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Posts posted by Bazza

  1. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    Exactly. Though I would stress that the punishment would not involve floggings. No, instead violators shall be made to referee a debate between Seenar and Worldmaker.


    Yeah, I'm mean and nasty.

    That is indeed crueller than herding cats.
    Or worse, getting between Mightybec and sheep during mating season. :angst::D
  2. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    No' date=' just click on the post count number to the right on the listing of threads and it tells you everyone who posted and how many posts each. Not to take away from Bazza's effort in advising us, that was cool.[/quote'] Thanks. Although the problem was that when copying and pasting the info into a text document the numbers where on a seperate line rather on the same line as the handle. So effort was required (but not much) to correct it.


    I reckon it should be done, every 25 or 50 default pages (15 posts per page) just so to track progress.

  3. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    Currently our WGAC Index is around .63 which is a significant improvement. I think we turned a corner.


    By comparison the "random about random" thread stands at .78, which would be a nice goal to reach; "Burning Times" is on fire with nearly a full point; and of course "catsuit" is king of the jungle at more than 2 points.



    so basically more pictures needed. thanks for the update.

  4. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    I think we should factor in the WGAC Index. That stands for "Who Gives A Crap?" It uses the number of views a thread has to modify its number of replies. Based on my entirely unscientific observation' date=' the average thread has roughly ten time the number of views as it does replies. So the WGAC Index is calculated by (views / replies * 10).[/quote']AA, how are we doing now?
  5. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    How the team is going:


    Who Posted?

    Total Posts: 384


    User Name Posts

    Super Squirrel 51

    archermoo 41

    austenandrews 33

    Mightybec 24

    Kara Zor-El 23

    Ben Seeman 20

    HeroTina 19

    Dr. Anomaly 19

    Bazza 17

    zornwil 16

    Rachel 14

    lemming 13

    DocMan 10

    Bill_CCHKK 9

    Klytus 9

    kawaii gin neko 9

    Rage 8

    Vanguard00 8

    Tim 7

    Old Man 6

    gewing 6

    James Gillen 5

    Doug McCrae 3

    Madstone 3

    BoneDaddy 3

    JMcL63 2

    WhammeWhamme 2

    Mentor 1

    Lord Mhoram 1

    Solomon 1

    Hawksmoor 1

  6. Re: A Thread for Random Musings


    Yay, my neice had her first birthday today. I was working and unable to make it :(.


    Some of the highlights I was told:

    • She wanted to walk everywhere not crawl
    • She had a sensation/feeling that the day was special (but not that it was her birthday)
    • When her 2yr old brother unwrapped a present of a child in a cot (or something to hold a child) she said "bubba" and kissed the 'bubba' through the plastic/paper package. She also kissed the doll throughout the morning.

    All up everyone had a great time.


    Proud Uncle.

  7. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    By the way, just a notion: There are about 35 posters with postcounts above 1,500 (meaning they are frequent posters) who are still active and are often found in NGD. That's only about 38 posts each to beat the 'Catsuit' thread.


    C'mon, folks, we ought to be able to do that standing on our heads! Shall we show a bit of 'community spirit', all pitch in, and do our part?

    I'm trying, this should make lucky 13.


    All in the name of Community Spirit, Dr. A pass the non-alcoholic wine over here.



  8. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    They're doing just fine. :) Three are sleeping, and Erin is settling down. She's teething, so she's not a very happy camper these days. :(


    How are you and yours doing? :)

    My niece is teething too, her 1st birthday in a couple of days. She can walk and loves her grandparents.


    One is 2 and as always at that age cute, fun, and a handful. He is very definately got his own mind and states so frequently.


    The eldest is nearly five, one month approx to go. I'm sure he is counting the sleeps. He went from Pre-school straight to Transition (he skipped Pre-Transition) and is just starting playing sport.

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