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Posts posted by AlHazred

  1. Since some of the items you'd put it on have a rather high BODY (the side of a castle, a powerful demon, etc.) I'd make it an Image, rather than a Transform. For one thing, it doesn't seem to make sense to me that it would be "harder" to mark one person than it would to be another, yet a person with 20 BODY will be tougher to mark than a person with 10. Mind you, you could do the optional Transform vs. EGO, but I'd go with Images as a simple solution.


    Cost Power END
    4 Wizard's Mark: Sight Group Images, Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2) (20 Active Points); OAF Fragile (Golden Scribe, a delicate marking device that seems to be made of gold; -1 1/4), Set Effect (unique mark for each wizard; -1), No Range (-1/2), Requires A Magic Skill Roll (-1/2), Limited Effect (Detect Magic sense only; -1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4)


    All that said, in a campaign that included such things, I would probably make it a free ability for anyone with the Magic Power skill.

  2. You could have a number of assistants "Aid" the primary necromancer's Summon power. These shouldn't be "normal" apprentices either, for a necromancer of great power. Perhaps they are insubstantial shadows, or other "flavor items" in the necromancer's hideout...


    "As the necromancer chants her potent spell, the very sarcophagi that adorn the walls of the chamber seem to echo her incantation in funereal tones that form a ghastly harmony. Black mist rises from the shadows that flit wildly about the chamber as the spell draws to a blasphemous conclusion."


    I do this sort of thing all the time, so that the PCs never really know all the details of what is going on. Then later, you can expand upon some detail they overlooked.


    Also, I think you need the +5 point Multiple Combat Effects adder for the Change Environment to make it "book-legal". You can easily house-rule it, just be aware that you are house-ruling it.

  3. Originally posted by Toadmaster

    One character that I thought of that I thought would have been a nice addition was Jim West from Wild, Wild, West, the character is in the period and it seems to me it would have been fitting to have the American character be based on a TV show while all the other were from novels.


    All of the characters in the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen graphic novel are characters drawn from period pieces. Jim West was an add-on character, created in the 60s.


    It's like trying to include the Aeolus character from Hercules: The Legendary Journeys in a Greek myth.

  4. Hmmm...


    Seeing as villains usually have some capability of predicting the heroes, I'd considered giving him an additional villain, from the Ahnenerbe; I figured he'd have a crystal ball or something.


    Radar backed by his powerful Zuse computer, would give him that and be more in keeping with his Pulp Superscience Overconfidence.


    Cool ideas!

  5. Originally posted by proditor

    Since you seem to have veered away from using the Komet, I don't need to do the "Oh my Lord, never put T-Stoff in a Zeppelin" dance.


    Not to worry. I'm using gasoline to "dope" the zeppelin's skin. And mounting flamethrowers as the primary weapon.


    Okay, not really, but it would be a hell of a firework...

  6. I plan on posting the version of the Zeppelin I worked up, so I thought I'd Bump this higher on the list.


    I've also worked up some of the other super-types that work with the Baron (so at least this post won't be entirely without content...)


    Fury: His name given to him by the American press, I've basically lifted Feuermacher wholesale from Conquerors, Killers, and Crooks, changing only his background to fit him into 1939.


    Ãœbermensch: For this guy, I took the All-American from Champions Universe, changed his Stars to Throwing Knives, renamed his Stripes into Klebstoffgranaten, and replaced his Rocket-Powered Punch with an experimental machine pistol that fires Armor Piercing rounds (necessary for him to threaten my team's brick). I also gave him super Leaping so that he can keep up with them, but removed some Contacts and a few anachronistic skills. I'd be happy if I could come up with a better name.


    Baron von Shreck: The master villain of my piece has yet to make an appearance on stage; I prefer my master villains to spend their time plotting and scheming rather than deal with what is (to them) a minor group of unimportant obstacles. I've been working him up by using the Millennium City Dr. Silverback, renaming his Assorted Devices VPP into a Pulp Superscience VPP (increasing it to 90 points), and reconfiguring his Sciences. Oh, and taking 5 points from Silverback's STR and dropping it into COM; I assume the Baron should look the part of a "clean-limbed Aryan". I'll undoubtedly be changing him to suit the players' desires in a master villain; I love to satisfy their cravings for a truly epic foe, so that they enjoy beating him more.


    Siren: Another villain that I'd like to rename, Siren is a superspy, more of a Pulp Anti-heroine than a Supervillainess. I took Dr. Macabre's Mesmerism Multipower set from Champions Universe, and added in Super-Disguise, Advanced Sneakiness and Advanced Hiding In Shadows. She's hypnotized two PCs already (one with a post-hypnotic suggestion, one in order to create the Plot situation in the last session), and is still a complete mystery to them. Maybe I can make her a medieval German faerie creature, or a Rhinemaiden; must look into their mythic abilities...

  7. Note that their minds are Machine Group, and that some of their Disads no longer apply. Also, when I used them in playtest, I modified Devastator to get rid of the OIF on his Multipower reserve, but kept it on the individual slots.

  8. Gold Comics has four issues of old MLJ comics on-line for free. More available if you register. MLJ later became Archie Comics and dropped all of its superhero titles. They were never my favorite, but some people enjoy them.


    If you don't care to see the whole issue of any particular magazine, Pure Excitement Comics has a number of Golden Age stories available. The guy's stopped posting with Issue 45, but he has a lot of first appearances by little-known Golden Age heroes in there. Some of them are pure gold.


    The Unofficial Golden Age Superman has both the original Superman story, and the "rewrite" after the Crisis on Infinite Earths.

  9. Re: Re: Laptops, Handys, Morse Codes And General Equipment Question


    Originally posted by archer

    Usually if it's superheroic equipment or part of the character's main concept, they pay points. If it's something small, readily available "normal" equipment, and the character isn't necessarily going to use it all the time, it's probably free or at most a 1-3 point Perk.


    I allow my Golden Age PCs to have mundane equipment that they would normally have, without charging them points (for instance, one of them is a police officer, and carries a gun; however, he's a brick with a Code Against Killing, so he's never going to use it).


    If a PC had a large number of futuristic or Pulp Superscience devices (i.e. he was from the future) but they're only for flavor (i.e. TV-radio wristwatch, self-cleaning clothes, etc.) then I'd charge him for a Fringe Benefit Perk to reflect the slight roleplaying advantage they give him (not that he'll be able to use all of them, like the TV); I'd charge him from 3-8 points depending upon the usefulness of the items, how commonly he points them out, etc.


    If it's a futuristic or Pulp Superscience device that's going to see use, I definitely charge points for it (for instance, a Ray Gun, chainmail vest, earpiece radio, etc.) Those are highly useful, will see use almost every session, and are pretty powerful to boot.

  10. I've run two cycles of a really successful Harn Hero game for several years now (the GMs in my group trade off so no one gets stale).


    I think it's telling that every success seems to mean more when there's a great deal of challenge.

  11. Actually, what you need to do is to buy two of every book. One to keep shrinkwrapped in a climate-controlled vault, and one for use. Heck, even better would be three copies - that way, you have an extra copy for players who come over for a game...

  12. After running a playtest with the iconic Champions (Return of the Destroyer), I have to say, Ironclad works pretty well as written. That Punch can be incredibly devastating with some successful Gladiator's Eye rolls.


    Witchcraft has an extremely complex power set, even for experienced Champions players; I'd consider forcing complete newbies to set it as Spell of Vitality to give her extra shots. I wouldn't change anything there, either; anything left out can be put in the VPP.


    Nighthawk was extremely effective. Especially when he was "buckling swash". He's also got a ton of odd abilities, like a superhero "toolkit". I'm not sure I'd give him the 1-point weapon element for his batons; that would be hideous.


    Sapphire has an extremely simple power set. I wouldn't change anything there. She's perfect for people who want to concentrate on other things than using the most effective ability. I'd probably remove her PS: Singing and either Seduction (she's good-looking enough that she probably doesn't need to practice any seducing) or Teamwork (as the "one who seems the least serious", she might not have trained as hard with the others to develop the rapport apparent in this Skill). I'd then spend the 6 points saved on Reputation: celebrity singer/hero (worldwide) 14-, +2/+2d6. I might just remove them all and give her +3/+3d6. After all, she's "her name and voice were known all over America, and then the world." She's supposed to be really, really famous, and that would put her on par with the All-American.


    Kinetik was a huge amount of fun for his player. He was a good choice to add to the demo team. I'd make no changes to his powers, but I'd consider replacing his PS: Crossword Puzzles with Reputation: popular black hero (Millennium City) 14-, +1/+1d6.

  13. Has anyone else felt the need to tinker with the Champions?


    I'm not talking about minor changes, like changing Defender's scientist Contact to Dr. Silverback. I'm thinking about things that should have been done to the characters before they were published.


    I mean, from a demo-game GM standpoint, I like Sapphire. She has a simple power set and an appealing personality. However, as a "celebrity superhero" apparently modeled on stars like Shakira or Jennifer Lopez, she has no Reputation. She's supposed to demonstrate how the system works; I think a comparison between her fame and Defender's would be interesting and informative. Of course, he has no Reputation either - he's got a cop-out Social Limitation of "Famous". If he's got it, shouldn't Sapphire have it too?


    Anyway, just felt the need to get that off of my chest. Anyone else share my opinion?


    P.S.: Steve and co.: you guys should edit the Hero Games information over at Wikipedia.

  14. Keep in mind it's an in-game thing; the agents who rate the powers don't know how many APs a power is. Also, reading some of the blurbs in the sidebars (I love the commentary on Howler!) some of these agents have very limited exposure to supers, and yet attempt to rate their abilities. In all, very much like what would happen in the Real World, IMNSHO.

  15. Couldn't find the Command & Conquer zeppelins, although I did find a lot of Westwood Studios concept art that's pretty good. Still stymied for a large-size visual of a cool, superscience zeppelin. Not that that's stopping me...


    I'm trying to recall an old forum discussion. I don't remember what started the thread, but the conversation eventually covered the Maus (a German supertank design that clocked in at 188 tons). Anyway, several proposed Nazi infantry weapons were discussed, and I was trying to jog my memory. Anybody know what I'm talking about? This was last year sometime, I think.

  16. Loved your little "one-man" tank in The Ultimate Vehicle, Nato! Any chance of you statting that out?


    As far as the length of Spacer's Toolkit, while I would also have liked to see more material (half of the book being starships, which are not available/used in our Rifts Hero game), I feel that many of the powers in the USPD were repetitious; of course, that's so that it can be exhaustive. On the other hand, ST is pure goodness...

  17. Re: Purple Worm


    Originally posted by The Mad GM

    Swallowing opponent whole would be a really big grab attack, can affect all limbs and senses, with a linked HKA - teeth. And if they get down the throat, NND, can't breathe, possibly an NND killing attack for stomach acid. One worm can only 'grab' one person at a time, so for really big ones, add area of effect.


    I believe the current "thing" is to use an Entangle with a Limitation to reflect the fact that the Entangling character takes the damage done to the Entangle. Not that there's anything wrong with the Grab method; it's just that I think that Entangle (or some variant) will be used in the books...

  18. ... I'm picturing squads of Rocket-Pack toting Waffen Ubersoldaten, the Baron's specially-treated supersoldiers, carrying small Rocket Guns as they fly in formation in front of a zeppelin in the clouds...


    ... I'm seeing a huge zeppelin, it's envelope constructed of translucent superstrong aerogels, dumping mist out of ports on the side as it conceals itself in the clouds; several large Flying Wing aircraft wait in its hanger to release their explosive burdens on a hapless American public...


    ... The Baron sips wine as he ponders his latest instructions, received from the Enigma II operator. Behind him, rocket-soldiers train for the coming day when America enters the war...

  19. I've settled on a name for my villain. After watching a discussion of recycling characters, I've decided to recycle one from an old Cyberpunk game, who was later recycled into a Vampire game. Now he has another lease on life: Baron Wolfgang von Shreck (or, loosely translated, "wolf-trail from fear"). He'll be a scientific genius with a Gadget VPP, figure 90 point or so pool.


    Luftschloss Shreck; I like the sound of that. Plans forming, Campaign Cartographer calling, plots thickening...


    I think I'll be using those Cloud Generators after all, with some Sack AS-6 airplanes. These were propeller-driven planes with an important quirk: their wings were constructed to form a circle. I'm thinking: foo fighter outbreak...

  20. Originally posted by Aroooo

    My only quible with this is the recoverable charge. In real life you don't really recover the seat; it usually gets destroyed when if hits the ground. Just food for thought...




    In this case, "Recovery" means buying a new seat.

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