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  1. How would you build Detect Minds (Mental Group, Sense, Targeting, yadda, yadda) with a limitation that would indicate a certain level of focus is necessary? My initial thought was Concentration, but Concentration imposes a blanket penalty to Perception Checks...since the power IS a perception check, would the penalty apply to the power as well? Thanks!
  2. Re: THE ULTIMATE MENTALIST -- What Do *You* Want To See? Yeah! I've been waiting for this since 5th Ed. was mentioned. My GM has done a great job of defining what the mind and its defenses "look" like. It helps him keep things consistant and allows him to alert me when something is "off" without saying "you notice that this mind is different than any other you've seen". Perhaps including some ideas for the GM who has to deal with "mental" players? Also a discussion of "mentalist" skills and the differences between trained and untrained mentalists would be interesting.
  3. Re: How would you build a digital camera? Perhaps pointless. But it's a heckuva lot of silly fun. Ultimately, though this is an issue that the GM decides... If you want to give your players gear for "free" (which is what you do in Heroic Campaigns, if I understand correctly) you can! If you're concerned that certain gear could have a major impact on the campaign and want to make them pay points, you can! That is the beauty of the HERO system (IMNSHO).
  4. Re: How would you build a digital camera? Excellent ideas! Thank you all.
  5. Re: How would you build a digital camera? The way my GM sees it, if the item can have major impact on the game and the character usually has it with them...you pay for it (superheroic campaign). I'm certainly okay with that...wouldn't be fair for Batman to get all his toys for free when Superman has to buy all his powers.
  6. Re: How would you build a digital camera? True, but while Eidetic Memory (Visual Images only) captures the "photograph" capability, it doesn't really capture the "movie with sound" capability. And in reality, they're somewhat mutually exclusive...if you use the camera to make a movie, you have much less space to record images. To me, it's starting to sound like a little multipower...which is kind of icky since I wanted to put it in a multipower (utility belt).
  7. It takes pictures and/or movies w/sounds. You can view and selectively over-write files. The write up for a camera in the Equipment Guide doesn't quite seem to be flexible enough.
  8. Re: Converting "Space Dock" to HERO First, thanks for the response, Steve. You're the greatest, as always! Second, Spence, I think you and my GM may need to talk. He's currently planning to convert our Star Trek campaign which started in LUG, then converted to Decipher with major house rules tweaks to martial arts [which ended up looking strangely like HERO]. Perhaps when we cook something up we could share it with the rest of the HEROverse.
  9. For those of you not in the know, Space Dock was/is the advanced starship combat system produced by our own Steve Long for...darn, I can't remember if it was for Last Unicorn's Star TRek RPG or the Decipher version. (Oh yeah, and he GAVE it away! ) In any case, I was wondering if anyone had tried to convert it to HERO?
  10. Please tell me if I’m reading this correctly…it seems too good (for my mentalist PC) to be right. Find Weakness for a single attack: 10 pts. Find Weakness for a group of related attacks +10 pts. Only to Find Weakness against a single “exotic†defense (e.g., Mental Defense): -1 So, Find Weakness – All Mental Powers (20 Active Points); only to find weakness in Mental Defense (-1). Real Cost: 10 pts? Thanks!
  11. Re: How do you track END? Um...I track END, STUN, and BODY in the margins of the copius notes I write during the session. My fellow conspirator uses a separate piece of paper so as to not mess up her notes. It might be rocket science...no, wait, it's just math.
  12. Re: Classes of Minds If I recall correctly, 5ER addresses this issue under the classes of mind section under mental powers. In fact, I believe the recommendation is that the PC be treated as the same class of mind as the other PCs (usually human)...perhaps with the additional physical limation that they can be affected as machines.
  13. I understand that Mind Link purchased as a slot in a Multi-Power is broken when the user switches slots. What happens though if Mind Link is used to connect 4 characters and then the user switches slots? I can see one of two things happening. 1) The connection between all characters is severed. 2) The other characters remain connected to eachother (until they opt out) and the user can rejoin the link with an attack roll in a later phase. (As if the user had been knocked out or rendered unconscious.) Which is correct? BTW: Steve, great books! I can't imagine where HERO would be without all your hard work. (Oh wait, yes, I can... ) Thank you!
  14. Is Telepathy bought with Autofire (only to find additional information) subject to the +1 modifier for the advantage as described under Mental Powers in 5ER? I ask because the cost of the Rapid Telepathy option in the UNTIL Superpowers Database seems to indicate otherwise. Thanks! p.s. I'm loving 5ER! Great job!
  15. Oooh! Please can you include Damon Herrington? He's one of my favorite bad guys from the previous book, and I'd love to see what you could do with him. Also it would be good to see what DEMON thinks of other mystical groups (e.g., Dark Seraph and the Crowns of Krim): are they allies, rivals, enemies? Just my two cents.
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