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Everything posted by robbneu

  1. Re: Batman's two-wall jump I would probably just handle that as a special effect. Could Batman ever fall at jumping from wall to wall to get to the top? If not, there's really no need for a skill roll. Robb
  2. Re: When Worlds Collide: ideas for universe crossovers Hahaha... thanks. Unfortunately, the game, combined with another game I was running at the time, kind of ran out of steam. So, I shifted everything five years ahead of that particular adventure and started everything up again *after* the heroes had basically failed at stopping the Old God (as a last ditch effort, they created a dimensional barrier to seal their world away from him). It made for a terribly dark setting/campaign and it now goes through starts and stops in PBEM form. http://home.earthlink.net/~robbneu/minutemen/ Robb
  3. Re: When Worlds Collide: ideas for universe crossovers I'll try to explain this as briefly as possible as it was a little complicated, but... bottom line was... I had an extra-dimensional version of my PC's team suck them into their dimension to help them battle a "Old God" that basically ate dimensions. Since the other dimension's timeline was slightly accelerated, the other team of heroes was about eight to ten years older, so the other team had one of the hero's children on the team and acting a hero, possible glimpses into the futures of some of the other heroes, etc. It was pretty cool and worked out really well. Of course, the main team's dimension was next on the Old God's list of realities to destroy... so that gave the PCs a little initiative in dealing with the disaster. Robb
  4. Re: Animated Series Style Character Images Etherio and Bill, thanks for the replies and the pointers. I downloaded the templates from Bill's link and hope to get some time to play with them in the near future. Thanks, guys! Robb
  5. Re: More weird yet useful mini stuff for Champions and HERO I *love* those Pulp miniatures! Excellent find, Proditor! Robb
  6. Re: Animated Series Style Character Images I haven't had any luck finding these templates... or maybe there aren't any templates at all. Anyone care to share some of their experience in this? I love this style and would really enjoy playing around with it. Are you all just modifying existing images? Robb
  7. As an interesting challenge, I was thinking we could bounce around some ideas about how to take seemingly lame character concepts and improve them so that they actually come across as interesting and involving characters. I'm not talking about taking truly lame characters and making them "kewl," but tackling some of the classic character powers that don't seem to translate well into comic book games. For example, in a game I ran several years ago, I had a female player who created a hero with prehensile hair. She was also made her a martial artist can could take on an entire room full of agents without too much trouble (stretching with her hair, multiple attacks, etc.). What are the other character powers that tend to be ignored in comic book games while still getting respect in comic books? Stretching? Shrinking? Duplication? Toss out a character idea and then offer some suggestions for making the character interesting. Robb
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