real world' stats I have. In those few cases where I have length and width, I've used area as the basis for the vehicle's size.

    I keep having to remind myself its about the effect, not the 'hard' reality :)



    Another thing to remember when talking about starships. There are no 'real world' stats. It's still just a game.

  13. It was posted here before, a perfect solution to this problem. First you have to define the cost of the multiform. The MAIN character only pays 1/5 for BASE points in the Multiform. If your multiform has it's own set of disadvantages, and most do, then it can have it's own experience. Just give the player 5xp(or whatever you're giving for that game) and tell him/her that the exp can be spent to improve the primary character or spent as xp on the multiform(never changing the BASE points).

  14. Originally posted by Monolith

    The only time I require Multiform is if there are skills and personality differences between the two characters. If all that happens is that powers are gained I go with OIHID.


    I agree with Monolith here. If the MAN is essencially the same and just gains powers, it's OIHID. The only one I'm on the fence with is Firestorm. If I'm not mistaken, isn't Firestorm the merging of two different people? That one really could go either way.

  15. Iron Man is definately one of my all time favorites. I hope they can make good movie out of it. I'd hate to see another "Captain America" or "Punisher" out there. As far as doing a Champions conversion, I've tried to convert some of my favorites. It just never quite works out. I've decided instead to use them as inspirations on my Champions characters. I'm currently playing Man-O-War. An Iron Man inspiration.

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