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Brother Jim

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Posts posted by Brother Jim

  1. Stupid question, but which version of the rules are you using?


    In 5ER, on page 233 of the PDF there's a section of the rules titled "Perceiving the Target Location; Misteleporting" that basically says it requires an Attack Roll with penalties to hit the target location. So Safe Blind Teleport adder (in case the attack roll fails) and about 9 or 10 CSLs with a single attack type (the 2 point each level).

  2. IIRC (and it's entirely possible I don't) ACC 4 means it can accelerate by up to 4" per segment, DCC 5 means it can slow down by up to 5" per segment and the Turn 10 means it has to travel 10" in a straight line before making a one hex side facing change.


    I lost these books a few years ago, so hopefully someone with them can verify if I'm right or not.

  3. Hi All!! Long time no type!!


    I fired up my HeroDesigner for the first time in years and it looks like my 250pt not-Ghost Rider has disappeared.


    Does any one have one (or more) that they could post?


    They don't have to be 250pts, just something to get the creative juices flowing again.



  4.   Thanks, my memory was playing tricks on me. I thought that was a Reaper mini that someone had converted to be topless, but I was wrong.

    If anyone's interested the mini in the link is Darksword Miniatures 2006 Elmore Amazon, the mini I thought it was was Reaper's Jahenna, Vampire. Both minis were sculpted by Dennis Mize.

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