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Everything posted by Savinien

  1. Re: Pulp Here and NOW While yes, the epuipment and mysteries include trappings not seen in the Pulp Era, the feel of the pulp detective can easily exist in a modern game. Look at Slam Bradley's current incarnation in DCs Catwoman. It is the code of the Private Eye, the incessant drinking, and violence first that delineate the Pulp Detective (to me) and that easily translates, though some folks would consider the character old fashioned.
  2. Re: Happy Dance! That's when I started. They're starting to cap some of the National Leagues now: PSP is capped at 15.8 bps. Which is a lot, but not as fast as many people can pull the trigger without ramping boards nowadays. It's good to know some of you* geeks know what paintball is. * - The plural and it should probably be a 'we'. Obviously.
  3. Re: Happy Dance! Sounds good! I'm not saying I'd necessarily have the money to buy anything (all of my money honestly goes into Tournament Paintball*). Seriously. Though, if there's something in there I fall in love with... I'll make a buddy buy it and borrow from him! Tournament Paintball is my Highly prized love, much to the chargrin of my wife. I sink all of my allowable income from out budget into it. Finally, I may be making some back. Lots of practices and bouncing around on various teams, I may finally get somewhere. Some possible sponsors are scouting my team, 665 Almost Evil, at a tournament this weekend. It could mean a free ride to some Nationals and beyond. Exciting stuff. (For me).
  4. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Easthaven folks, esp Alice and Skar: I posted in a way for us to do a little intercation if it takes a while for Josh to respond. I noticed you were both on... added a post and saw that you'd both left. Probably because I didn't write in a spot for you to interact. My apologies.
  5. Re: Happy Dance! Good luck with the sales! Care to adverise here? Some people may be interested in what you're unloading.
  6. Re: Happy Dance! Ease back. A few posts a day should be adequate for anyone. Waiting on the fearless leader, now.
  7. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Not everyone here plays Easthaven, though they should. I don't usually post much during the weekend. I blame dial-up, family, and all those other real-life trappings I tend to forget in my 3walled cubicle domicile during the weekly grind of work.
  8. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Hey y'all... I thought I'd drop a line in case you were wondering if that guy with the big nose was still around. Yep. He is.
  9. Re: High End DC:TAS Good ideas. In this situation, the other Heroes are PCs as well, though. This campaign setting is huge, with multiple hero teams in different cities. I really like the continuity of digging into the after-effects of a big supers battle, though. That's great! Thanks! I'd rep you... But I have to spread some around first.
  10. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Work sucks and life kicks in. Bleh.
  11. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Scary lemming stuff, Man. Anyway you can make sure she is getting the job before you move? Can you take a trip there first for trying to find some shelter for you and your family? Either way, I'm hoping all turns out alright for you. Out by Mother's Day? That's nice.
  12. Re: High End DC:TAS Wow, been a moth since the last update. While running this game I've realized one of the problems I have (one of many, I might add). Due to the slowness of posting, RL, vacations, and everything else... Focus is easily lost. It behooves the GM to know, ahead of time, what he wants and needs out of a particular scene. Anyway, I've been working on who/what The Bard is and why he's compelled to create these melodramas throughout LA using real people and making a general antagonist of himself for Guardian and Shrike. He's and immortal from another Dimension called Erylusia. The existence of this place and it's people have already been established within the continuity of the RCU. This guy was previously known by many names; Bard of Erin, The Skald, Mallory, or any other number of people I feel like making be this immortal. He's grown bored with simply writing plays, books, TV dramas and like. Now, he's using people. He has some Mind Control and a slow draining Aid. The only lackey I've used so far is my Hamlet, Terrence Hill, the son of Malcolm XV. He's bent on taking down his uncle Aesop, for killing his father. He believes the ghost of his father is helping him. I haven't decided who/what the ghost is, yet. Don't need to. When I finish the builds on The Bard and Terrence, I'll post them.
  13. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Damn, Man. You are hitting it hard. It's 9PM. I've been home from work for about 3 and a half hours. We sent Hailey off to her dad's for a few hours and coooked and ate a frozen pizza. My wife, Heidi isn't feeling well, so I waited on her as much as possible. I cleaned up my paintball equipment and watched the LOST rerun. Now, it's me time. I just finished my first beer and posted to all of my play by post games. I'm thinking about running something face to face with a buddy coming over tomorrow but have zero ideas. Hailey is back home and Heidi is putting her to bed. I feel lonely.
  14. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER We have a sony cybershot T10. It's totally friggin' awesome. Tiny, with a massive visual screen. 5 MP and 3x optical zoom. We bought it about 8 months ago and it was top of the line. Don't know how it compares now, though.
  15. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I don't know anything about genuinely lean... I'm a little over 6 feet and weigh in around 205. I'm moderately muscular and nearly 35 years old. Some machine said I should weigh about 185...? I'm not really a sprinter. I'm a paintball player. I need even shorter sprints of the UTMOST speed. Of course, if I could shoot acurately while doing it, that would be a bigger plus. :wicked:
  16. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER First off... Moving sucks. Worse if you live with a packrat like my wife. We've moved a total of 5 times in the last 3 years. It's crap. Second... I totally need to fix my garage door and have no idea how. What was wrong with yours?
  17. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER You the man! Feed me the motivation pill you're taking! I need to drop about 15 lbs for the ideal weight. That and some sprinting to increase my explosiveness and I'd be thrilled with my physicality.
  18. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER He can only assume until he's shown or told otherwise. Viv has already proven inncommunicado previously. (IOW, Beem wasn't going to chase her down and force her to talk about it. He's been taught to wait for others to come to you. Out on the Highlands pushing into other people's business got you a fat lip, bloody nose, blackened eye, or all three.) I think it is coming around though. Part of the problem was crappy couple of weeks for his player. That miserable PoS didn't have the motivation for the necessary character development that everyone else was playing out. Sorry.
  19. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER On the other foot... Troubling things are happening and all of Beemish's companions are more worried about their (seemingly) paltry problems than dealing with the REAL issues. Perception is reality. Beemish PoV... Vivian is self-centered and childish. Allowing her own mental problems to interefere with problems plaguing all of Easthaven (and the surrounding 'communities'). It's not a bad thing RP-wise. Beemish has quickly realized (or believes) something bigger than even 'Vicky missing' is going on. He doesn't make his decisions on whether or not Vivian will like him, or Rehson, more.
  20. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Not avoiding... Beemish is too smart to get drug into that angsty teen-ager crap. Besides, I'm thinking of turning him from that naive, shy kid to a standoffish, smart guy...
  21. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER It was general swatting permission.
  22. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Just swat me if I get too annoying.
  23. Re: Pirate-Theme Villains Needed Bossun? The Privateer? I'm picutring a skelatar Corsair that flies. You could use quite a few henchmen that could be generic hoodlums. Then, make a couple key positions with powers. The Lookout? First mate Captain... Lackeys are prime fodder for a Golden Age scenario. They could fire the cannons with different shot for different effects, too.
  24. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Yes. Absolutely. Tell your boss I said it was okay.
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