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Posts posted by rayoman

  1. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Oh, you made my gut hurt! :rofl:


    More quotes from last Saturday's session of the Final Fantasy 7 game --




    "That was the last thing I remember of that day. I woke up a few days later in a little town..."


    "Did you have a traffic cone with you?"


  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    This happened in a D6 Star Wars game back before I started playing with the group in 1993. Rob played a Cyborg Pirate. The guy really did outlandish things. Some people would call them stupid, but I am not some people.


    After the group arrive on planet to infiltrate the secret Imperial base the following was requested by the Cyborg Pirate when he approached the first Taxi driver he saw.


    Cyborg Pirate: "Take me to the Secret Imperial Base."

  3. Re: My campaign!


    Combats might take a little longer. I think you will see more specialty type attacks and haymakered regular attacks.


    I play in a campaign with standard Champions parameters. Many of the characters in the group have defenses in your range. Some, like my character The Bug, are much lower. However, The Bug relies on his Shrinking ability (DCV 16; Martial Dodge that to 21). The 2 or 3 Bricks/Demi-Bricks teammates sport much higher DEF than the others. The majority of the team can be dropped after 1-2 hits. Our combats don't last too long. Maybe a single turn or turn and a half.

  4. Re: My campaign!


    Becareful with that word. I design all my characters by deciding on powers first then build the character around those powers. I am far from the POWERGAMER type. However, I don't think POWERGAMER is a dirty word unless it disrupts the game. Not all POWERGAMERS disrupt the game.


    4th guy... lord knows... the guy hasn't decided on an idea.... type of guy who thinks of the powers first not the charater..(we have a special word for that type...)
  5. Re: Other Super Hero RPGs as Sources


    Side Note: I need a copy of Bay City from C:NM. Does anyone know where I can find a copy?


    Ben, Steve, any copies laying around the warehouse that need to be liberated? If you don't want to post publicly then you can email me privately. Willing to pay for it. :)

  6. Re: Other Super Hero RPGs as Sources


    If I were to run a SuperHero game I wouldn't mind incorporating Freedom City, Millennium City and Empire City into one campaign. Empire City is NYC, Millennium City is Detroit. Make Freedom City the LA or Seattle of the campaign world.



    Trying to merge the histories would be difficult.

  7. Re: Thanks to Keith Curtis...


    four adventures that tribute 1st Ed AD&D modules.


    A series? The slavers.


    D series? The drow.


    G series? The Giants.


    S series? Tomb of Horrors, White Plume Mountain, Expedition to Barrier Peaks and The Lost Caverns of Tsjoncanth (i think this is the last one).


    Which series?




    Well, we'll have to see how FHB sells before we can decide whether to do more FH adventures -- scenario products are often pretty dicey. I'd love to do some -- in fact, I have a series of four adventures in mind, sort of a "Steve's tribute to the 1st Ed. AD&D modules he has known and loved" -- but I'm not going to take the time and resources to publish 'em if they won't sell. :hex:


    But if we did 'em, we'd definitely want some good ol' KC maps. I'd love to see what he'd do with some of the bits I already have mapped for #2 (The Tower On The Rock) and #3 (The Lost Temple Of Narthash-O). ;)

  8. Re: Galactic Champions




    You would not like the current group that I am playing in. Our combats do not last more than a 1 turn, maybe 1 turn and a half. Now, mind you, that I have not been able to make the last 3 games sessions due to life and car parts that break.


    My guy will go down in one good hard hit. We do have a few bricks that can take some shots. They did too, at one time.




    I've been reading Galatic Champions and have come to one decision;. While I really like the source material and most of the villians, I HATE the hero write ups. They don't fit togeather power level wise. Defender is way too defense lite. He is a two hitter, unless he's firing, then he's a one hitter. Bulletproof is cool, but way too offense lite. One good entangle and he's out for good.


    Just my opinion, and as I said I like the rest of the book, just not the heroes.



  9. Re: Martial Artist for Review


    I agree with Mister D. I do the same thing.


    IF I make the X-Men then I tend to stay around the normal range (15-20) then give them heavy powers. I don't tend to try to spend points optimally.

  10. Re: 11- or better 10+


    Why not?


    D20 swiped Heroes actions and STR chart. D20 Standard action plus Move action is remarkeably similar to Heroes 1/2 Phase Move + Attack Action.


    I know I coudn't stand the inevitable allegations that "HERO imitated D20". ;)

  11. Re: GC Sales


    Something wrong with the economy?


    It seems everything that I have been reading the economy is doing fine.


    Was ORIGINS that big this year? Or were they also suffering a bit' date=' due to the economy?[/quote']
  12. Re: Name for villain?


    Dr. Anopheles. OOOHH!


    Consider it taken.


    The mosquito species which carries malaria belongs to the genus Anopheles. That name could work for a sophisticated insect villain, especially one with a scientific background.


    (Thanks to Allen Varney and Champions in 3-D for that factoid.) :thumbup:

  13. Re: Name for villain?


    You stifled my creative juices by saying the villain will have Mosquito powers. Maybe you should reconsider the villains powers. ;)


    Dr. Off was the villain I thought of when I read Mosquito Man.


    Bug Zapper: The villain emits a blue electric field that damages all who come near.




    The villain will be similar to the PC, with more evil Mosquito like powers. What should I call him? I am completely stumped on this one.

  14. Re: Meters or yards or feet?




    I tried explaining to a friend about 1" equals 1 hex which equals 6.5 feet. He could not get past the fact that when you said, "My energy blast has a range of 150" that it really meant 975 feet or 325 yds. He was thinking REAL inches.



    Just wondering...why? And when the rules refer to inches (") are we supposed to assume it means 2 meters or 2 yards or 6.5 feet?
  15. Re: DARK CHAMPIONS: What Do *You* Want To See?


    I would think this can be taken care of with the Presence Attack modifiers.


    I agree the gun shouldn't have a PRE stat but I wouldn't be against some guns having a PRE Mod' date=' a .25 pocket pistol certainly doesn't have the intimidation factor of say a 10" barrel .500 S&W Magnum Revolver where the pointee can visually see that the gun is loaded with hollowpoints [/quote']
  16. Re: Reference For DC


    The Shield is an excellent choice, IMO, for a gritty modern campaign. I need to pickup the first two seasons. I started watching with the second season. Man, there is some nasty stuff in the second season.


    NYPD Blue would be another good one. Sipowitcz is a good character to model for a good cop that crosses the line from time to time.


    CSI, whatever one you want, is good too.

  17. Re: DARK CHAMPIONS: What Do *You* Want To See?


    reminds me of Deadpool.


    which came first? Deadpool or HoJ?


    It's more like what Citizen Keen said. I don't HATE HoJ (well' date=' not as much as some people I've played with) but you gotta admit, someone with a 40 DEX initiative and a teleporter system for his arsenal is not someone who fits in with the more realistic genre, even as depicted in the other [i']Dark Champions[/i] sourcebooks.


    That said, I'd still like to see what he looks like in 5th Edition...



  18. Re: DARK CHAMPIONS: What Do *You* Want To See?


    I agree that having a gun pointed at you is a scary thing. I suggest you think hard though as to what is the cause behind the fear. I think that you might want to take a look at the person wielding the gun.


    a. Does person look like someone who is used to being in the situation and is willing to use the gun? Dirty Harry.


    b. Is the person scared, but has gathered enough gumption to pull the trigger? Beaten wife who finally has gathered the resolve to take care of her problem.


    c. Is the person scared, but really hasn't gathered the gumption to pull the trigger?


    Personally, I would be more scared of a and b. c is the person that you could probably talk your way out if you notice certain signs that the person reallly will not pull the trigger.


    No, I don't think the gun should have a PRE stat. People using guns kill people not the guns themselves. Most people, I believe, just seeing a gun on the table would not be scared of the gun.




    I'd like to see guns get a PRE stat. Dirty Harry pointing a .44Mag in someones face and saying "Do you feel lucky punk?" is a great example of PRE based intimidation attack.
  19. Re: What comic group supergroup is your group equivalent to?


    Dave M. can weigh in with his thoughts on our group. I would have to say it really depends on who shows up on game day.


    2 weeks ago only 4 of us showed up. The characters were The Bug, who is a shrinking, bug controlling super. I think the Bug is starting to gross out everyone. Gunmetal, think Colossus, a brick who can take a lot of damage. Shaman, a streetwise magic type guy. Third Eye, a BOECV TK blaster type. We actually came up with some quick tactics and followed through to take out several snipers before rescuing a super powered villain from the clutches of VIPER. We were successful, but then the villain fell victim to a VIPER sniper. In this instance we acted like the X-Men or Avengers.


    2 weeks prior to that with our immortal African Storm God we were more like The Great Lake Avengers.


    Yesterday, we had our mystery men moments, but in the end we buckled down to be more like a team.

  20. Re: GMs, which character concepts did not make the cut in your game?


    Read the first Trilogy. Then read the prequel Trilogy. Both are good. I don't know what you are expecting because Tolkien, it aint. However, they are good, easy reads IMO.


    I have read exactly one Dritz story... and was utterly and totally unimpressed with the quality of the writing, story, setting, and just about anything else (the novel was SEA OF SWORDS).

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