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Posts posted by rayoman

  1. Ethel or Ricky would be a better sidekick name for Fred's companion.


    Originally posted by BobGreenwade

    Fred and Arthur -- what a pair! :D


    I think (or at least hope) we can use Arthur as the "semi-official" nickname for Hero Sidekick.

  2. No, I am not confused. I understand how HERO works. I was just trying to avoid VPPs with this particular player.


    Thanks for the help.


    I might just get him to focus on one aspect or another.

  3. I have been thinking of running a super hero game for my group. Currently, I am running a DnD campaign that is on its last legs.


    Two players have created characters. Okay, they sat down with me to purchase attributes and discussed powers that they want their characters to have.


    One player, we will call Joseph, is a very slow person. I don't mean intelligence wise. I mean everything he does is at a snail's pace. He is so slow that I want to ban him from ever playing a Cleric or Wizard in DnD. He has come up with a cool character concept.


    Joseph's character concept is based on an archaeologist who gains his powers during a dig. His powers are tied to phases of the moon. Example (I don't know if his phases of the moon are correct):



    Waxing Crescent: Earth Powers

    Waxing Gibbous: Air Powers

    Waning Gibbous: Fire Powers

    Waning Crescent: Water Powers

    Full Moon: All Powers

    New Moon: No Powers


    I really, really don't want to give him a VPP. He has picked out various individual powers from USPD. I am thinking of using a Multiform. Each character would already have to be created in advance. The only problem is the All Powers form. I am thinking the first four could be based on 250 pts and the All Powers form could be built on 350 pts.


    Help. Please.

  4. This is an interesting proposition, Nato.


    Star Hero

    Viper book

    Fantasy Hero

    Fantasy Hero Grimoire



    for a copy of Strike Force.


    You can contact me by email. You can also contact me via MSN Messenger tonight by the same email address. I'll be online until about 11pm EST.


    Originally posted by Nato

    I'd like to get my hands on a copy of this book myself.


    If anyone has one who would like to trade it, I'd be willing to part with up to five of any of the new books. I have multiple copies of everything after The Ultimate Vehicle and would be willing to trade five different titles for Strike Force. I know it's probablly a pipe dream, but thought I'd make the offer.


    Oh, and I'll also give 100 million dollars to whoever breaks me out of jail.

  5. While not my favorite X-men, I liked Ice-man much more than I did Cyclops. Note that all of my X-men references will be prior to 1988. I collected comics between 1984-1988.


    Cyclops was a pansy and AFAIC he will always be a pansy. Back when I was reading the comics I always wished Wolverine would just gut Cyke.


    Back on topic, I remember the old picture but I don't know who the hero is.


    Originally posted by McCoy

    Iceman was always my least favorite X-Man, but I seem to be alone on this.)

  6. This is the reason that I liked SA because the stats were not what was the 'norm' for other Champion's supplements.


    Originally posted by Monolith

    I also was not that found of SA because it was low-powered. Too many characters had stats below 20, and far too many of them had stats in the 15 range.


    I think too many of the Champions characters, heroes and villains alike, suffer from stat inflation IMHO.


    Anyway, I liked SA. I don't own it, but I have read it. Would I use it? Maybe, if I could easily adapt it to fit with in the Champions universe.

  7. You have not been watching the news in the last 6 months? apparrently, there already exists a chip that are in certain cars and insurance companies can access the information. the chip records whether the brakes were hit, how fast you were going, etc. I have seen it on 20/20 or 48 hours a few months ago.

  8. There was mostly coins and cheap gems (like 1,500 1 gp gems) and a couple of non-potion and non-scroll magic items. They chipped and dug the chainmail out and left the rest.



    Originally posted by Hugh Neilson

    Assuming, of course, that the magic items were not also destroyed or damaged by the fireball (or immersion in molton metal).

  9. yeah, tell me about it.


    I just had a player get mad at me last weekend because his character threw a fireball at a white dragon. The fireball caught the dragon's treasure in its radius. If you know anything about 3E DnD then you know unattended items automatically fail a save and are destroyed. Magic items get a save. Hehe...killed a dragon and they got +3 chainmail from it becasue that was the only thing to survive.

  10. For all of you that allow VPPs and MPs for Mages, I have a question.


    Do you allow warriors to take VPPs or MPs to simulate Martial Manuevers or fantastic fighting abilities?


    If the answer is no then why do you allow Mages to use them? Does this seem fair?

  11. IF I was creating a warrior for this campaign then I would have a 0 cost MP with a 60 AP cap for Martial Manuevers. IF the GM disallowed it then I would probably go play elsewhere.


    IMO, there is no need for MP for Mages. FH suggest dividing the spell's real cost by 3, 5 or even 10 and the character using that many CPs to buy his or her spell. I like that way and you can make spells that use the MP construct.


    Originally posted by Hugh Neilson

    I'm curious what a warrior would look like in a campaign that allows a mage like this.

  12. I just started reading FH. I think when my 3E campaign wraps up then I will retool campaign ideas. I am thinking of switching to Hero for a MIB campaign.


    That would be Mages In Black. Pretty much MIB with the scifi stuff replaced with magical stuff.




    I need to learn how to read faster. I have bought everything that HG has put out, but I can't seem to finish reading any of it. I think Champions and Ninja Hero are the only books that I have read from cover to cover.


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