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Posts posted by rayoman

  1. Which edition of Champion's is this cover from?


    okie, dokie...that didn't work. Lemme try again. Okay, okay for some reason the link I put up to take you to a picture of the cover doesn't work. I give up.


    The cover is has three heroes on it. The first is a guy in green swinging, there is a flaming woman to the right and in the front center is a guy with a red and black suit on flying with his right hand thrust out in front of him. The red and black suit guy has a white disc on his chest. There is a city in the background.



    I have purchased this version plus the BBB on Ebay. I just checked on My Ebay and the picture for the BBB has been changed so hopefully I will get my BBB instead of the stupid Rtal Sword Book. If not there will be hell to pay. :)



  2. Don't forget people like me.


    Those who don't own a copy of SaCoH. If I don't own the intitial campaign setting so I usually don't buy the supplements that come out.


    Originally posted by Gold Rush Games

    I can understand about folks that may have bought the PDF before, but I also know that there were not a huge number of those folks (in part because CyberGames pulled the PDF from their store shortly after it was released).

  3. Simply AMAZING, KA!


    You described most of the people in a group that I started playing with in 1993. Some of this group is in my Sunday Night DnD campaign.


    Originally posted by KA.

    P.S. I am not an evil GM, but I have faced this kind of problem before.

    Player: "I want to hit this guy, and then flip up in the air and kick him, and then take his gun and shoot him with it, and then hit him with it?"


    Well, that is Five Attack actions (Punch, Half-Move Kick, Disarm, Shoot, Hit) and it will use up Five of your Phases.

  4. Though I like my triggered flash thing I have to say that yeah, let him use his Flash.


    After seeing a few battles with this guy's tactics then the villains should start appearing with a little Flash Defense.


    Originally posted by Derek Hiemforth

    I'm going to take a dissenting position...


    Let him use the Flash.

  5. So, Mark, when is the new San Angelo book coming out? I really liked the original and wish that I still had my copy of it. I loved how the characters were created WITHOUT the point breaks. A Dex of 18 was nice too see and not a 17 because I save three points and got the same OCV/DCV as the 18 Dex.




    Originally posted by Gold Rush Games

    I disagree, however, that they are "too low-powered" -- I feel that they are at the power level that they need to be for their story. I hope that clears things up.

  6. Thanks RM.


    Originally posted by Redmenace


    I'd reccomend some running but otherwise I'd say he is good to go.


    I had some help with this guy. Dave M. was helping me get him ready to play his campaign, but things didn't work out initially for me last year.


    Originally posted by Redmenace


    I like the pathos angle. Does he live on the streets himself? If so he might have a unofficial guardian of the homeless disad. wether you'd want to pay for it or roleplay it would be up to you.


    ATM, yes he would until an actual team was formed.



    Originally posted by Redmenace

    The brass touch is distinctive. Is the autofire automatic or can he make three quick touches? If it's automatic you might buy it with the Beam limitation (-1/4), it won't save you much but the power eats up more than a quarter of your points as is. I don't want to discourage the power as it really makes him distinct.

    He might have flash defense becouse of the shininess.

    He might also have life support vs pathogens due to his brass touch.


    You know I don't remember adding Autofire to the power construct. I may have had some suggestions from this board when I built Brass.


    Originally posted by Redmenace

    All in all it looks to be a tight and unified group.


    Thanks. Some of the characters were part of a group that I ran through some Marvel SAGA adventures.


    I appreciate the comments.

  7. I can't take credit for that. The multipower comes from the Champions genre book.


    I actually wrote up Marksman for an online game a few years back in 4th edition. I lost the character sheet so I have been trying to redo him for 5th edition and teh CU. Instead of trying to remember each slot I went the quick and easy way by using what was written in Champions.


    Thanks for taking the time to critique. Oh, use the characters if you want in your own campaign.


    I plan on redoing the characters using input from the boards. I'll probably start on Friday.


    Originally posted by Redmenace


    (I thought the air concussion bolt-dispel vs darkness was clever)

  8. Not to get in another man's fight, but...


    Monolith, NPCs are Non-Player Characters. As in a character NOT played by a human being. It doesn't matter if the NPC is a hero, villain, the fry guy at the local Waffle House, etc. If the character in question is not being played by a flesh and blood person then it is an NPC.


    If Prowler and Shaman are in the book and they should not be listed under Allies and Enemies or Villains then where should they be listed? How about Big Misunderstanding.


    Sorry for the smart-aleck comment, but the tone of your posts have steadily gotten worse because it seems that you took some offense to something Mark said. I read all the posts and don't see anything that would or should upset someone so much. Then again, I may have thicker skin than most people.



    Originally posted by Monolith

    Mark, here's another piece of design consideration for you then: If Prowler and Shaman are NPCs then they should probably not be listed under the section Allies & Enemies and the sub-section Villains both in the book and the Table Of Contents.

  9. ;) ;) ;) Let's see if we can beat the Worldbeaters vs. Military thread for the most pages of useless information? ;) ;) ;)




    Who would win?


    I guess it depends on the genre. ;)


    Notice the excess amount of winkie faces. This post is a joke. it might be a lame joke, but a joke nonetheless.

  10. Whines about Flash Defense? Give villain a triggered Flash!


    Yeah, that's right. A light-based Villain has a triggered Flash attack. What is the trigger? Being Flashed! Make it a AoE Megascaled (1KM) triggered Flash vs Sight Group.


    Flashboy flashes LightVillain and LightVillain's triggered Megascaled Flash goes off blinding eveyone in a 1KM radius.


    When Flashboy whines look at him then say, "YOU did it!"

  11. Yeah it does. Just take off the stuff after the .com .


    It looks remarkably like a Pyramid type scheme. Not saying it is not legitimate, but if I buy a book and use his name as the referer then he gets pushed up the list. Once he gets to the 1. position then he gets his "gift". Then I have to get enough people to do the same to me.




    Originally posted by Kintara

    I find it funny that your ad link doesn't even work, spammer.

  12. Well, there are a few people from these boards that live in the area. Unfortunately, when you have three kids and a wife that works night shift then gaming gets a little harder to do. I am 100% willing to host a game at my house as long as I don't have to GM it.


    I currently DMing a DnD 3.0 game that we started about 3 years ago. I am getting bored with it, but my players want to do it. After this current adventure I told them I am shutting it down. I want to do a Champions game, but 1 player said if I do that he will take a break because he doesn't want to play a supers game. This is the same guy that causes most of the cancellations in our group.


    Hopefully, I will get to game with Dave M. in the near future.

  13. Red, both of your posts showed up. Thanks.


    any comment on the other characters? I will be updating the characters based on comments from the board. I just don't see a need to create a background if I don't get to play or run the characters.



  14. I am posting a link to a few characters that I have created in the last few months. I have not written any backgrounds for them, but most of them have their disadvantages already picked. I will give a brief concept for each character in this post, as well as the link to where you can view each character. Note: The website is just a bare bones thing that I put together so I could easily show 6 characters to the boards.


    EDIT: D'oh! I guess the link would have been nice.




    Brass: a down on his luck, out of work auto worker who was turned into a living brass statue. Every living thing that he touches turns to brass.


    Copy Cat: mutant, shapeshifter who can assume any humanoid form. She can also mimic someone's powers that she has touched.


    Marksman: vigilante crimefighter whose family was killed in a Viper crime. His motif is that he uses a crossbow with gimick bolts. NOTE: This character needs to be rewritten because he should have a vehicle that he uses to get around with.


    Puma: To the best of his knowlede, Puma, is an ex-Special Forces member who left the Army when his service had ended. He now works as a Bounty Hunter for a bailsbondsman. Puma thinks he is a mutant. NOTE: Puma does not know that he was captured by VIPER and experimented upon. His genes were spliced with that of a Cougar. VIPER brainwashed him and set him free. Why? Don't know, but it would be good stuff for a good GM to use in the campaign.


    Tempest: a mutant psychokinetic who is devoted to finding a way for her father to walk again.


    Wildcore: mutant superpatriot who is virtually immune to Kinetic damage.


    Anyway, I am posting this mainly to get help with Puma. I need to spend 41 more character points and come up with disadvantages for him.


    I threw the others in for comment because I don't know when I will get to play or run a Champions campaign. I would prefer to play. I have been familiar with Champions since 1983-1984 and I have only played ONCE in a single adventure.

  15. That was my friend's, Neal, first character. He took Seeker copied him down, gave him a new name and slightly different background.


    I ran him through the sample combat scenario with Ogre robbing the bank. Ogre hit him with a table (AoE, 1-2 hexes) and did some heavy body, but Seeker-Neal was able to capture ogre. Seeker-Neal spent two-three months healing body.


    Neal loves Champions, but hates Martial Artists. :)


    Originally posted by Chuckg

    My first Champs character was Seeker, from the Big Blue Book. :)

  16. Re: Video Games are Bad GM's! We should learn from them.


    Play Fallout. There was a certain area that you could approach from two different ways. The two ways required two different theories in building your character to that point.


    My friend, Neal, built his character to fight. That is pretty much how to advance in Fallout, but you don't always have to do it.


    I built my character to fight, HOWEVER, I made a point to always put a few skill points in Pick Lock (Open Lock) or the Fallout equivalent.


    Neal had to go a direction where he had to fight his way in to this big psionic brain. While fighting the brain psionically attacked him and he would always die.


    I never had to fight the psionic brain. I went through a back way that forced me to fight two weaker goons then pick a lock.


    Fallout didn't exactly do what you are asking the games to do, but it comes closer than most video games.


    KA, if you want to play let me know and I can loan you my version. If you are the KA that I am thinking about then you don't live very far away from me.


    Originally posted by KA.

    Am I just cranky because I can't sleep and it's 4:00 A.M.?;)



  17. This kind of makes sense. The 4th edition champions were throwing around the same DC attacks as the 5th edition, but the 4th edition champions have higher defenses in relation to their attacks.




    Originally posted by Champsguy

    Not really. We did a mock combat between the 4th Edition and 5th Edition teams back when 5th first came out.


    It was surprising, but the 4th Edition team won.

  18. I actually liked the 2nd Matrix movie until the end.


    I hated the third one with a passion.


    The creators of the Matrix Trilogy sure suckered me and many others out of hard earned $$$$. I fooled 'em though by going to the matinee for both movies.


    IMO, the Matrix is only a single movie.


    Now, I have just completed reading this entire thread. All the writeups for LS are good. I like the Star Hero version the best.


    Originally posted by austenandrews

    Agreed. I've watched Ep1 several times on DVD, warts and all. I've no desire to see Matrix 2 ever again.



  19. Re: Just a point of order...


    Yeah, that took a lot of skill to disembowl a dead Taun-Taun. I'm sure the weather more than made up for the fact the Taun-Taun could not dodge or move.


    WEG's Star Wars game never said only a Jedi could use weapon. They did say only a skilled person in Lightsaber could use it wihtout hurting themselves. Jedi's just had a Force Power that allowed them to increase damage. The d20 version allows for Jedi classes to increase damage of lightsabers as they advance in level.



    Originally posted by Shaun Hendricks

    For those of you (and this apparently includes the New Star Wars game authors) that feel you need to be a Jedi or have force powers to use a lightsaber: consider that none other than Han Solo picks up Luke's saber and disembowls a Taun-Taun with it.

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