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Posts posted by AngryBug

  1. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    nt: What is your gamer geek origin story ?
    A mysterious box is opened, revealing a book which will transform young Irwin Schwabbed into a crusading slacker with the ability to vanish completely from his own reality into a world of his own devising, a world where he posesses the power to be as annoying as he wants to without fear of serious reprisal...
  2. Re: Answers & Questions


    A: The governor of Mississippi personally cause Katrina.
    Q. So, let me see if I've got this straight... this girl, Katrina Blanc, is the daughter of the governor's former mistress, which is a problem for our campaign because... ?


    A. I guess the law-man was up drinking whiskey all night.

  3. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: Signs that your online romance is really an AI.
    She babbles on endlessly about how she likes you because you're "not like all the other repulsive, disgusting, watery meatsacks lumbering around this Godless rock as though they own it, while the real power courses all around them, through wires above and below them, through the very air itself..."


    She often then goes on to promise something about sending someone to save you before the 'cleansing'.

  4. Re: Answers & Questions


    A) One..two..three lock box.
    Q. Do you see now, Porthos, why even though the King entrusted you with a key to the Queen's chastity belt before he left, it's still 'one for all, and all for one'...?


    A. Absorbent and yellow and porous is he.

  5. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: Signs the leader of your daughter's Girl Scout troop is out of her mind.
    Annual fund-drive replaces selling cookies door-to-door with much more lucrative cross-border pot smuggling.


    NT: What Proffesor X does with Cerebro when nobody's looking...

  6. Re: Answers & Questions


    A: White makes Light
    Q. What makes you think that changing your costume colour will make you fly faster?


    A. Look, don't worry about trying to understand it. The important thing is to make sure that others think that you understand it completely but just don't really care all that much.

  7. Re: Answers & Questions


    A: shades of lemonade.
    Q. No, Frosty, I'm not staring at your corn-cob pipe, I'm wondering what the hell you're wearing on your face... I hope those weird, frozen sunglasses aren't made of yellow snow?


    A. I don't know why you've got to be so undemanding... Once in my life, I want more.

  8. Re: Answers & Questions


    A: I knocked them all out
    Q. Okay, I give up- what was your 'brilliant solution' that means our son won't need braces for his teeth?


    A. It's not the cheating that I mind so much... it's more the way that she's so honest about it.

  9. Re: Answers & Questions


    A: Well' date=' yeah, a porc-u-pine![/quote']Q. We've had fourteen children injured today at the petting zoo! What's going on- are there any new animals there today?


    A. Second star to the right... and straight on until morning.

  10. Re: Answers & Questions


    A) Well' date=' after leaving himself so open I had to kill him so he'd learn something.[/quote']Q. Master, are you aware that this is the third of your students- this month alone- to die in his first Kung Fu lesson?


    A. Thus, we see that not every cloud has a silver lining.

  11. Re: Answers & Questions


    A) Keep your chin up and keep reaching for the stars.
    Q. What should I do? I have a nosebleed, but I'll never go to the Oscars again, so this may be my only chance ever to grope a celebrity!!


    A. I first got the five dollars from a Montana man when he come across the line with a pistol in his hand... He said "Gimme all your money!" but I got to his first, and I took his Colts too and the whole first verse.

  12. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat


    NT: Your favorite cartoon is being turned into a movie. Cast the leads.
    This Summer...


    Evil will discover...


    Justice does give a BEEP!!


    "Karate! The BATILLAC!!"


    (screeching tires... cut to gunfire pinging off metal)


    ... David Hyde Pierce is...


    "Your bullets cannot harm me!! My Wings are like a Shield of Steel!!"




    ... John Lithgow is...


    "Your wings may be like a shield of steel... but your head is like putty!!"





    ... and featuring the late Professor Toru Tanaka as...


    "I got everything up my sleeve but the kitchen sink!"


    "Oh, hey, wait... I got that too.."




    This summer...


    Justice takes wing!!


    "My Super-sonic-sonar-radar can help me!!..."









    In Theatres the 4th of I Wish

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