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Everything posted by lazarus

  1. lazarus


    Starting a "campaign" soon (might just turn out to be a one-shot). The premise behind this campaign is that the characters are starting out supervillains. This means that they need some superheroes to fight. So, I got to thinking "Hm... who could they fight? What would their names be? What would their powers be?"... then I thought up the name Scorpio... which lends itself to having the team be Zodiac - names based on the Zodiacal signs. So, here's the _start_ of the Scorpio write up, but I need more. I'd like to get him up to the 350 points that the characters will have, to potentially give them a challenge of a sort. Main issue is I don't remember the personality traits of Scorpios. Anyway, here he is: Scorpio. value Stat Cost Roll 25 STR 15 14- 18 DEX 24 13- 20 CON 20 13- 20 BOD 20 13- 12 INT 2 11- 8 EGO -4 11- 10 PRE 0 11- 8 COM -1 11- 5 PD 0 4 ED 0 3 SPD 2 9 REC 0 40 END 0 43 STUN 0 0 LEAP -5 6 RUN 0 2 SWIM 0 Total: 53 Skills/Martial Arts 4 Martial Strike 3 Martial Grab 3 Martial Throw 4 Martial Block 11 Acrobatics 17- 9 Breakfall 16- 9 Climbing 16- 7 Disguise 13- 3 Interrogation 11- Total: 53 Powers 13 Carapace: Armour +10 rPD, Hardened, Always On 5 Prehensile Tail: Extra Limbs 45 Tail attack: HKA 3D6 AP, Only with tail (-1/2*) Total: 63 Disadvantages: Aversion to Killing (psych. lim. common, total): 20 Tail (distinctive features, not concealable, major reaction, normal senses): 20 Green scaly skin/carapace (distinctive features, not concealable, major reaction, normal senses): 15 Total: 55 Total points spent: 169/55 of 350 (200/150) *reasoning behind this is that only one of three limbs can use this attack. Now, I'm hunting for ways to get the cost up, as I said. I don't just want to improve the stats, as they're about right I think. More information about Scorpio: He was exiled at birth, thrown into the wilderness, due to his skin and tail. He's had to survive outside of society until about 8 years ago (when he was 15), when he was found by some fellow superheroes. Slowly, he learned to speak English, and how modern society functions. He chose the name Scorpio, based on his scorpion-like tail. Zodiac, the team he works with, is feared among the common citizen, but that fear is baseless. Most of the Zodiac teammembers are physically mutated and reviled. The team, however, still attempts to keep the city clean and protect its citizens from the evils of the world. ***************************** As I get more of the team written, they'll go here. But, before I get that far, I need help to get this guy up to snuff, then find some astrology site detailing personality types. I'd also like pointers on how to run that campaign, as I'm new to GMing Supers If done right, the citizenry will see the PC group as being the good guys, and Zodiac as being the bad guys, when the actual roles are reversed. Thanks, Laz
  2. Re: Sidekick I really love Sidekick. I'd given HERO cursory thoughts over the past while (since I first saw the FREd book), but the cost and reading issue prevented me from purchasing it. However, Sidekick was there for all of 13 Canadian $ ... so I picked it up. Read it cover to cover, it becoming the second gaming book I've done that with. Another member of my gaming group has become interested in the system, and depending on the outcome of our "Test-Run" game, he may pick up FREd. I'm looking to eventually get HD2 and the Bestiary, at least, if it turns out to be as fun as it looks. Laz is a student without much $$...
  3. Re: Marvel's Rogue The other thing about the Multiform is she'd need an Undesired Transformation (or whatever it's named) - well, both would.
  4. Re: Sidekick v FREd, among other things. Thanks for all the info. Fortunately for my cheque book, I found the Dungeon Hero page (after finally remembering what it is) ... which has a HUGE list of D&D creatures. Eventually, though, I think I'll get more books Just not when I don't have any cash... Laz
  5. Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever Or glowing red eyes? Laz
  6. First a note: I've only got Sidekick, so I'm going only by that text The powers that affect senses (generally) cost 10 points for affecting a Targetting group, and 5 points otherwise. Since Sight is the only "standard" targetting group, it seems to me that the "targetting/nontargetting" is a little odd... Does this mean that you could, for example, purchase a power which affects all Targetting Radar or Targetting Smell sense groups? How would that work? Another question: The Charges Adv/Lim has "Renewable Charges" and "Non-Renewable Charges"... and standard charges. What's the difference between the three categories? Do Standard charges recover through the REC? Thanks, Laz
  7. a few things. First - I'm new to the HERO system, having just bought Sidekick, and nearly done reading through it. There are very few things I can think of doing that I can't do with that book (Rogue's power, for example, or a decapitation - would that be an attack targetting the head - rules for which doesn't exist in Sidekick). Anyway, what I'm really wondering is what's missing from Sidekick? I know they've got a bunch of stuff listed in sidebars, but they don't mention VPPs anywhere, etc. Second - if I end up buying a "Monster Book", which would be the more "ideal" book to get for generic purposes? Mainly, what's in MMM and what's in the Beastiary? How do they compare? Which do you prefer? Why? Third - are these monster books really necessary? How much do you find you use either or both of them? How do they compare to the various lists online? ... speaking of, I lost my link Laz
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