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Posts posted by Katherine

  1. Re: Cage Barrier


    Im looking at building a barrier that is like prison bars. what this implys is that it stops movment but not ranged attacks because you can shoot through the gaps (though it probobly offers cover). so what kind of limitation do you think it would be for a barrier to provide cover only' date=' not stop attacks my guess is 1/2 lim[/quote']


    What are the pros and cons of your concept? You mention that a ranged attack could pass through the bars in both directions, could someone potentially reach through as well? Could a normal sized human possible squeeze through it? Do barriers stop gases and liquids by default? If so I'd say the cage version won't so attacks and creatures with that sfx can probably by pass it completely On the pro side you'd have the potential to create instant cover, it would still restrict movement if you surrounded someone with it and could be used to deny ground for most characters. Depending on the answers to some of these questions I might give you a -1/4 to the power but maybe a different construct would be more accurate like a Multipower of effects or all brought with Unified Power.


    DCV levels (UBO) for instant cover


    An Entangle (Does not stop use of OAF/Reduce DCV, Provides no Defense) for a Cage trap


    Barrier for the rest of the effects.

  2. Re: Champions 6th version


    Personally I am in the "wait and see" camp' date=' but I am not real happy about the changes I have heard about so far. I want to see how the figured characteristics are going to be done and what else has been changed to gain the "granular" feel Steve mentioned he wanted to obtain. I'm not holding my breath on this one.[/quote']


    Technically there aren't any figured Characteristics anymore. The characteristics that were formerly figured are now brought up from a base like the others.

  3. Re: Power Discussion: Barrier


    Another dumb question*: Is there an upper limited on how complicated a Barrier can be sfx wise? Could a character theoretically make a functional building (with rooms, stairs and other amenities that could conceivably be created as one single object or hand waved as special effects), for example?


    *I have the rules and I'm moving through them slowly and haven't gotten to barrier yet.

  4. Re: Negative Adjustment Powers vs Summoned Beings after the fact


    You seem to be under a misconception. Just because' date=' in the campaign world, demons have to be summoned from somewhere, does not mean they have to be Summoned (Big S). You can have a Follower that is a demon you summoned. You don’t need to use the Summon Mechanic. In other words, being “summoned from hell” (or wherever) is a SFX issue (or even just Back-story/Origin) not a requirement for Summon the game Mechanic to be used. The “Demon that’s been guarding a tomb for centuries” is only Dispel-able if you built it as a Summon.[/quote']


    No, I get that. It just cause me a little cognitive dissonance when the mechanics clash with setting. If all Demons are summoned then it just clicks more with me for them to all work as if they were Summoned. I'd like for a Mage's Spell of Infernal Banishment to work the same way on all demons unless there's a both a coherent reason why it doesn't aside from fiat. For example, if a PC has a Demonic Follower in a setting where all Demons have to summoned and have no way to have summoned it (Does not have Summoning) I'll have to talk with the player about where it came from. And there's a chance it could Banished (The Summoning that brought Dispelled).


    I'm not demanding that is how the RAW should work or how it should be in anyone elses game I just personally like as much mechanical and narrative consistency as I can get. Years of White Wolf* have put off mechanics that don't match the setting fluff.


    *Exalted and Aberrant I'm looking at you...

  5. Re: Negative Adjustment Powers vs Summoned Beings after the fact


    Good question - for Drain I'd say 'No' for sure...suppress is arguable though. Take the example of a Body drain v Body suppress: the Body Drain can kill you' date=' the Body suppress can only kill you while it is on...[/b']again have not checked the new version of suppress so this is a 5e perspective :)




    I never thought of that...


    "Don't worry. He's only mostly dead. Not all dead. We can still save him!"


    My head hurts.


    Edit: Suppress Summon could be a cool spell. The mage or priest has to focus their will to hold the demon in the Nether world and they can only do it just so long... I'm just not sure if the cool is worth the occasional headache.

  6. Re: Omcv 1?


    I agree with your impeccable logic,


    WOOT! I'm been called Impertinent, Impudent and Impossible (to deal with) but this is a first for Impeccable. :D


    but I can't really square normals with 3 OMCV with superheroes with 1: that is why I said I might have to re-jig the basic template I use :)


    I might have been inclined to include DMCV as a characteristic but leave OMCV as a power or skill that you only buy if you need it.


    I see where you're coming from. I'm rolling around just setting MOCV to 0 in most cases as a House rule. It solves the cognitive dissaonance and sell back issues in one swoop.

  7. Re: Negative Adjustment Powers vs Summoned Beings after the fact


    You can use dispel, even though summons is technically an instant power: that was a specific rule in 5e. Haven't checked 6e for it but it makes good sense.


    Thanks! That's an odd exception when you think about it. If Summon is the mechanism for creating things like Undead and all Demons must have been summoned as some point whats the time limit? Can you Dispel the Summon on the Demon that's been guarding a tomb for centuries or and Undead?


    You can certainly aid a summoned being.


    I was more thinking of Aiding the original Summon like you can Dispel it but you've sort of answered that since it was as special rule for Dispel.

  8. Re: Omcv 1?


    Anyway, back to mental values, Hero has sort of set the template: Normals have 3 OMCV. It seems a bit daft to have a super with a lower OMCV without good reason, if you can't use the good reason that you wouldn't have developed OMCV if you didn't have mental powers. I might re-jig the basic template a shade...


    I think that sort of thing should be campaign dependent since I can see the logic behind thinking "Why do non mentalists "normals" (not every campaign has a normals/supers divide) even have MOCV in the first place?"


    Its like everyone having an ESP Characteristic that most characters can't and won't use (and in game it doesn't exist for them) but is just on the character sheet because of a technicality taking up space like Com was said too) because certain characters can buy the ESP power.


    If I use this I'm probably just going to set MOCVs base to 0 for most campaigns. It borks mentalists a little but it just makes more sense to me. Maybe I'll make a low cost "Latent Mentalist" talent that gives a base 3 MOCV for free and lets th character use certain campaign defined abilities.

  9. Can a character use Dispel, Suppress or some other adjustment Power to send a Summon creature away after the initial use of Summon? For example, a demonologist Summons a pit fiend and sends to attack a character. It arrives hours later. Can the mage Dispel the original Summon and banish it or would they have to interrupt the original use of the Power? Part our groups says yes, since you can't just Dispel things like Entangles or the Damage from an Energy Blast, others think Summon is a special case.


    On a related note could another Aid a Summon and strengthen an already Summoned being? I can think of some cool (and kinda grisly) rites that could have that effect but I'm not sure if its mechanically valid (unless I used my power of: The GM says so. :) )

  10. Can a character use Dispel, Suppress or some other adjustment Power to send a Summon creature away after the initial use of Summon? For example, a demonologist Summons a pit fiend and sends to attack a character. It arrives hours later. Can the mage Dispel the original Summon and banish it or would they have to interrupt the original use of the Power? Part our groups says yes, since you can't just Dispel things like Entangles or the Damage from an Energy Blast, others think Summon is a special case.


    On a related note could another Aid a Summon and strengthen an already Summoned being?

  11. Re: Omcv 1?


    Enter the Mindscape A selective AoE EDM Usable as an Attack which draws all of the characters into the Mindscape. They are all more or less unchanged, except that all attacks are targeted and avoided using mental CV's.


    Or call it the Astral Plane.


    There are certainly ways to force the issue and make a lack of OMCV a handicap.



    If the GM has to pull out stuff like Extra Dimensional Movement to "Sucks to be You!" Land usable as an attack just to balance out one choice about single characteristic that might indicate something is wonky with that characteristic. Honestly, selling back your MOCV if your character has no mental powers doesn't seem that bad and not entirely cheesy point mongering. They can't utilize or practice something that they don't have. It a little like accusing a person playing a physically paralyzed mentalists for selling back their physical combat values. They literally can't use them and even if they suddenly gained the ability to move they're probably awkward and clumsy. Non Mentalists are like that when it comes to Psionic combat. I wouldn't unduly penalize a player for selling their MOCV back. If they didn't have a good reason I would look askance if they just shifted those points to MDCV though without a reason.


    Edit: Wouldn't the EDM approach also kind of screw with any characters that didn't put any focus into mental combat too (which would mean dumping stats into a character you never expected to use)? Unless it was just used on those that sold back their MOCV which splits the party so to speak. MOCV is, from what I can tell, the only attribute that a good portion of characters can expect to never use unless the GM does something weird and thematically would makes sense for most characters to be subpar in if for some reason they did have to use it.

  12. Re: Normal Human


    I dunno if I can actually talk about 6E yet, since the PDFs have been in the world for consumption for just over 11 hours...


    but your Character Builds are no longer valid under 6E. I'll leave off getting into detail until I get permission from Steve (I'll ask him tomorrow) or the 19th.


    The PDF is already up for purchase? Cool!

  13. Re: Hagar the Horrible


    Hagar the Horrible

    Val Char Cost Roll Notes

    15 STR 5 12- Lift 200.0kg; 3d6 [1]

    14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5

    18 CON 16 13-

    10 BODY 0 11-

    13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-

    11 EGO 2 11- ECV: 4

    15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6

    10 COM 0 11-


    4 PD 1 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD)

    4 ED 0 Total: 4 ED (0 rED)

    3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12

    7 REC 0

    36 END 0

    27 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: 52



    Running: 7"/14"

    Leaping: 2"/4"

    Swimming: 3"/6"


    Cost Powers END

    15 Luck 3d6



    0 Longship and Crew



    12 Combat Luck (6 PD/6 ED)



    The Gothic Arts of Pillaging, Pilfering, Sacking, Looting, Ravaging and Plundering

    3 1) PS: Viking Captain 12-

    3 2) Oratory 12-

    3 3) Concealment 12-

    4 4) Navigation (Marine) 13-

    1 5) TF Longship

    3 6) Evaluate Treasure 12-

    3 7) Stealth 12-

    3 8) Climbing 12-

    8 9) Survival (Arctic/Subarctic, Marine, Temperate/Subtropical) 13-

    4 10) WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons

    5 11) +1 with HTH Combat

    3 12) +1 with Swords

    3 13) Tactics 12-

    3 Traveler

    2 1) AK: All seas traversed by Vikings 12-

    2 2) AK: England 12-

    2 3) AK: France 12-

    1 4) AK: Helgeland 11-

    3 5) AK: Scandinavia 13-

    3 6) CK: Oslo 13-


    4 1) Language: Norse (idiomatic)

    2 2) Language: Anglo Saxon (completely fluent)

    2 3) Language: Frankish (completely fluent)

    1 4) Language: Runes (Literate)


    Total Powers & Skill Cost: 98

    Total Cost: 150


    75+ Disadvantages

    10 Reputation: Horrible, 11-

    5 Hunted: Tax Collectors 8- (As Pow, They never follow when he goes viking, But they know where he lives, Mildly Punish)

    5 Social Limitation: Married to Helga (Occasionally, Minor)

    15 Unluck: 3d6

    10 Dependent NPC: Honi and Hamlet 8- (Slightly Less Powerful than the PC; Group DNPC: x2 DNPCs)

    10 Physical Limitation: Horns fall off if he lies. (Infrequently, Greatly Impairing)

    15 Psychological Limitation: Comic Viking (Common, Strong)

    5 Rivalry: Professional (Atilla the Hun; Rival is As Powerful; Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)


    Total Disadvantage Points: 75


    Background/History: In 1973 cartoonist Dik Browne introduced the world to a Viking who would become as well known as Erik the Red and Leif the Lucky put together. Today Chris Browne, the son of the original cartoonist, continues Hagar's saga in comics pages published in over a dozen languages and distributed around the world in lands even the far ranging Norse explorers of yore never dreamed existed. Hagar the Horrible ostensibly lives in Oslo, Norway, some time during the "Viking Age" but his world is an ahistorical generic "medieval" world in which he can fight Atilla the Hun one week, and meet Robin Hood or King Arthur the next.


    Personality/Motivation: Hagar is a comic strip Viking. When considering what he may do in any situation, a foremost consideration is what would be funny, or what would be most likely to have the most humorous outcome. If he must choose for example between attacking a castle or raiding a wizard's tower, he's off to seige the wizard - since Hagar and his hapless band interacting with unpredictable magical defenses and curses is more likely to provide laughs than a straightforward assault on a castle. If he must choose between looting a storehouse of food and wine or rustling a herd of sheep, he'll remember hearing a rumor that sheep are in demand in Helgeland - because a herd of sheep aboard a longship is bound to be good for a few laughs. He'll conform to Viking stereotype when it's funny (such as wearing the historically inaccurate horned helmet - all the time - and so does his wife, kids, dog, duck....) and subvert the stereotype when THAT is what's funny.


    Quote: As you journey through life take a minute every now and then to give a thought for the other fellow. He could be plotting something.


    Powers/Tactics: Although not the hero of song and saga he wishes to be, nor as bloodthirsty as his reputation suggests, Hagar does know how to use a sword. He even knows enough tactics to know that one should pillage THEN burn - it's just that in the heat of the moment he may forget.


    Hagar has a longship and crew, which have not been statted out in this write up.


    Campaign Use: Built on 75 pts plus 75 Disads, Hagar could be a player character in a Fantasy Hero game that is much less serious than most, or comic relief in a more serious but still fantastic type of game. Or by simply changing the Disadvantages Hagar can be made into a perfectly serious and straightforward barbarian leader.


    Appearance: Overweight, red haired and red bearded Viking, complete with horned helm.


    Hagar the Horrible created by Dik Browne.


    Character sheet created by


    Lucius Alexander


    Copyright palindromedary Enterprises


    That's an amusing write up :)


    we're off to SEIGETHE WIZARD??? yowza


    Ow. I didn't catch that :D

  14. Re: Confedrate Comics


    Well to be honest I find the setting kinda a raciest indulgence but lets be objective. In such a setting not much would change sure ill grant the non-whites would need papers to be on the streets. But then women still would not be able to vote. The northern free slaves would form an organized crime ring for personnel protection this crime ring would spread like wild fire in the south and a silent war would be born then comes the riots countless white people would be killed for no good reason this would prompt the army to round up all the non-whites that can be found and first camp then execute them. After the tragic events died down all of America would be plagued with hit and run tactics the economy would fail mostly due to the fact that the bulk labor force was killed or striking different locations making them worthless and non productive ect. In the end America would polarize more than it already is..........sounds like bad 80's bronze age setting but I guess you can make it a golden age style setting and indulge more deep seeded feeling and make it a setting about how your southern heroes are fighting the good fight and replace nazi's with black people hay its your game.



    By the way I have family in south Africa.

    O and I'm black



    so what will be your next setting what if Germany won the war and killed off all those pesky Jews <---for me just as hurtful but again it is your game


    I think this harsh even as a black woman. All we know about this setting is that the Civil war didn't go down like it did in our world. In a world with supers that's pretty likely (if they were around at the time) but regardless of that we don't if it's racist fantasy (the Southern position will be presented as laudable and better) or its just a fictional universe with a different history. You slapping some pretty offensive labels on some one just for writing fiction and asking for help naming some CSA supers. Sure the topic is contraversial and could be flamebait...but its just as likely to just be a setting. It's not like its the "The South "won" the civil war" alternate universe.

  15. Re: Expanding Normal Characteristic Maxima


    Mind you to actually answer the question properly I think we need to know a lot more about the campaign and all the characters. Including wounding, impairment, disabling and bleeding is a pointless exercise in a superhero campaign where Body damage rarely happens due to high defenses.


    What are the campaign average DEX, CON and SPD (all the others you can fluff around but those tend to really matter if you ar eto compete)?


    The setting isn't Superheroic. It's a Psi/Occult horror campaign with 250 points characters; think Aeon Trinity with a dash of NWorld of Darkness and a large helping of Psiberpunk and horror style anime. Almost all powers will be psionic/psychic in nature and more low key than generally seen in blown comic book games. The character Aubry Degeneris is a good example of a standard Player Character. Most of them won't be heavily combat oriented since the goals and themes we want to encourage are more social and investigative.


    The basic idea behind the limitation is to indicate the character is thematically "mortal" and non cinematic similar to the way Extras, Mortals and Heroes are separated in Exalted. We've decided to make it two separate limitations: Normal characteristic Maxima and Physical Limitation: Mere Mortal


    I appreciate the help and suggestions but the thread seems to have drifted off into new directions so I'll bow out.

  16. Re: Expanding Normal Characteristic Maxima


    So why isn't there a disadvantage for any subset of abilities costing double? "Mental powers cost double" is a disadvantage as much as "characteristics over these limits cost double".


    There's no reason there couldn't be it just hadn't been thought or implemented. It seems like a reasonable Physical Disadvantage to me.

  17. Re: The brown note


    So the effect you want to create it to make the victim smell really bad?


    How about Images vs Smell/Taste as an Attack (so it sticks (ew!) to the target) that with +X Perception Modifier, Continuous Uncontrolled (stopped by washing/changing clothes). Flavor with Limitations to taste (or tasteless) like allowing a Constitution/Ego roll to prevent it and that the target must have an appropriate physiology (You can't make Mechanon poop himself). Maybe linked CE if you want the stench to be so bad it impairs people.


    Would that work?

  18. What sort of House rules and Campaign guidelines do you think might be required for a Hero System campaign meant to emulate the mood and feel of martial arts/fighting game anime specifically the Street fighter, King of Fighters and Fatal Fury franchises? For instance how would use of weapons (particularly guns) be discouraged?

  19. Re: A Thread for Random Videos


    I'm kind of surprised they got away with saying the phrase 'sock plucker'. :)


    Yeah, Animaniacs got away with a several things. Generally you had to be watching closely (or have a slightly dirty mind) to catch them.


    A contribution.


    Very strange Japanese commercial. I have no idea what they're selling and I hope I haven't accidentally linked to some sort of porn...



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