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Posts posted by AngryBug

  1. Re: Answers & Questions


    A: And that's how we came to find the corpse.
    Q. So, let me get this straight: you were each drenched with blood because the two of you had simultaneous unexplained nosebleeds, and we found you in the hole holding shovels because you were playing a game of 'Pirate Treasure Hunt' in the middle of the night?


    Q. Everyone I know has gone away.

  2. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: Signs your new high school teacher is actually a ten-year-old prodigy with superpowers.
    Well' date=' there's the height, there's the high little-boy voice, there are the essays he assigns with titles like 'Why Grown-ups are Stupid' and 'Why Dessert Should Come Before [i']and[/i] After Dinner', but mostly I think it's the fact that anyone supplying a wrong answer in his class is lifted clear out of their seat and into the air by a mysterious, unseen power giving them an Atomic Wedgie.


    NT: "You know, I still think I could've gotten away with it if only..."

  3. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: "Hi, my name is __________, and I'm ____________"

    "Hi, ________"

    "Hi, my name is __________, and I'm ____________"


    "Hi, ________"! Welcome to the National Censor Board Convention! Boy, ____________ sure is beautiful this time of year, isn't it?"

  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: Lost books of the Bible
    The Book of Bruce:


    Then Jesus said unto me, 'So, Bruce, you live in this great big hut all alone? There's no... Missus Bruce?'


    And I said unto him, 'No, Lord, for I am not of the marrying kind.'


    Then he bade me to sit next to him upon the couch, and inviteth me to stroketh his beard.


    And as his hand falleth with a soft caress upon my lap and he did say unto me, 'You know, Bruce, I live with twelve other guys so we're, y'know, very open about things...'



    NT: Signs the crew just may be about to mutiny.

  5. Re: Complicate the Person Above


    L. Marcus loves to arrange flowers in his spare time, owns four rabbits- named Flopsy-Wopsy, Bunnykins, Cuddle-wuddles and Mr. Cutiepants- and recently had his entire house repainted, inside and out, using twenty-seven separate and distinct shades and tones of the colour pink.

  6. Re: Answers & Questions


    A: Valley talk. NOt just a good idea' date=' It's the law.[/quote']Q. Look, Sprout, why didn't you mention this before? And why the hell will the Giant squash me if I don't say 'Hohoho' every thirty seconds?


    A. Well I thought you could, you know I thought you could, and I thought I could, too.

  7. Re: Answers & Questions


    A: That's no moon' date=' it's a motorcycle![/quote']Q. The full moon sure is beautiful tonight! I love that strange trick of the light that makes it seem to be getting closer to us... and closer... and closer... Hey, do you hear something? Like the world's biggest hornet-nest?


    A. Just give me what I know is mine.

  8. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: Signs you've been on the Board for too long at one sitting....
    You find yourself looking around at the faces at work and wondering why everyone else has such lame avatars, when you suddenly remember that people can see your actual appearance, and in fact you probably should have shaved and dressed before showing up here.
  9. Re: Answers & Questions


    A) Doom says that Doom is Doomed.
    Q. The Master spent all afternoon with that strange video device- then he smashed it to pieces in rage and stormed out? Oh, dear... and what did you say he was saying out loud to himself when he did?


    A. It's all that much more special when you kill to get it!

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