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Everything posted by GTAgamemaster

  1. Re: New Writeup Game! Fix the "Weaklings" Now that is a cool take on him McCoy. I have always thought that Multiple Man could be an absolute skill monger. Make X amount of dupes and send them to class or training or whatever.... Master 10 different martial arts in the same time... (okay I realize some Martial Arts are more difficult than others) His ability to do research and assimilate information would be truly Scary...as I understand it, when he recombines he gets all the memories of his individual dupes. I have to admit ... I did not think that he could just duplicate anything he was holding onto... I thought his costume duplicated because it was Unstable Molecules or some such but I may be wrong. I think SHIELD should have taken him and trained him and you would have SUPER AGENT KNOW IT ALL AND DO IT ALL guy. Still Normal stats and what not but with more skills than you could shake a stick at. And let's not get me started about the combat experience he could accumulate and how his various perceptions would give him insight on how to best make use of his own fighting abilitites and those of his dupes.
  2. Re: New Writeup Game! Fix the "Weaklings" Multiple Man. He may not qualify as "weak" but I do believe there is some wasted potential in the character. What would you guys have done differently with the character? I think with the right training and motivation, Multiple Man could be a very dangerous individual.
  3. Re: The New Centurians: I like the idea of larger organizations of Super Heroes. I use a similar concept in my own game; The G.U.A.R.D. Teams!! (Government Ultrahuman Allied Rescue and Defense) I use the premiere members for GUARD Team USA and they are showing up slowly in my current campaign, centering around GUARD Team Atlanta. Each of these goverment sponsored Super Hero groups operate in a territory or Juristiction. I have not fully defined all the teams or their individual membership...I tend to build it as I need it. Right now I do know that I have the following: GUARD Team USA GUARD Team New York GUARD Team Atlanta GUARD Team Dallas GUARD Team L.A. I was worried about making my players feel unimportant in the campaign, but to my suprise, the players enjoy using the assistance and providing it to the other teams. It allows for guest spots and helps build tension when something bad is happening outside of their territory. It also gives my players a fairly accurate "yard stick" by which to guage their abilities. Where can I find more information about the New Centurians? Iwould be very interested in seeing how you structure your organization.
  4. Re: Suggestions? Telepathic PCs just captured VIPER agent I am having this same exact issue in my own campaign. I am using Viper as a main source of badness and I have a very good friend of mine playing the PC team telepath!! I explained to her my own misgivings about Telepaths and how a world with that kind of power naturally develops technology, safeguards, and social standards to govern these very scary people. Viper often uses blind entrances and exits for their main bases...(only the Drivers know where the bases are, and they have special implants to wipe their memory in case of capture! Its that or a bomb and the duty does pay more) I also have members of the Watch operating out of my main base. Most Viper helmets come with a degree of Mental Defense (but not a lot) Viper agents are fully versed about their rights and about the legality of mental intrusions (they have played that card a lot and have gotten some telepahts into a signifigant amount of legal trouble) ****of course VIPER is now considered an OUTLAW organization in part of my campaign and are thusly not protected by the law**** Viper uses misinformation and even mental boobytraps on Telepaths! Its dangerous to go poking around inside a snakes mind. The Viper Agents who get caught are on a need to know basis only and if they are compromised...9 out of 10 times, they die at the hands of Viper (the more UNBALANCED zealots of Viper take their own life.) However when there is no logical recourse, a good mental probing can reveal all kinds of nifty information...(and I find that the role of PC telepath is often to advance the plot and reveal information that enhances the game!!) This has been a great thread and has helped me out a whole bunch with my game. Keep the good suggestions comming!!
  5. Re: New Hero in town:Shadowraith Are you setting the belt up as a focus or part of a OHID? What affects your desolidfication? Will most attacks pass harmlessly through you and can you maintain the desolid long enough. (I realize that it becomes cost prohibitive to have attacks that work while yer desolid) I believe your buddy may be right, 50% Damage Reduction vs PD/ED should be fine. Toss in some Armor or Force Fields or a self only conforming Force Wall and you may be in business (ala the Ultimate Brick Book... very sweet defensive concept!!) Best of luck to you...
  6. Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots I believe that Akidna is from Greek and Roman Mythology and she actually was the mother of all monsters... I don't have my Edith Hamilton at hand to look it up though. The PCs are unaware of her exsistence yet but that is going to change soon. Teleios is not interested in being one uped by one of his own creation and he is going to inspect the Grond knock off that my PCs have captured. (Golden Grond... grond with a radiation field that does drain con and stun as an AoE centered on Grond. When GG was captured he reverted to human form and began to die from radiation poisioning... the PRIMUS medical staff was able to buy some time and the head physician decided that he needed to be reverted back to Grond to save the mans life. Reverie, the team telepath swam through his memories to try and determine his idenity and because of this a pseudo psychic bond has been established between GG and Reverie unbeknownst to Reverie. Golden Grond has been reverteed and while he is still savage, he is also calmer and he pays special attention to Reverie.... more fun to ensue!!) Thanks for input Kirby!! Any ideas or questions anyone?
  7. Re: Stopping Natural Disasters Only a few of my PCs are able to directly cope with natural Disasters. I have already put my team in position of having to render aid in the face of a flood. Clarion, the PC team leader, used his flight capability and boomming voice to assist with the rescue effort. Reverie, the team telepath/telekinetic, used her abilities to do spot rescuing and to search for survivors. Red Genesis, team metamorph, grew some gills and some extra muscles and helped with sandbagging and pulling people free from the flood. Tsunami, a half water elemental blaster, used his mastery over the element to sway the course of the flood... he also created ice walls to fortify what the mundanes had been doing to stave off the flood. Flash, our team knockoff of the Flash, did the rescue thing and assisted in construcing more sandbag walls at an extreme rate. I felt the team did really well dealing with the flood. They were smart and they did not concern themselves with being too flashy... a lot of teamwork was used and the pc heroes just enhanced the efforts of the everyday guy who was out there trying to save his town or neighborhood. I am curious about how to simulate the conditions of a hurricane as much of my game takes place in the South Eastern United States and I know it will come up in the future. I think I will be treating it like a change enviroment, megascaled with all kinds of harsh effects. Any thoughts?
  8. Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots I have an extended plot revolving around Grond. In my CU he has "retired" to the peace of the Amazon. Grond's hand, which had been severed in a super battle years before, had been stolen from the Paranormal History Museum along with several other items of super heroic lore. Other items had been stolen and my PCs correctly surmized after much debating (not to mention a few choice deduction and knowledge skill rolls) that someone was trying to recreate the accident that created Grond. Weeks later, new versions of Grond start appearing all over the country and encrypted Advertisements for buying a Grond start appearing all over the Web. A slight variation off of the Teleios/Clone plot... I am introducing a new Villainess named AKIDNA (as in the Mother of all Monsters) She is a former experiment/ assistant to Teleios! The plot is progressing nicely and the Team (GUARD Team Atlanta) has already captured one of the new Gronds and are attempting to help reverse the process which created this new Grond. Any questions, ideas, or comments???... let a guy know what you think!!
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