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Posts posted by Bazza

  1. Originally posted by Lord Mhoram

    Ouch. We get Diamond weekly and it is this weeks shipment for us. So Wednesday, I will be hoping for a really slow day so I can read this huge tome. :D

    You sound like someone who works in a FLGS 'cause mine spends a lot of time reading as well. :) But due to the cost of shipping to Aus ad the small size of the business, we get them in fornightly. *Fingers crossed* "2 weeks to go?"
  2. I found out yesterday that I may have to wait minimum of 3 weeks for my copy of FH to arrive. My FLGS receives its Diamond orders fortnightly and FH is not coming in next weekend with the shipment. :(


    On the bright side, I can do some exercise and weights so I can lift it when it does come.

  3. Originally posted by Nightshade

    Hermetic lore (true lore, not the various gaming ones) had Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Metal as the primary elements.

    Originally posted by CorpCommander

    Is Ether a primary element as well or part of AIR? I know the Greeks believed the planets were held in suspension in Ether.

    According to the sources I've read Quintessence was the 5th element. Is Quintessence equivalent to Ether? I forget.
  4. A time for reflection...


    Originally posted by Steve Long on the OLD BOARDS 12-22-2001 02:41 PM here

    We absolutely haven't forgotten FH. It's one of my favorite genres, personally; I've had the next FH book on my "to write" list for years, and can't wait to get started on it.

    Steve now that it is written, 17 months later after you posted that msg how do you feel now that the book is written and being distributed to FLGSs?


    What has been the best experience you've had when writing it?


    What is it about the fantasy genre that it is one of your favourites?

  5. Originally posted by Lupus

    HERO's selling real well down in Australia. That's what I hear from one of the mainwholesalers here, anyway. Apparently, they can get 30 books in and sell out inside of a week - that's a lot better than any other line. I thought for ages that they just weren't stocking books, because I could never find a copy of Champions. Then I found out they /were/ getting in copies, they were just selling out.

    Which wholesaler is this, Walrus & Carpenter? My FLGS has ordered stuff from them for me both HERO and Chaosium's Call of Cthulthu Fiction. It usally takes at least one month or 2 from when I place the order, from when they mail out the order sheets to FLGSs. But at least they come through...but the agonizing waiting. :(
  6. Originally posted by Agent X

    Let's not forget Korvac either.


    Any two-bit villain with the presence of mind to tap into Galactus' Ship's database deserves to become a cosmic villain that can kill members of the Avengers with a snap of the finger and bring them back again at a whim. Truly mighty with a tragic twist to the story.

    Having just read the story in TPB form, I feel sympathy for Korvac and that storyline. One of my favourite villians. I saw his entry in the Marvel Handbook way before I read the story, and wasn't disappointed.
  7. Originally posted by Enforcer84

    As for kicking Galactus' butt, maybe when he was hungry. But according to Marvel he is the middle.


    There is Eternity (Life)

    There is Death (er..Death)

    and there is Galactus.


    I doubts the little blue midget headcases coult take him out when he was ready for them.

    Also remember that Galactus is the reborn sentience of the old (Marvel) universe.


    One other thing to consider is the Celestials, when they go and test planets dominate species for evolutionary purity. And then destroy them if they fail the test. Is this part of the natural order of the universe? Or perhaps a higher-order that the GLC cannot comprehend?


    cf. the trade paperback: Thor Agaist the Celestials. Instead of Thor-briches - substitute him for the GLC.


    (note: I no nothing about GLC)

  8. Easy answer


    Originally posted by Agent X

    Glad to hear it. Yeah, my favorite example on Thor was when he towed a Rigellian ship moving FTL back toward Earth. The ship also appeared to be the size of a Destroyer. If I were to build that in Champions, I shudder to think what kind of strength it would require to perform such a feat.

    As a fan of Thor, not enough. ;)
  9. Mr Burns


    Originally posted by Spectrum

    So who would be the best candidate for Dr. Doom? Mr Burns or Sideshow Bob?

    It would half to be Mr Burns. Dr Doom is more the arch-nemisis to Reed and if Lisa is 'playing' Reed, but Lisa has no singlar arch-nemisis in the cartoon like Bart (Johnny Storm) has. But Johnny has no singlar arch-nemisis either. The only match per say is with Mr Burns who has been an enemy to all members of the Simpson Clan.
  10. RE: Audun Tvalbard




    I could help but think while reading his background that he sounded quite similar to the defrocked priest / philosopher Giordano Bruno. Perhaps the two ran into each other at philosophy school, Bruno being one of his former peers and now he is hunting Aud as their philosophies clash. Is P.E.E.R. also hunting Aud?


    P.E.E.R.: Philosophically Enlightened Enigmatic Recluses ;)

  11. Originally posted by Marcus

    Well, from what I understand a JLA vs Avengers crossover is in the making... which perhaps will go a long way to giving us a 'canon' answer to this one.

    I'd say it depends on the way the writer writes it. Do you really expect him to be more faithfull to the charcter's or the fanboys?
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