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Joe Walsh

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Posts posted by Joe Walsh

  1. I believe Ron has more to say about Champions (he recently wrote a blog about Champions math and his method for evaluating character power), but AFAIK he doesn't have anything specifically slated for this "series" of columns. There's really not much more to say about HERO/Champions development other than maybe talking about 5E to 6E changes, and I think that's maybe a bit too specific for the theme of his blog. But we'll see.


    Hopefully I can get the Worldbuilding Guidebook off the ground sometime soon -- I figure I'll write most of it and then run a Kickstarter to fund production, something like that. The danger is in getting so wrapped up in researching various sections (e.g., climate or the development of cultures) that it bogs the project down. Gotta watch myself. ;) Fortunately I already have the outlines done to keep myself semi-on track.


    In the meantime, if you want to get a taste for what it'll be like, attend one of the "Worldbuilding Workshops" I run at cons. In the space of (usually) two hours the audience, guided by me, creates a world through a process of suggesting options and then voting on them. It's hellafun and always results in something interesting and delightful. (Last GenCon I got to do the Workshop in seven 1-hour sessions, which was awesome. Going to try to convince Marc Tassin to let me do it even bigger and better next year -- or maybe in some different way.)


    Here's a link to a description of the world that was created at last weekend's Workshop at Congregate 2:  https://www.facebook.com/fansofcongregate/posts/778946542218352:0


    Oh, I misunderstood "Next: The book that wasn’t there" at the bottom of the column. That must be a column on a completely different subject. :)


    Nice world, by the way!

  2. As much as I would love to see 6E1 & 6E2 & the Basic Rulebook reprinted with all errata fixed, that just doesn't seem to be in the cards.


    The '...Complete' books are the official rules, now.


    Still, when people ask me to recommend a way into 6e, I'm as likely to recommend the PoD Basic Rulebook as either of the Complete books. It depends on the needs of the person doing the asking.

  3. My current campaign is heroic-level. We typically play for about 2 hours per session, and combats (when they happen; that's not the focus) typically take 5-10 minutes.


    My ideal depends on the campaign, really. If we wanted to do something more combat-focused, longer combats would be welcome. But as it is, the campaign is focused on espionage, keeping firmly in mind that for covert agents, being in combat means you've screwed up.

  4. I agree, if you're not acting, then you should be preparing what you'll do next and most importantly enjoying what else is going on around you in the game.  When its not your turn... you're the audience at a very dynamic movie or play.  Enjoy the game as others play it too, and hopefully the GM is making it fun as well.


    I understand that it's sometimes hard for people to get out of board game mode, but the benefits make it really worthwhile. Your post is a great expression of that.

  5. I haven't run FHC one-on-one, but I have done Hero one-on-one plenty of times, from 2e to 6e.


    As with any one-on-one RPG campaign, make sure the PC has the skills and resources necessary to survive in the campaign. Point-based systems like Hero make that pretty easy.


    Don't put the PC in deadly situations all alone without realizing that, hey, if the PC loses consciousness, it's all over unless the bad guys/monsters/whatever decide to keep the hero alive for some reason (a well you can't go back to every time).


    One or more friendly NPCs can make a huge difference in some campaigns, but of course there's the danger of the NPCs overshadowing the PC so you have to be thoughtful about it.


    In some genres, such as dungeon crawl, it may be a good idea to let the player run multiple PCs if they're up to it.


    It's not Hero-specific, but there was a good column on RPG.net about running one-on-one campaigns that you may find useful: http://www.rpg.net/columns/list-column.phtml?colname=duets

  6. Not only loss of intelligence, but loss of personality. Which almost makes it wounds like some kind of Transform?


    Don't forget Does Not Bleed (Much).


    I'd also give her +1 SPD when in full-on zombie mode.


    Physical Limitation: "Pretty much the only way I can taste anything is if it has at least six chili peppers next to it on a menu" probably isn't worth more than Infrequently, Barely Impairing, but it's funny.


    And of course Contact: Ravi: useful skills & resources, etc.


    Excellent points, especially about the Transform.

  7. Hmm


    Ok powers


    13  points

    Visions:  Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Sight And Hearing Groups), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (75 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), Precognition/Retrocognition Only (-1), Concentration (0 DCV; Character is totally unaware of nearby events; -3/4), Only Through The Senses Of Others (-1/2), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Only from the Most recent Brain; -1/4), Visible (-1/4)


    34 points

    Skills of the dead:  Variable Power Pool, 30 base + 4 control cost,  (45 Active Points); Character Has No Choice Regarding When Or How Powers Change (-1); all slots No Conscious Control (-2)


    19 points

    I A already dead!:  Healing 2 BODY, Resurrection, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (80 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2)


    47 Points

    Full On zombie Mode:  (Total: 55 Active Cost, 47 Real Cost) +15 STR (Real Cost: 15) <b>plus</b> +20 CON (40 Active Points); Nonpersistent (-1/4) (Real Cost: 32)


    and limitations


    25 Psychological Limitation:  Takes on personality traits of Last meal (Very Common, Total)


    25 Going Full Zombie Mode:  Berserk when attacked or wounded (Uncommon), go 11-, recover 11-


    35 Zombie Hunger:  Berserk going without brains for more than a few days (Very Common), go 14-, recover 14-


    5 Distinctive Features:  Very Pale skin and bleach white hair (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)


    20 Distinctive Features:  Undead physiology (Not Concealable; Extreme Reaction; Detectable By Simple Tests)


    5 Dependence:  Human brains -30 Active Points from Affected Power (Difficult To Obtain, 1 Week)



    Nice build, freakboy!  You're obviously familiar with the series. :)

    I'm not sure if it was your intent, but I believe they've established loss of intelligence as a side-effect of not eating brains (like happened to the zombie in the pit). Hard to model that precisely, unless Zombie Einstein would have ended up with an Int 10 after eating no brains for a month. I'm guessing they probably intend for them all to end up with the equivalent of Int 1 or 2. What do you think?



    I'm not familiar with the character, but I'll try.


    In a point-based game, you want to be careful that when you're trying to model a specific effect, that you don't accidentally make it more expensive than it is worth.  If you are spending 50+ points on skills, you're probably not getting nearly enough utility out of it.  At that point, you could almost buy all the skills you could ever need outright and have them all the time.


    I'd go with something like (in 5th ed):


    KS:  Stuff the person whose brain I just ate knew


    3 Overall skill levels, no conscious control


    So you're looking at spending 18 points, to get a "skill of the week" ability at 11- (8- for Cramming, boosted to 11- w/ the levels) as well as having Int roll level knowledge of the person's life, family, personal stuff.  For every extra level of Cramming, you get an extra skill the person knew.  Alternatively, you could buy every skill you might need, and put a no conscious control limitation on it.  That might be cheaper.


    That's a clever take on it, Massey. I hadn't thought at all of going in that direction!

  8. How would you create a character like Liv Moore from iZombie?  Eating brains gives her some of the memories of the person whose brain she ate, and also some random personality traits and/or skills that the person had. What she gets isn't under her control, so it would be up to the GM. Some of what she gets is helpful, some cause complications (typically, she gets one good and one bad trait per brain). The effects seem to last only until she eats another brain.


    Would you just handle that off-character-sheet (that is, don't bother with CP), or would you use a VPP with the limitation "Character Has No Choice Regarding How Powers Change," or some other method?

  9. Here is some unsolicited advice on counting dice.

    Look for patterns that add up to 10, I tend to group the dice in sets of ten and can count them very fast that way. It takes a little time to get used to, but you could master it in half an hour of practicing if you choose.


    Great advice and that's exactly what I've always done. But I still have to snark and say, "Oh, boy! Homework!" :)

  10. If I were just starting out with Hero System and wanted to run anything but a fantasy campaign, I'd begin with Champions Complete. Otherwise, I'd start with Fantasy Hero Complete.


    6E volumes 1&2 are the most complete version of the rules ever published and include numerous options and variations. You can get even more options with the two Advanced Players Guides plus Hero System Skills.


    But when you're just starting out, all that stuff's just a burden. The core Hero System rules have been around for decades, and it's all anyone really needs in order to have a great time playing or running Hero. Those core rules are included in Champions Complete and Fantasy Hero Complete, as well as in the Hero System 6th Edition Basic Rulebook. Either of those three will work, but I recommend either of the Complete books because they come with some nice extras and are truly complete in themselves (whereas the Basic Rulebook keeps referring the reader back to volumes 1 & 2, making it clear it's part of the 6E line and not a stand-alone product like the Complete books are).

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