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Posts posted by eepjr24

  1. DS


    I don't think DS will do what you want. For DS to work, they must make a HTH attack against the character that has the DS.


    Here is a sample (probably not what you want, but can be tweaked easily):


    4d6 EB, Continuous (+1), Area Effect: 2" (+3/4), Selective (+1/4), 0 Range (-1/2)


    AP: 60, RP: 40


    Probably you also want to look into continuing charges to make this something that could be used a few times a day, not eat all the characters END and be somewhat afforable.


    - Ernie

  2. Originally posted by Keneton

    1. Background: Well written

    2. Restricted Effects: Well written but I do not understand why a person could not learn skills from multiple magic types or colleges.


    They can learn as many as they like, just not grouped under a single "Magic" skill roll. I thought that was clear, I will reword it.


    3. Casting requirements and restrictions. .


    *Long term end does not work this way. Why go through these machinations to make it cost less than it does by the rules?e obviosly limiting wizards harshly, but these LTE rules are far more confusing and arbutrary than the core rules for no good reason (that I can see so far:) )


    Long term end is suggested in FREd as being very effective at keeping mages from blasting away all day with spells. (pg 286) I was disappointed that none of the systems in FH took this route, so I rolled it into my own.


    I want a system that allows casters a limited number of casts per day, varied by the active points of the spells they use and how limited they are. I understand your confusion but the players will not have to track this at all. I will let them know when they start to become exhausted from casting. If they wish, I will share the basics of the chart with them.


    That said, if you have a better mechanic for accomplishing this effect, I am all ears. And in case it was not clear, the LTE applies to all casters, not just mages. And lastly, fighters will be playing with LTE in this campaign as well.


    *The limit on active points is harsh, allowing no mega spells or any powerful effects like transform or powers with stacked advantages. This must be a very low fantasy world, butif that is the flavor you are into-it will work and is a clean and simpe rule.


    In light of some other changes made in the system, you are probably right. What do you think of 3x prim stat? Or to encourage diversity, 2x (EGO + INT)?


    *Clerics will be far more powerful than wizrds by these rules.


    Could you give me a sample of why you think so? I would think that having no power frameworks available would even the playing field quite well.


    * Everyone will use a multipower, cheaper and without the silly 5 minute thing. Even with stacking, youll have to place at least -2 to -3 lim on spells to stack more than 3 spells in a 40 point power pool. Remember your active point limit! You could for example have two real cost 10, one real cost 8 and one real cost 12. See these requier huge lims for 40 active point powers. This is over and above what you require as lims on the base of the VPP. Where would they come from?


    I will agree that this system will favor high limitations being placed on spells. That is my intent. If you have 3 spells in your pool of 40 AP each, with -2 in lims on each one, you fall in the limits. It is not hard in a fantasy arena to achieve -3 or more in lims, especially with extra endurance which will be encouraged. Also of note that I will not be capping INT or EGO at 20, as long as players can pay the x2.


    *Is the skill require for casting multipower spells or for the control of the VPP? If not why allow it tobe used for various effects. As for cantrips the wizards here are already casting cantrips.


    I am not sure I have what you are asking here. If you mean, "Can a player use his Fire Magic 15- to change his VPP for fire based spells", the answer is yes. Please restate if that was not what you meant.


    *Regarding armor this is fair but once again very harsh.


    I can live with harsh to keep most mages out of heavy armor.


    *The research is brutal costing as much as a slot in the multipower. Remember the active poiints cost. Are you wanting everyone to play a fighter? This is overly restrictive ad jsut to build a starting wizard with a VPP in your sytem looks like it would csot 200+ points so far!


    Hrm. Okay. I may drop this, I will model some characters for several styles of mages and see how it works. I did that once before but the system has gone through extensive changes. The time for research will stay. I may make it a 0 point perk.


    *Why monkey with when you declare. Do all of the non wizrds have precognition and know what a wizard is doing before his dex in the phase. You are messing with core mechanics here. This destroys aborts and all sorts of things. With other lims like gestures and incants, it is easy enough to spoil a spell. Dont make it impossible to play a chracter mechanically.


    I will seriously consider this one. I had some ideas in mind when I created this that aren't playing out well now with my changes.


    *As for the limit of Int/5 by your sytem is is unlikely taht any wizard could even have that many spells up due to the VPP active point limits. Clerics on the other hand can have tons of continuing charges rolling!


    Thanks for the idea on continuing charges. I will look at those and see if I need to address it. The simultaneous rule may prevent it from being a problem.


    *Now that youve mentioned gestures and incants as required, go back and get rid of the damage rules from point #10. With these lims if they take damage at all the spell is spoiled.


    See above.

    I am not trying to sound overly critical. You seem to have a good grasp on most mechanics, but this iis way too harsh. I have run Hero adventures for years and I am trying to help. Consider allowing wizards a few breaks. Most of this is overkill. The limitations will limit on their own. Watch and see, trust Seve and the core rules. There are years of playtesting ahead.


    I have run it for a bit. My problem is I am rusty, have not run anything in a couple years, so I will look things over again and do some basic combat sequences and such.


    - Ernie

  3. Cantrip


    A small spell, usually of small or no combat value.


    Possible Examples:


    Blowing colored smoke rings, or creating whimsical shapes in blown smoke

    Tapping someone on the shoulder with telekenisis.

    Lighting a candle with a gesture.


    It will be defined in the campaign as a minor effect not worth points in a area which the mage knows at least one spell.


    - E

  4. Some of you may have seen this before, it has been revised mostly on further consideration and several tips from the new FH tome. I am especially interested in comments about the LTE rules and if anyone has had luck with them. Thanks.


    Rhyssin Magic:




    Magic is a force in the world, approaching equality with force of arms. It is also somewhat in infancy, so new discoveries are very possible. PC Mages can be among the most powerful spell casters given time, as the magic of the world appears to be slowly increasing. Magic comes from the gods, either directly (priests/champions granted powers) or indirectly

    (mage channeling the energy/essence available around them). Magic can and is used for good or evil, but is in and of itself neutral. Magic can be instilled into objects, but the effort and learning to do so will seldom, if ever, be available to the PC (exceptions may be made for alchemists).


    Restricted Effects


    There are no effects that are explicitly forbidden, however most mages will specialize their magic. Thus a light mage, or fire mage, or even a mirror mage would be known, but a jack-of-all-trades is nearly unknown. Most mages have between 1 and 3 specialties.


    Casting Requirements and Restrictions


    1. Most spells cost long term End (see chart). This represents the difficulty of channeling magic. Regular long term End rules apply to all spells, as well. Spells may be bought with Reduced or 0 End Cost. If they require End, they may be powered either from personal End or an End Reserve. Because of the above, most casters are in good physical health and have high endurance. Rhyssin has few fat mages.


    AP <= 10 - 0 LTE

    AP > 10 and AP+RP <= 25 - 1 LTE

    AP+RP > 25 and AP+RP <= 40 - 2 LTE

    AP+RP > 40 and AP+RP <= 55 - 3 LTE

    AP+RP > 55 and AP+RP <= 70 - 4 LTE



    2. Active cost is limited to primary casting stat (normally INT or EGO) times 2. This also applies to VPP and MP reserves. This can be exceeded with GM permission, usually at double cost above the limit.


    3. All Divine magic is bought as powers, with charges. All Divine magic is granted directly by the gods or their avatars (new spells are granted after prayer and fasting sessions). Divine magic does not fall under the remainder of the restrictions listed here.


    4. All non-divine magic must come from a VPP or a MP. The base time to change spells (from a known spell to another known spell) in a VPP is 5 minutes.


    5. All magic must have the limitation "Requires Magic Skill Roll". This limitation is worth -1/2 on both the VPP control and spell costs.


    6. A "specialized" magic skill roll costs 2 points as a general skill or 3 points if based on Ego/Int. It costs 2 points per +1 skill level to increase. A character can have any number specific magic skill rolls to represent their areas of knowledge. This skill can be used to create cantrip type effects and possibly modify spell results.


    7. Each DEF of real armor above DEF 2 gives a -1 to skill roll. You can buy a "Cast in Armor" penalty skill levels, which will allow you offset this penalty by 1 for every 3 points you spend. Magic armor without the limitations "Real Armor" and "Mass" does not count toward this penalty.


    8. All spells require research before casting. A 1 point perk per spell must be purchased as evidence of success in this research.


    9. Standard research time for a spell is 1 week. This can be moved up or down the time chart for a -1/+1 magic skill roll. Spells which differ only slightly from a known spell (different SFX, add advantage, take away limitation, change dice size) will be moved down the time chart once for free.


    10. All spell casting must be declared at the begining of the phase, before anyone acts. If the caster is Con stunned before thier Dex or the end of the phase (if "Full Phase"), the spell automatically fails. If they take stun, but no body they receive a -2 to their magic roll. If they take any body, they receive a -4 to their magic roll.


    11. A mage cannot maintain more than INT/5 spells at any given time.


    12. All spells have either a verbal (incantations), somatic (gestures), or material (focus, expendable or otherwise) as a requirement to cast the spell.

    The exception to rule 12 is:

    In lieu of the above, a mage may take a special focus (OAF) that must be used for all their spells. This item will be very valuable to the mage and extremely difficult to replace. All magic the caster uses comes from this focus, and it is obvious to even the uninitiated that this is the source of the mages power. This type of mage receives a -1 limitation for VPP control and spell costs.


    - Ernie

  5. It probably does not matter, but the below questions are being addressed in a Fantasy Hero context. I am leaving all math (AP, RP, etc) out of it.


    Say a character buys Detect Invisible Things, Sense, Ranged, large class of things.


    1. Can that character detect anyone using the standard power Invisibility, regardless of SFX?

    EX: A ranger buys a "Woodland Chameleon" ability to represent his skill at being still and undetected in the woods, defined as:

    Invisibility to Sight, with Fringe, Only in woodland, only while standing still, Extra time: 1 turn.


    His SFX is not invisibility at all, but he is using that standard power.


    2. If that answer to 1 is yes, could the Ranger then add 5 points for a single targeting sense, defining it as Invisibility to Detect Invisibility?


    3. Since Hero is almost never absolute, could a third party then have a power: Detect Invisibility to Detect? Would this be a skill vs skill somehow?


    - Ernie

  6. Thanks, Steve.


    Have been too busy reading, posting questions and such to say it, but thanks for a very well thought out, well put together book. It's obvious alot of thought and effort went into it, and the result is greatly superior to everything else I have seen in the arena.


    - Ernie

  7. Does anyone have any rules for these? I have looked through my Hero stuff that I thought might have something (Current FH, FREd, current UMA, previous FH, FHC1 and FHC2), but yielded only this line under recoverabel charges: "In the GM's discretion, a Charge might be broken or lost, in which case it must be recreated like normal charges". Basically, what chance do you give to have an arrow that hits be unbroken? Any modifiers from what it is hitting?


    If anyone has any actual fletching knowledge, I would also appreciate knowing the relative costs of the components. IE: head is 60 percent of cost, shaft/nock is 25 percent, and fletching is 15 percent. Those numbers are PFA, in case anyone wonders. Any approximate times to repair and/or create an arrow would be appreciated as well. I assume it would be faster to do a batch of 10 or 20 at a time, than a single one?


    Thanks in advance.


    - Ernie

  8. FAQ


    From the FAQ:


    Q: For purposes of END expenditure, what’s a Base’s or Vehicle’s “Speed�


    A: For things like Life Support and gravity generation — abilities which affect the entire Base/Vehicle (or a significant part of it) — consider them the equivalent of Constant Area Of Effect attacks. They affect the entire “area†(the Base/Vehicle), and remain in existence on the Segments between the Base’s/Vehicle’s Phases. However, the Base/Vehicle only pays END for them on its Phases (for these purposes, all Bases have SPD 3). For systems not in constant use, like weapons and danger rooms, it depends on the computer or character operating them.





  9. Opposed roll lim?


    I wasn't sure where you got the (-1/2) on the RSR. Is it:


    RSR (-1/2), Subject to Skill vs Skill (-1/4 more), -1 per 20 active points (-1/4 less)?


    Not sure if it fits the concept of the spell, but you might consider adding "Only restores to starting values (-1/2)" to the spell.

  10. Are shields DCV based off of the absolute size of the shield or the proportion of the shield to the character? Related question, can someone with the Phys Lim: Small (1m) use an appropriately sized tower shield (and thus get +4 DCV), or is it based off size in relation to the average attacker?


    Sorry if the above is confusing, I am trying to get things down as I think about them.


    - Ernie

  11. Snarf,


    Not sure (Don't have the book handy), but I thought there was a way to heal inanimate objects. On the "only ves living", I could see it going either way. I have been in high fantasy games where RKA's were the preffered method of opening locked doors. heh


    - Ernie

  12. Hrm


    Why not buy Regeneration, x Body per turn, where x is the amount that could be healed by the lifetap? Then put a limit on it, "Only up to amount done by RKA". Not sure it does exactly what you want, but seems close.


    - Ernie

  13. Or even worse..


    Originally posted by Killer Shrike

    You could also theoretically do it as a really funky flash, but lets not even go there :D


    Invisibility to Sight

    Usable As Attack [+1]

    Area of Effect Radius (4") [+1]

    1 Continuing Charge of 8 hours [+0]

    Bright Fringe [-1/4]

    Only vs an immobile, inanimate hex [-2]

    60 AP

    18 RP


    You could further reduce this by making it a focus, or increase the cost to include other senses.


    - Ernie

  14. Not sure where to post this, it is more of a "is this a misprint" kind of question. On FH page 143, you list average daily wage for an unskilled worker as 1 sp (36.5gp/year). You also list average yearly expenses for a family of 4 as 50gp.


    I can see this leading to a few situations:


    1. In unksilled families, more than one person works.

    2. In unskilled families, people only have one child.

    3. In unskilled families, people starve to death frequently.


    Any of those is a possible basis for an economy, I am just clarifying since I am trying to decide if (or how much) I will need to modify the price lists to fit my campaign.


    Basically, my question is, is one of those figures incorrect?


    - Ernie

  15. Reasons for not ordering


    I agree that there are valid reasons for a store not to order something. However, I can work around about any of them besides the book not being published. I need information to do it, but it can be done. If they don't want to take the money, not a problem, just order it and I will pay when it gets in. Or keep my credit card on file and charge me when it gets in.


    On the minimum order, if they had informed me of what it was, I might have ordered more stuff or ordered a copy for a friend who I know wants it soon but is cash strapped. And in any case, they do shelve some of the books, so they could have told me when their next order was.


    It comes down to this, IMHO: Their customer services sucks eggs. They could have been, at the minimum, more concerned with pleasing the customer. The point is now moot, however, since I have taken my business elsewhere and will start ordering online before I would give more business to this particular enterprise.


    - Ernie

  16. Orlando / Central Florida


    At last check, Sci-fi City did not have any copies (and the people I talked to were not even aware it was out yet). Coliseum of Comics got me a copy from their local warehouse the next day.


    - Ernie

  17. Slightly off topic, but I just really don't understand this one. I went to my local gaming store (well, the largest local one) yesterday and looked for the new FH. It was not there yet, which is not all that surprising. I don't bother anymore to ask them when they will get products in, because the answer is always "Oh, that is in next weeks shipment", without even looking at their order system. I thought I would be proactive and do what many others on this board have done, so I asked about pre-ordering a copy. Answer: No. Offered to pay full price up front. Answer: No. When I finally asked why, they said "We just don't do that.". Can anyone explain this attitude to me? I have worked in retail, albiet not at a game store, and if we had a customer willing to pay up front for any item we carried, we would gladly order it. I mean, we would consider ordering things we don't normally carry if we were pretty certain we could get it in a reasonable time. This store does carry some Hero products, so I know that they can get them. My solution currently is this morning I will try driving a few more miles to the next largest gaming store and see how I fare there.


    Sorry to have bored anyone who was looking for some neat FH material, perhaps if I can ever get my copy I will put something a bit more worthy up here.


    - Ernie

  18. AE mind control is certainly legal. Expensive, usually, but legal.


    Invisible barrier sounds like a PD Forcewall, invisible power effects, only vs undead.


    Undead will of course vary from world to world, but typically in my worlds Undead and Demons are not of the same ilk. The Undead would typically consist of wight, skeleton, zombie, ghast, ghoul, vampires, liches and others that were sentient biengs at one point. Demons start out as servants of a dark god, typically, and inhabit another plane unless called into this one.




    - Ernie

  19. It would really help if you gave us some "flavor" of your campaign. Are your elves tree-dwellers? Forest dwellers? Roaming plains nomads? In any case, here are some ideas:


    Dwarves you can usually do the classics, IR vision, Bump of direction (only underground), Detects (weak stone, stone traps, metals, etc). If you like twisting them a bit, make your metal sensing dwarves "sniffers" or somesuch that smell metals by type (analyze and discriminatory smell, only vs metals).


    For visual illusions on the halflings, consider increased perception rolls (+2-3 to all) only to sense true forms. This could make them good at seeing dopplegangers for what they are, etc.


    See an earlier post (posted today or yesterday) for some ideas of typical tolkien elf abilities.

  20. Chop down a tree?


    Originally posted by Yamo

    Check the description for the Real Weapon Limitation on page 328 of HERO 5th. Problem solved.


    Ahh, Mr. Yamo. I respect that you have an opinion on the matter, but you should realize yours is not the only one. I have read the passage you quote. Perhaps I am a bit dense, but could you tell me where on that page it tells me (as a GM or a player) how many swipes with a dagger it takes to cut down a tree?


    I am not asking for this information exactly, but guidelines, or something more specific than the hand waving the subject is currently given would be nice. The object and body tables are a good example, or the stength chart.


    - Ernie

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