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About DrSavant

  • Birthday 06/01/1963

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DrSavant's Achievements

  1. SURPRISE!!! Sucker Punch; You are about to attack someone who doesn't think you are going/able to. ( The special effects of this vary.) If the target is not expecting an attack from you, use SURPRISE [in or out of combat]. Here are some guidelines; Does the target have danger sense? Do they think they are being stealthy, but aren't? (Failed roll) Do they think you are distracted (by combat per se)? Are you faking that you don't notice them? (360 degree vision)
  2. No Range Attacks RKA with no range; Poison? The poison does damage that is not affected by STR (Perhaps a poison bite or weapon?) Life Draining? You touch it, it ides! Not affected by STR Cause Disease? Requires touch, but not affected by STR Just to name a few possible special effects.
  3. Biggest challenge for new players/GM's POWERS!! The Hero System allows for GREAT creativity in this aspect. Skills, perks, characteristics etc are almost neatly laid out, but powers are open-ended. In some systems powers are cut and dry, by name and effect. Sonic Blast, Fire Generation, etc just to name a few. But in hero system YOU choose the name and effect. This can go into as much depth as you want, as even similiar power effects can have different causes and/or effects. Example; Energy Blast- Electricity # 1- Creating a Bolt of Lightning by Weather Control # 2- Gather static electricity, magnify and release # 3- Projecting the body's own electrical energy # 4 - Manipulating surrounding electricity ( wires etc) The list is nearly endless.
  4. It Figures- Raping the system First of all, I am glad that you noticed this problem. BUT, it is not so much a flaw in the system as it a flaw in the players/GM. MUNCHKINISIM. If you can learn to recognize this in your players and yourself, then hopefully it can be overcome. Some signs of MUNCHKINISM: STR/CON ending in an odd number for +1 to stun EGO 11 for +1 ECV, for a non mentalist INT ending in 3/8 for +1 Perception roll The main "cure" for MUNCHKINISM is; Maturity and Creativity. Maturity- For not trying to get "over on the system" ***For realizing that heroes are MUCH MORE then numbers (This is IMPORTANT) Creativity- For focusing on what characters are really about !!
  5. I was hoping to start a thread on how to handle "Mystery powers". So here are some things I've done as a GM; Hold back on EXP to players, for the eventual "Radiation Accident", that grants a new power. Ideally the new power should have the following limitations to represent the "mystery" of the new power; NO CONSCIOUS CONTROL [power is literally unknown] 2 x END cost [ Extra effort, since how it works is a mystery] Activation Roll [ Character has had no chance to practice] Side Effect [ "Blacks out" when power is used-classic] Anyone else have any other suggestions or ideas???
  6. Variable Power Pools I have seen how VVP's can be EASILY abused, and unbalance things (with little to no creativity on the Players Part) Here are some things I have used to try to control that. Lets start with a 50 pt VVP control cost 25= 75 pts total # 1- A maximum limit is used, and heavily enforced, of how many powers can be in a VVP at once ( I use 6) # 2- Each power must be created ahead of time, otherwise it becomes too useful and abusive. # 3- A general Limitation is used to define the pool's effects. Only Animal Powers, Only Ice Powers, etc NO CREDIT is to be given to the PC for this limitation, (it's a trade-off for the diversity). All powers MUST clearly belong to that effect. Beyond that any limitation or advantage can be added.
  7. The Law says; I have seen and GM'd many games, so I have seen many systems. Here are some; #1 Anyone with 3d6 K + is considered to be carrying a lethal weapon. # 2 The 3 telepath rule- Telepathy is only allowed IF 3 different telepaths gather the EXACT same information. # 3 Androids, aliens, etc have NO legal rights # 4 The use of Clairvoyance, X-Ray vision etc is NOT admissable in court as it amounts to illegal search. # 5 The use of Mind Control to make a suspect confess is a Civil Rights violation. # 6 If your duplicate (duplication) commits a crime YOU are responsible. # 7 Berserk, in some cases, might be grounds for a plea of "not guilty by temporary insanity". Above all be CREATIVE, and have fun!!!
  8. Leave your body behind Actually in Champions 4 ,P 62-63 under DESOLID they list Leaves Body Behind (-1 Limitation). It can also be done as a physical limitation [Leaves Body Behind] Extra-D movement probably uses the same limitations
  9. Power Modifiers Actually I've seen players want both an EC and a MULTIPOWER, (and a few who also wanted VPP too) How I do it is this; I put a slot limit on EC and MULTIPOWER to avoid abuse of the system (the limit is 6 powers) I also require that the powers be related in some well defined way. Fire, Ice,etc seem fine but something like "Known Spells" seems like a munchkinization.
  10. Each of us has a favorite story of how the BIG M met his demise. I wondered if anyone wanted to share theirs? Mine?: Mechanon was approached by GALACTUS, who offered Mechanon the chance to be his herald, IF he would help Galactus to 'eat' the Earth. Since Mechanon hates organic life he agreed. He began with the idea of covering the entire Earth with a highly potent poisonous gas that would put everyone in the world to sleep. But there was 1 flaw, the formula would be easily countered by a rare element- moon rocks (just follow for a moment) Mechanon went around detroying ALL the moon rocks in the world then he contacted Galactus and prepared the poison. The PC's searched for moon rocks and found NONE left. Except 1 source, that Mechanon didn't know of. A young (newbie & reformed) hero had elements of moon rocks in him [his name was Eclipse]. He jumped into the liquid and neutralized the poison. For his failure Mechanon was completely destroyed by Galactus.
  11. Speak with Dead Try this; CLAIRSENTIENCE [Retrocognition] with the following Limitations; Only through the senses of others (-1/2) Vague and unclear (-1/2) Time Modifiers (-1/2) This assumes you only want to know something that the dead being knew about during his life [GM's ruling] If you are, however, talking about information that doesn't depend on who the spirit was etc; Use SKILL as "power"-> [ CRAMMING ]. This works for nearly anything you want to know.
  12. Are you crazy? First of all INSANITY takes many forms, yet implying that it is a Psychological Limitation means you can exert willpower over it which is not always true. Personally I'd say it was a social limitation (VERY FREQUENT, SEVERE) As for mind recoiling in horror after enough exposure; How about ABALTIVE EGO DEFENCE? Building the horror as a mental power/damage shield (Ego Attack ?)
  13. Such a creature.... This seems the simplest way to achieve this effect; Low dexterity, plus extra DCV levels with the Limitation[does not work versus those who have high EGO and low OCV] Effect; A clumsy oaf will be fighting against your full DCV (Dexterity+DCV levels) and most likely miss, unless he has high Ego in which case he attacks at your base DCV (most likely hit) A highly trained fighter goes against your basic DCV (Dexterity + DCV levels) and will most likely hit.
  14. Home sweet home Every once in awhile a GM will set up a game in his own home city, or at least a nearby one. I had a hero group stationed in New Jersey, and one in Philadelphia. I then tried other states and cities, the last one I had was in Jacksonville ILLINOIS.
  15. Which came first.....? The problem is one of; if one of those who are in combat takes an action that would affect the others choices, which goes first??? Example: What if you have DESOLID and an RKA, and your opponent decides to go desolid? 1) If the RKA goes off first it hits before the target can go desolid. Thus he is affected. 2) If the target goes Desolid and the RKA hits, it passes right through him as he laughs his head off. He could then turn it off and attack to his hearts content. 3) If he goes desolid first, then you can follow with your desolid and can attack and affect him. This is just one small example but it does illustrate the fact that when 2 people react at the same exact time you can have an almost unresolvable paradox.
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