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Laundry Knight

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Posts posted by Laundry Knight

  1. Re: Team as characters


    I've had a similar thought. Let's say you have pre-created with the intention of allowing players to buy membership with one of the teams as an advantage. What value should the advantage cost? I assume that buying a membership to the JLA should be more prestigious than joining the Outsiders, but one of the advantages of being in a team is to spread the cost of things like bases and vehicles. Does anyone have any good formulas for the proper price of being in a team?

  2. Re: Nook/Kindel And Hero. Cheep PDF Hero System Books Without Trouble?


    I have three of the PDF's on my Nook. I can read them, but there are issues due to formatting. Sometimes, I will be reading a paragraph of main text and the next paragraph might be from a sidebar or a completely different section entirely and the tables don't work right either, but it does do well enough if you are just doing your first read through and are just trying to get the feel for the system, but for actual game usage, having the PDF's stored on a laptop would probably be handier.

  3. Re: Fictional cities


    I prefer fictional cities. Mainly because, I live in a small city and don't know my way around big cities, but I like big cities for supers. I like to build some basics of a city and then expand and explore as a I come up with story ideas. Among things I try to keep in mind is what kind of heroes and villains I want to use. If I want aquatic characters, I had better employ and ocean front. If I want a desert or forest based character, I had better have those terrains nearby, but I don't write down every corner and district until I have a need for it.

  4. Re: From Superfriends to Watchmen: The Extremes of Superheroes


    I am among those that prefers in the middle but would rather lean towards Super Friends than Watchmen. It's not because I think killing badguys is necessarily wrong, but I think a story needs some kind of tension, and for ultra powerful supercharacters, the tension should be not abusing their power. If you are doing a Dirty Harry, or a western then the tension is that bullets really hurt and not very good for ones health.

  5. Re: Hunteds for Foci


    I don't have APG, and it's not high on my to buy list, yet, but those suggestions are also good. When I get down to making the character, I may have to try it both ways, and see which one I like best. Of course, if I ever get the character in a game, I would have to find out which one the GM likes best, but for now, my character creation is just for exercise.

  6. Re: Hunteds for Foci


    This is for a character I have in mind for a Champions character but could conceivably work for a pulp. The character is a stage show magician, Zynar the Mystic, that buys the amulet cheap in a curio store to accentuate his magician's outfit. Unknowing to him, the item both grants him seemingly magical powers and is sought out by a mysterious eastern cult. The character isn't for any planned campaign. I am just new to the system and am trying out different story ideas and trying to write them up in Hero System format.

  7. I have an idea for a focus as an amulet with special powers that is being hunted by a mysterious group that wants to acquire it. The organization is capable of murder to acquire the amulet or to escape afterwards, but once the amulet is safely acquired they bare no threat to any previous possessors.


    Mechanically, I see that as a hunted applies to anyone possessing the amulet, but disappears once the amulet is out of possession. What is the best way to write this mechanically?

  8. Re: Hitting 'Til It Hurts


    As noted before, you would also have to take the fighters skill as a martial artist into question and his emotional balance while throwing a punch. A trained martial artist with a level head could hit harder and longer than the average office worker who has just lost his temper.

  9. Re: Sci-Fi Melee Weapons: Bat'leth, Lirpas, Lightsabres, Rykk Blades, Koltari, Denn'B


    Part of the problem with using screen images is that movie producers weren't able to produce real lightsabers and had to rod like objects with hilts, kind of like metal bokken. They just used special effects to shroud them with light. Consequently, the swords did bounce with contact and did have forward heft in real life; so, the idealized lightsaber and the screen lightsaber were two different animals, and you would have to decide which animal you want to run with in your game.

  10. Re: 6th edition


    I never bought 5th edition; so, I do not have anything to compare to. I did have an earlier edition of Champions back in the late 80's but never did anything with it, but of what I have seen of 6th edition, it looks like what I tried to get under GURPS but is better than GURPS.

  11. Re: Hero System Sixth Edition Concise


    As far as toting books around, I only have the PDF's right now of the three books I own, and they don't way any more than my Nook book or the laptop I hope to buy. I admit there aren't any gaming groups that do Hero around here that I am aware of, but if I were able to scare up an actual table top game, I would have hard copy carry hard copy versions of the books for convenience's sake I would use most often and leave less used books in electronic format.

  12. Re: NYC Beat Cops From The 1970s


    I'm old enough to remember a lot of 70's police movies and TV shows; so, I relate more to Dirty Harry, S.W.A.T., and Starsky and Hutch, and for sardonic humor, Barney Miller than I do with Hill Street Blues. I think a 70's cop game would be interesting.

  13. Re: Power Time!


    Similar to Enforcer, if I survive my first Reese's cup, I would a little bolder (hopefully not foolishly so). I like the idea of good deeds, but becoming a crime fighter in the really real world is legally problematic. Even in a conservative state like mine, you just can't go around beating up bad guys just because they are bad guys; however, those powers would be very useful and legal when used for community heroism, like fighting fires, rescuing trapped survivors, and searching for lost hikers and such, and if you are a person of good character, there is also the role model potentials that go with the celebrity that would logically follow.

  14. Re: Hero System Sixth Edition Concise


    I may be retreading information, but as someone who is new the system (I have only recently bought the two core books and Champions supplement), maybe, I can add some perspective to the discussion. As a new participant, I do need a little more hand holding than someone who has been playing the system since its inception; so, I appreciate the redundant example of the core system. Also, as a new customer, I neither know all of the additional supplements I will need or want to fulfill my aims with the system, nor do I have the finances to plunk down the money to buy every supplement that will be useful; so, having tidbits of additional information regarding the various subsystems like Star Hero, Fantasy Hero, and such at least puts me in the ballpark until I can acquire the supplements I want.


    I certainly would like a means to get everything in one cheap and convenient package, but I am also a realist and know that for the Hero System to survive the owning company, Hero Games, must thrive, and game companies thrive mostly by selling addition supplements and probably make very little profit on the core books or at least not enough to survive by only selling the core books.

  15. Re: Star Wars Hero: Why should I? (or not)


    I'm new to Hero System but an old hand at WEG Wars. I think easier to acquire play balance when designing races and templates as more useful races and templates would be measured by the points paid for them. The hardest part, at first, would be turning Jedi powers into Hero System powers.

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