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About Cpt.Storm

  • Birthday 08/26/1964

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    Springfield, IL
  • Occupation
    College Dean

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  1. Re: Christopher Reeves This was very sad news. He's done so much for stem cell research and he was coming so far with his own therapy. It's a shame that a bedsore took his life the way it did. The world is a little less bright today...
  2. Re: Firearm Muzzle Energy Any way you slice it, it's gonna be messy at short range.
  3. Re: Firearm Muzzle Energy As I said, OUCH!! But at least he has a good, built-in barometer.
  4. Re: Champions Universe Complete? Maybe we Dark Champions lovers are just secretive lurkers that don't have much to say?!
  5. Re: Firearm Muzzle Energy Maybe this will help as well... I'm a college instructor and I teach physics and this question comes up all the time... Newton's Third Law states, 'for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.' Taking this into account, if the energy of a bullet were enough to knock over a person then firing the gun would also knock over the shooter. Coupled with this, of course, is the mass of bullet compared to the mass of the target. Inertia, as understood by Newton's 2nd law is the tendency for an object that is stationary to stay stationary and one that is motion to continue in motion. Now, when two bodies collide their mass is taken into account. I think it's safe to say that a bullet is much less massive than a human body, hence no flying 10 feet backwards. Finally, there is kinectic and potential energy. While the bullet is travelling it has kinetic energy. When it hits the body that kinetic energy is at its highest amount. If a bullet goes through and through, very little damage is done because the time of impulse (the amount of time the bullet is in contact with the body) is very short. This is why they make bullets that flatten upon impact. This causes the impulse time to go exponentially and also slows the bullet down so that it will bounce off bones rather than go through them. The longer the bullet is moving through the body, the more damage it does. Gruesome, yes, but effective. I hope this helps.
  6. Re: Anybody ever play Fantasy Superheroes? I've never tried this but I'd love to hear how it turns out! I've always been curious but not curious enough to give it a whirl.
  7. Re: Playing 3.5 after Fantasy Hero I am playing both in Hero and in D&D 3.0 and I just had to create a new character in D&D. Wow! I had been away from Hero for a few years but recently got back into it. After playing Hero for about six months and then having to create a D&D character I felt so limited! I found that I really missed the flexibility of Hero and it felt so canned. Oh well, I will still have a good time playing D&D (I've been playing since 1979) but it won't be the same after playing Hero.
  8. Re: FH Racial Balance question for the GM's I hear you about the STR mod but try to counterbalance it with the reaction to the PC in towns. At least in my version of the Turakian Age most townsfolk will not want a troll in their midst. Because of their reputation as brutes the innkeeps will only think of broken furniture and lost customers if they allow a troll in. The guards will only see trouble when he/she comes through the gates. So, depending on how much roleplaying you have in your campaign, you can limit the PC's effectiveness just by using his surroundings against him so to speak. Just my two copper...
  9. Re: Dark Champions Campaigns Just started playing in a 'Wierd Conspiracy' type campaign where we all have some sort of either criminal, police, or military background but have been hand picked by the U.S. Marshall service to head up a group called S.O.G. 13 (Special Operations Group). Our mission is to investigate and eventually (or is it hopefully?) debunk cases that look supernatural or alien in origin. For instance, our first mission was to investigate a motorcycle gang that had a leader that 'appeared' to be able to start hellacious fires with his mind. This adventure, unfortunately, got my character horribly killed but the rest of the group managed to find out that this mastermind actually had a sharp-shooter with incendiary bullets and a silencer. He was shooting the targets causing them to explode and this was coordinated with the leader raising his arms as if summoning fire. This was discovered after one of those cartridges separated my skull in half and made it appear as if the back of my head was lit on fire. Most disgusting... I can't wait to find out what's next for us.
  10. Re: Sell me on DC Sorry Laz, I didn't mean to mislead. Twenty pages seemed like a lot of content for that subject. As I said, I haven't read it all but what I did read was well done and very detailed. Though I wouldn't want to take an exam in Forensic Science based on the book it seems plenty for gaming. Again, sorry if I mislead. Cpt. Storm
  11. Re: Dark Champions Character Pack now in Online Store
  12. Re: Sell me on DC Yikes!! Well, like I said, just like CSI but more... hehe Cpt. Storm
  13. Re: Sell me on DC Though I haven't read the entire chapter, it looks like it covers most of the the stuff I see on CSI or CSI:Miami. Does that help? Cpt. Storm
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