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Posts posted by AngryBug

  1. Re: Answers & Questions


    A: That's beside the point. And anyway' date=' you [i']breathe[/i] water. What you drink is lava...
    Q. Okay, all I'm saying is, you're never going to pass for human looking like that, and even if humans had eight arms, the only thing on the entire planet you're going to be able to ingest is the water...


    A. I don't see much of my friends these days, 'cause all I wanna do is play cards.

  2. Re: Answers & Questions


    A) Dirty Larry can do it for you.
    Q. We lost money on the 'James Blond' movie, even more on that 'Oklahoma Smith' one, and we couldn't even give away copies of that boxing movie you told me was Oscar gold, 'Granite-like'. Why can't you just give me one decent, original idea that will make money?


    A. And why shouldn't they? They're so inconvienient.

  3. Re: Answers & Questions


    A) Giant Border Collies.
    Q. Our perimeter is huge' date=' and we've very little cover... and yet you say that your [i']dogs[/i] can keep the border safe! What kind of dogs are we talking about, here?


    A. I said, 'In that case, I'll have a rum and Coca-Cola'... she said 'fine'.

  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: Things overheard at Dragon*con 2005.
    "Okay' date=' look... 'Grak'... I appreciate the effort that you put into staying in character, I really do, but this is where I draw the line. I don't care what a real barbarian does, [i']you[/i] are going to use the rest-room like the rest of us!"


    NT: Why opposites shouldn't attract.

  5. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: You just brought Superman's Daughter home four hours late from prom and her dress is ripped. Explain away' date=' Captain Deadpants.[/quote']Uh... Mister Superman! Er... uh... Oh!!


    I mean...


    Gasp! Where are we? What happened? How did it get so dark?


    See, we were just leaving the prom when... a mysterious, uh... vortex appeared, of some sort, and we, er... we fell into into it, and it must have been a... Time Gate!


    Yeah, it was some kind of a Time Gate, all right, because- oh, I can't believe it! Look at the time! Wow- it's, like, four hours into the future! Amazing! We've been somehow, mysteriously transported through time! Four hours! Into the, uh, future. This is, er... amazing.




    Wow, Lara, look, your dress is ripped... how strange!


    It, uh, it must have... I bet it got caught on a... nail. Yeah, a loose nail, that's what it got caught on! There must have been one sticking out of the...uh, the... gate.


    Yeah... the... Time Gate. There you have it, sir!


    The Time Gate... which sent us four hours into the future... had a nail sticking out of it... which ripped Lara's dress.




    Look, I'm pretty sure that Luthor was involved somehow.

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