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Everything posted by Pax

  1. Re: Omega Team Campaign Logs Wow looks like I am a little late to the party! Life has been hectic so I have not spent much time at the boards this year. I am Bryan the player of Pax. Eddie ran what will go down for me as one of the most memorable games I have ever played in. I liked the game so much that I have used the Pax handle for years on this board. That said I do feel a little slighted One of my best friends in the whole world puts my Pax character sheet up on the board and spells my name wrong…Eosin How could the Pax in the trash can and grenade incident not make it into the notes. It was classic. Eddie In reference to the economy sucking here and going crazy in OKC you are so very right. I would love to move back to OKC who knows maybe in a few years I can. If you ever start the game back up please let me know. While I doubt very much that I could attend at least I could sit up here in Tulsa and sulk about the great game I was missing. Thanks for bringing back a flood of fond memories and building in me a desire to find a good roll playing group up here. Tulsa is a roll playing desert then again maybe you guys just spoiled me. Peace, Bryan
  2. Is it valid to have skills and take the Nonpersistent limitation on them? A character with probability manipulation has + 3 DCV. I don’t want him to pay end for them but I would like them to take some effort therefore I thought Nonpersistent would be a good way to go about that. What is your stance on Nonpersistent for a skill or more precisely a skill level? Thanks I did check the FAQ so I hope this question has not been asked. Peace, Bryan PS Dan did a great job on Hero designer v1 and v2 is looking way better. I figure you are his boss and a boss should know when one of the boys is doing a great job.
  3. Lot of work! I just wanted to congratulate you on all that hard work! While I see the characters completely differently I can appreciate all the time and energy you spent on then. Keep up the hard work Peace, Bryan
  4. I think a lot of it depends on how “real†you want to make it. Different states have different laws. I can give you a glimpse at Oklahoma laws. In Oklahoma a person can get a Conceal and Cary permit for firearms. Needless to say there are a great many rules that I will not bore you with but here is one that you might find useful. I can shoot someone who is threatening my life or the life of one of my family. If a guy comes up and starts a fight with me or my family I can not pull my gun and shoot them. The threat of a beating is not sufficient for me to shoot someone. If they use a weapon or I feel like the beating is not going to stop then I can shoot in self defense. Let’s say someone was harming a kid down the block that I know. I can not pull my gun and shoot them even if they are beating the kid senseless. This is to stop the cowboy mentality that some people get when they carry a weapon. Most states that have a Conceal and carry law have a similar clause. So if you want to get technical just because the super villain was beating someone to death would not give a “civilian†the authority to use deadly force. Hope this helps Bryan PS: when we were explained the above rule and asked the instructor what they would do. She said the law be dammed I am not letting some kid get killed. I think it would be hard for a jury to convict someone trying to protect a kid.
  5. I would like to buy more inches of movement on my tunneling then defense. Sand would like to have 20†of tunneling but only through 3 defense material Is it reasonable for him to spend 49 points on this power? 15 points for 3†through 3 defense and + 34 Points for the extra 17†of movement? When you want a character to move through the earth and not leave any visible trail tunneling should be bought invisible 5e pg155. Can I get away with buying it invisible to only the sight sense group or do I have to buy it fully invisible? Peace, Bryan
  6. Along the same lines as above. Read the JLA Read Authority. Those two books show how very powerful heroes can be challenged. Another idea is to look at the characters and ask what you want to accomplish. I have just started watching the JLA cartoon with my son (He records it for me while I am at work) I am amazed at how weak all the characters are. Superman may have a 60 strength but it is possible he only has a 50. One of the problems with champions is that real world stuff is way to tough. When a bank vault is supposed to have 20 defense Grond (THE brick in champions) is going to have a hard time and be forced to haymaker it just to start taking it down. If the problem with getting the flavor text of the character to match what they can do then I have a very simple fix. Give all real world things ½ defense verses super hero attacks and make all normal humans die when they drop to 0 body. If you want to take it to then next level give all the heroes 50% damage reduction verses normal stuff so the 4d6 RKA law which rolles all 5’s (20 body and 80 stun) will do no body to your 25r defense brick and only 27 stun. That said if laser dude does the same thing it is good night time. If you use the above then even a very weak superman with only a 60 strength could kill a normal human in one hit dead! And after a couple mighty blows he would cave in a bank vault which is appropriate for the cartoon. Hope this helps Peace, Bryan
  7. If a character has a reasonable special effect like flame powers and they buy an EC EC Fire powers Fire blast (Energy Blast) Fire shield (force Field) Fire Flight (Flight) Shape Fire (TK vs. Fire) And they fight Gravity Man who can increase gravity. Gravity Man makes it to where people can not move by draining his opponent Flight, gliding, running, and leaping. By my understanding of the rules Fire dude just loss some of his Fire blast, fire shield, and Shape fire powers along with his flight. Should I just accept that Fire dude got a break on the point cost and this is just the way it goes? Or is there a common sense clause to the way drains work vs. power frameworks? I like the new expanded limitations on Elemental controls but the more characters I make the more I avoid them so strange things like the above does not happen. Peace, Bryan Keep up the good work!
  8. New Marvel Game There will be a new marvel game out in the next few weeks. This game will play very different from most other games because it is dice less. Should be fun for a read but I have my reservations. Peace Bryan PS it is being put out my Marvel. Which is not a good thing if you ask me. I don't has Hero to put out comics so don't ask marverl to put out an RPG.
  9. Pax

    Building Darkhawk,

    an idea I would use regeneration. Trigger the regeneration to only go off when the multi form is activated. Darkhawk buys 10 body regeneration that is triggered by the multi-form activating. Then put a limitation that he only gets 1 body per hour of not being activated. Peace, Bryan
  10. a couple ideas Regeneration from death is the easy way but even that stipulates there needs to be a way to stop it. Summoning on a trigger might work. But you have to summon a complete copy of yourself. There is an advantage to allow you to summon a particular person. This is a major GM permission thing! As for regeneration I have built several regenerators some very rapid regenerators. Here are some suggestions. Regeneration duh Armor Special effect that you took the body and stun but it healed back in an instant. Damage reduction special effect is the same you took the body but some of it healed back instantly. Aid as healing. Concentrating on healing yourself back High recovery Extra body Extra stun Extra DCV the attack hit but you healed it all back in a flash Absorption to body The GM may want you to buy some of these powers invisible. My GM liked the Armor idea so much he let me buy it without invisibility. He mostly liked the idea of me staying away from aid. Imagine this scenario Normal guy with 10 PD, 10 Body and 40 stun gets hit by a 15 d6 Energy blast the effect would be 5 body left and -3 stun. Now imagine he has 10 points of armor, ½ damage reduction, and 1 body regeneration. He gets hit by the same attack so he looks like he is instantly knocked out and bleeding all over the place. In less then a second he is back to all 10 body and his stun is 24! That guy is still in the fight after taking a might blast but boy dose he look worse for ware. One little thing I did is I said that 1 point of body always bleeds through the armor that way I got to use my regeneration. Peace Bryan
  11. I was running a game where mechnon was real smart. He went to the heroes and called them out at there own base (the nerve of that guy.) They fought hard and managed to defeat him. One of the players got a “lucky†shot in and killed him. The truth is he wanted to rune the new champions so he created device that let him place his “intelligence†in other devices but it had a short range. At the end of the fight he jumps in the PC’s base computer. Over the course of the next few adventures bad things happen. The PC’s don’t respond to several distress calls quick enough. The jet breaks down all kind of silly stuff. Mechonon planed on discrediting them so people would stop supporting heroes and he could better destroy all life. Here is where the bad thing happens… One of the players thinks the computer got a virus and with no warning downloads the entire base computer into a back up computer with no network access. Mechnon is trapped in a computer and can not escape. The PC’s actually took him out. It was great. They did not figure out it was Mechnon for about two more weeks. Peace Bryan
  12. I must be missing something. Here is the way I see it. Feel free to electronically slap me if I have missed something From my perspective Champions characters all but un-killable. In my 15 years of playing the game I have seen very few characters killed. So making a character all but un-killable does not seem too abusive. Heck in the new rules the power has be actually created. Having multiples running around does not seem to abusive as long as one and only one show up for any fight! More and more hero groups get around by teleportation so that is just keeping with current comics. Now as a GM I can see one really bad thing with this concept. He is all but un-captureable (<--Not a real word). That said I have not seen many adventures based around capturing the heroes. But they are out there and this character could mess that up. Please make the assumption that the guy is built at the same power level as the rest of the group. Please don’t think that I plan on summoning a 700 point automation to have the computer push around that would be silly! Peace Bryan
  13. I would like to build a character somewhat similar to Spartan from Wild Cats. Now I have not followed the comic for a long time so this is completely my take and not a designer trying to replicate him in the most accurate manner. So here are my questions I would like to build the base character as an AI. The AI would be 350 points The AI would buy a Starship that is about 750 points and be a stock ship from the Vehicles book with two additions. Addition one: a teleportation device that will have global range. Addition two: A device that will create Automations (up to 4). The Automations will be created using summoning with the slavishly devoted advantage and have no intelligence. I then want the computer to control the Automations. Now there are all kinds of play balance issues that come up. And some rules issues two. I would like to use mind link to remote control the automations. Is that legit or do you guys have another way of accomplishing one computer controlling all the automations at the same time. Here is how I plan on play balancing this. 1. Only one automation can participate in any battle the others are there for role-playing use only! 2. The Automations will have stun but will not be able to be con stunned. 3. The automations will have relatively low defense 10 PD/ED with 10rPD/10rEDand 50/% Damage reduction that does not affect body damage. 4. Any time an Automation is brought to -30 stun it will be destroyed. Any time an automation is brought to 0 body it is destroyed. The reason I made it so easy to destroy them is that it is kind of hard to be killed in Champions. And how cool would a returning automation be if he never had to come back to life Any observations would be appreciated in both rules and game balance. Peace Bryan
  14. I had one of those noble endings for one of my favorite characters. There was a master villain who was based from a different reality/dimension. This guy was on par with dark side or apocalypse… very nasty and there was no way we were going to win. Once we arrived he set this huge army of skeletons against us. All the players were having a grand old time killing these poor weak automations forgetting that we had a mission. My character had powers like super man only one at a time (like Ultra boy) My character flew past this huge army of skeletons survived half a dozen very powerful magic arrows to get to the master villain way before everyone else. When I get there the GM is shaking his head realizing that he is going to have to slaughter my character. But instead of attacking the big bad guy I offer him a deal. He stays away from earth’s realm and release my comrades and I will serve him. The GM is left speechless. The bad guy takes my character up on the offer and EDT’s the group back to earth. Where I serve this guy for a long time…. About two years later in the real world there is more to the story but that is for another day. Never has so much fun playing a disadvantage in all my life the character had “Loyal to team mates†at the total level Peace Bryan
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