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  1. #15 LADY LUCK (Barbados) LADY LUCK Delia de Luc Character Sheet (HTM) Background Delia Benson married a wealthy French media magnate and left Barbados at the age of seventeen. Three years later she was a wealthy widow with too much money and a residence in Monaco. She began to frequent the casinos and won as much as she lost - but whether she won or not, she drew an inordinate amount of attention and became known as Lady Luck. Her reputation grew, although her wealth dwindled. One night she met the Astrologer and was convinced to leave Europe and return to Barbados where the Astrologer had established his Zodiac Agency. Delia agreed and became the Astrologer's assistant, bodyguard and sometime lover. Personality Delia is beautiful but cunning. She is self-centered and self-serving, although she does have an undeniable affection and loyalty for the Astrologer. She enjoys the thrill of casinos, of chance encounters and coincidence. She is still young in many ways, although there is an undeniable hardness in some aspects of her personality: most notably her lack of mercy and charity. Quote "This could be your lucky night." Powers Delia de Luc is a regular human with some martial arts training and a dedication to self-preservation. She has shown an unusual ability to outplay probability in casinos and her luck sometimes affects other aspects of her life too. Appearance Delia is tall and elegant, oftentimes dominating a room. She has been hired by the Astrologer to be his inconspicuous bodyguard, although her beauty is more dangerous than her martial prowess.
  2. #15 ZODIAC AGENTS (Barbados) ZODIAC AGENTS Various Character Sheet (HTM) Background The Zodiac Agency was established to provide security to corporations and private individuals who did not trust the authorities and especially uberhumans. It has since widened its approach to include security work, retrieval work and even its own in-house experimental work such as when the Agency kidnapped Olympians during the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics in an attempt to activate the ubergene in its test subjects. The Agency is well respected amongst its former employers and operates in simultaneous operations across North America, Western Europe and most recently in Australia. While it works for employers in most cases, the Zodiac Agency is also interested in its own pursuits. A variety of mercenaries and special agents work for the Zodiac Agency. While they come from different backgrounds all agents share a distrust for uberhumans which is the foundation of the Agency. This distrust is based on either a pre-existing belief or a reaction to the indoctrination process organised by the Astrologer.Zodiac agents work in a variety of areas and capacities. They are capable of low-key assignments as well as anti-Uber response teams in which case they will don the Zodiac Battle Armour. The Agency has built its reputation on its 'pure human' agents and its ability to provide a security force equivalent to the power level of most ubers. Personality Generally the agents work for Zodiac because of the financial rewards, the thrill of espionage and security work, or perhaps because of a deep seated hatred for uberhumans. Each agent has their own reasons for joining the agency, although personal agendas are frowned upon. Quote "It's nothing personal, just business." Powers Zodiac has developed an array of high technology devices and weapon systems, the most impressive of which are the Zodiac Energy Pistol and the Battle Armour. Each agent has access to these items, as well as conventional arms. Appearance Zodiac agents come from a variety of backgrounds, but all wear a standard Zodiac uniform which is composed of a hardy body armour. The uniform is black with white trimming and a constellation on the left breast, depending on the agent's group. There are always twelve active groups in the agency, named after the twelve star signs of the Zodiac.The Zodiac Battle Armour is a heavier power armour which enhances the wearer's strength and provides even more defence against all kinds of weaponry: human and uber. It is composed of reflective metal plates over a thicker black armour. The Armour includes a visored helmet which hides the wearer's identity.
  3. #15 ZODIAC AGENCY (Barbados) The Zodiac Agency was established to provide security to corporations and private individuals who did not trust the authorities and especially uberhumans. It has since widened its approach to include security work, retrieval work and even its own in-house experimental work such as when the Agency kidnapped Olympians during the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics in an attempt to activate the ubergene in its test subjects. The Agency is well respected amongst its former employers and operates in simultaneous operations across North America, Western Europe and most recently in Australia. While it works for employers in most cases, the Zodiac Agency is also interested in its own pursuits. This is a criminal organisation based in Barbados but operating throughout the Western world. The location of the base is not known, and if it were to become public knowledge the Astronomer would move immediately. Secrecy is important to the Agency. The six members will follow...
  4. #14 SHAPLA (Bangladesh) SHAPLA Opi Rahman Character Sheet (HTM) Background Opi Rahman opposed the capitulation of Bangladesh to Indian rule. She was among the thousands of protesters in Dhaka during 2002 but when the government agreed to the terms as set out by the Indian forces, the protesters seemed to lose spirit. Bangladesh was impoverished and those who stood against the decision soon found themselves targeted by pro-Indian forces. India promised to alleviate some of the hardships. People wanted food. However, Opi continued to be defiant. Her family were poor, from the north of the country. She moved to Dhaka and took up residence at the Indian consulate among a group of ten protesters. One night the group were cleaned out by Harvest and overseen by local Bengali hero, Umbra. No one heard from the group again. The bodies were well hidden. Opi woke up the next day in a fishing village 100km from Dhaka.She recalled the massacre the night before but had no mark on her body - even though she could still feel the organic blades of Harvest's arm-weapons. Somehow she had been saved... or born again. The Assembly discovered her miracle soon after when she returned to Dhaka and demanded answers. She was caught on a CNN news camera and took the opportunity to retell the story of Harvest's killing spree. The interview lasted less than five minutes before Opi was dragged away and the journalists were ushered into a debriefing room. Opi knew she was going to die. When she saw the pistol she closed her eyes. A lot of things happened next. She heard the gunshot, felt the pain... and then she was briefly aware of movement, like she was floating but moving a lot faster than the clouds she imagined in her mind. The next day she awoke in the mountains. It seemed that death was just a stage that Opi was destined to go through for her country, and that she now had the opportunity to pass through that 'undiscovered country' and come out on the other side on more than one occasion. The mountain people took her in and Opi decided that she needed to re-evaluate her options. It wasn't everyday that a person realised that they were effectively immortal. The Assembly was too powerful. The Indian Government was too sprawling and invasive. They had agents everywhere and they had seemed to cement their position on the sub-continent. No foreign country was prepared to challenge India, and Bangladesh seemed quite content to become a protectorate. The local heroes who had been on the scene before the invasion had all disappeared. Only Opi remained. She dedicated herself to opposing the occupation. And she knew that she would have to oppose it one day at a time. She couldn't defeat the oppressors by herself: she needed the support of the world and her own people. She put her life on the line frequently and confronted the Assembly on numerous occasions. All of the encounters ended in death or escape. Opi would either slip away and evade their scouts by moving amongst the frightened and oppressed people of Bangladesh, or she would be struck down dead and mystically transported to safety. As Shapla she became a symbol for her people. And she also became a thorn in the side of the occupiers. To this day the Assembly has a team dedicated to hunting her down and neutralising her abilities. As Opi, she continues to operate as a peace worker amongst the people of Bangladesh. Indian authorities were never able to identify her real name which has allowed her to operate in two identities, even though both lives are still fraught with danger. Personality Opi is dedicated to bringing peace and prosperity to Bangladesh. She wants India out of her homeland, and more than that, she wants her people to enjoy a higher standard of living. Bangladesh has long suffered poverty and Opi hopes to turn that around by highlighting their plight to the international community. She has developed a sense of Fate about her, and knows that she is destined to die many times in her quest to bring about liberation. She has a very pacifistic attitude, combining elements of Buddhism and Islam, although she is not really a strong follower of either faith. She is in the process of developing her own outlook on life and the universe. In fact, she has developed something of a following amongst the Bengali people, and through her courageous fighting and her altruistic healing abilities, Shapla has become a modern day prophet and role model. Quote "To strike me down is to strike at your own weakness." Powers Shapla possesses a remarkable healing ability which is enhanced by a fail-safe teleportational twist. When her body begins to shut down and fail her physical form vanishes and reforms far, far away from the immediate danger. She believes it is a form of reincarnation, but it is actually an uber ability which is triggered by near-death experiences. Interestingly, her rebirth does not include any sign of injury or disfigurement. Her body returns to its pristine state. In addition to her healing ability Shapla is an accomplished practitioner of karate and uses her powers to oppose the enemies of Bangladesh - although she does more good work behind the scenes than in direct confrontations. Appearance Shapla is a strong minded woman whose strength has infused her body. She is always confident and has her eyes forward. She never looks away or bows to fear, and she also possesses infectious courage so that those who stand beside her are able to share in her confidence. As Shapla, she wears a loose fitting backless white blouse and showcases the immaculate white water lily tattoo which graces her back. She wears black pants and boots and hides her identity with a black and white mask. As Opi Rahman, peace activist, she wears jeans and t-shirts which are comfortable and hard wearing. When she uses her healing powers there is a scent of lily in the air and the affected area usually glows white for a brief time. Notes Shapla is the only public figure opposing the occupation of Bangladesh by the Indian Government in Uberworld. She could approach the PCs with a request for help or else she could be played as an antagonist. Perhaps the Indian government pays the PCs to neutralsie her. A way to get Shapla into the PCs campaign would be to have her wake up in their neighbourhood after being 'killed' again. Her powers may have received a boost from a particularly nasty near-death experience, and propelled her further than normal. She could wake up in the USA, Australia, Britain or any country. Coupled with her sudden appearance could be temporary amnesia. The PCs may have to work out who she is... and why members of The Assembly eventually turn up to silence her. I wasn't sure how to create a lone hero in a country dominated by such a powerful force as The Assembly, so I opted for a serial reincarnator (or whatever you'd like to call it). She is a Patriot and stands up for her country, but she cannot possibly survive long and is frequently 'killed off' in public, only to reappear in relative safety some far away place. Shapla means water lily, by the way.
  5. #13 X-RAY (Bahrain) Hot on the heels of the Bahamas is Bahrain. I've finished the young Bahraini hero X-Ray and have him here for your perusal now. Taking his colour-scheme from the Hulk villain X-Ray (of the U-Foes) this hero is sort of composed of x-rays but the exact nature of his energy form is unknown. X-RAY Character Sheet
  6. #12 Domino Dominic Moxey, aka Domino, is a people smuggler based in the Bahamas and deals with refugees coming from Cuba and further south throughout the Caribbean and South America. He is a hard-hearted mercenary as Domino, but balances that aspect of his personality with a flirtatious party-animal secret ID. He is listed as a villain, but really he could be played as an anti-hero depending on the circumstances, but the way I've conceived him he really is heartless and cold. DOMINO Character Sheet (HTM) The next character is almost done. He's an energy blaster from Bahrain and is composed of x-rays (in the comic tradition rather than the real science-based reality). I'll have him up in a few days.
  7. #11 Div and Uzan (Azerbaijan) It's been a tough week, but the dynamic duo from Azerbaijan are here for display. Looking at them I think you'll be able to tell it was a weird week in my world. They look odd... like muppets. DIV (demon on the left) and UZAN (kid with the egg-head on the right!) Div's Character Sheet and Uzan's Character Sheet available. I'll be moving into the Bs this week, so one letter down and 25 to go. And no more muppets - at least in the forseeable future. Promise!
  8. Re: Unofficial Handbook to the Champions Universe I really like the idea, and if you can tap into the comic art world that's even better. With the price you're quoting there, i'm sure there would be a LOT of people willing to send money your way in exchange for the books. Looking forward to hearing more.
  9. #10 BLIZZARD (Austria) BLIZZARD She radiates a field of cold powerful enough to shatter solid objects. And what she can't shatter with the field of cold is easily brought down by her thunderous kicks as a tae kwon do master. Blizzard is the damaged former side kick to Double Eagle. All she wants to do is cause enough damage and destruction to bring out her former mentor - and then she plans to finish him for good and prove that she has become the master. Character Sheet (HTM) The original rolls for this character: Step One: Austria Step Two: (1) Single Character Step Three: (6) Female Step Four: (6) Villain Step Five: (8) Martial Artist Step Six: (4) 350 points (200 Base + 150 Disadvantages) Step Seven: (4) 9XP Step Eight: (4) Modern Era
  10. Re: Around the World With A New Character Each Week The easy answer is that those three countries all have the southern cross in their flags. The other answer is that the main reason SCI was established was to find a vaccine for the retro-virus which was unleashed by Professor Quake (sometime). Professor Quake (famously) destroyed Rio de Janeiro so Tempus decided it might be worthwhile investigating the area for potential leaks of the virus in case it was released during the attack on Rio. There are a lot of paradox problems obviously. SCI actually started the Southern Knights, which had Professor Quake as a member, who then (in the future) became responsible for the virus being released which then led to Tempus returning to the past... to set up SCI and the Southern Knights... I don't think I'll do another time traveller any time soon!
  11. #9 SOUTHERN CROSS INTERNATIONAL (Australia) This is a medical/scientific organisation which is based in Australia, with branches in New Zealand and Brazil as well. It does a lot of good, especially in the areas of medical research, developing vaccines, as well as the development of high technology such as the OLGA Bot which assists in hazardous rescue missions. There are four main members of the organisation, but as you'll find out, it's not really as easy as that. TEMPUS Character Sheet (HTM) The Founder of the organisation is a time traveller from 2082 who has come to our era so he will have time to develop a vaccine for a nasty retro-virus which targets the ubergene (metagene) and results in even nastier deaths. In his time, most of the super heroes were killed within a week and it was suggested that they would all be dead within six months. So he came to 1982 with a temporal ring, started up the Southern Cross International organisation to assist him finding a cure - as well as part-time adventuring as Tempus. But there's a complication or two. First, he is the great grandson of a current day villain, Professor Quake, and it was Quake who actually unleashed the retrovirus. And two, every now and then a new version of Tempus is born, as a side effect of travelling back in time. So Tempus currently has four versions of himself. The original is now 64, the second one is 44, the third (and current holder of the name Tempus) is 24 and there is also a 4 year old. He will keep generating a new baby version of himself every twenty years. Weird. DINGO Character Sheet (HTM) Then there is Dingo. He used to be a werewolf-style mutant hero, as well as an intelligence officer with ASIO, but he volunteered to lose his powers after a vicious attack on a civilian and is now a regular kind of guy who heads up the security division of Southern Cross International. ENIGMA AND THE O.L.G.A. BOTS Enigma Character Sheet (HTM) O.L.G.A. Bot Character Sheet (HTM) A mutant inventor (a la Forge) who comes up with nifty designs such as the neutraliser which took away Dingo's powers, the Power Suit of Southern Cross and the O.L.G.A. Bots - large mecha which assist with rescue missions and clean up after disasters or superhuman brawls. Enigma thinks that Tempus has an ulterior motive and has begun helping Professor Quake in his quest to bring the organisation down. She is worried that Tempus is trying to work out a way to kill all ubers, rather than saving them. Maybe Tempus should just come clean and tell people what he's really up to! RAZORBACK Character Sheet (HTM) A young doctor with a pig's head. Ryan was born a 'Pig Boy' (dubbed by the newspapers) and really has low self esteem. Part of his mutant powers enables him to withstand most diseases and toxins so he is an invaluable member of Southern Cross International's Infectious Diseases Unit. He also may be the missing link in Tempus' quest for a cure. Wow... that took a long time. My fingers are sore! Blogger has crashed so I haven't been able to get Razorback up on the Blog Site yet, but I will tomorrow. And I'll do the edits as suggested by my mate Basil. Next up is Austria! Cheers.
  12. Basil, Editor-In-Chief Ooh those evil typos! Thanks for being my editor, Basil. Great stuff!
  13. Re: Around the World With A New Character Each Week
  14. #8 SKY QUEEN (Armenia) A super-strong flying Armenian woman who enjoys laying waste to Turkish cities on weekends, shopping in Paris during the week (without having to actually pay for anything) and a quite game of cards on Friday nights with silver-skinned businessmen (read: Sterling of the mercenary outfit: TITAN). Has experience working as a mercenary (although has had several incidents of changing employers mid-assignment) as well as working for governments such as Russia. SKY QUEEN Character Sheet (HTM) Hero Designer File (HDC) The dice rolls were... Step One: Armenia Step Two: (2) Single Character Step Three: (5) Female Step Four: (6) Villain Step Five: (1) Brick Step Six: (5) 450 points (300 Base + 150 Disadvantages) Step Seven: (3) No Experience Step Eight: (3) Modern Era
  15. Sound And The Fury I've had a go at the Superhuman Generator and created these two heroes from Charlotte, NC. SOUND AND THE FURY The Hunteds can be substituted (CLAW is compatible with VIPER) and some of the background information relates to Uberworld. I made a few changes, especially to Disadvantages. Rolling three times you tend to roll the same Standard Set. Here is what I came up with... (Check the character sheet for Sound and Fury if you want to bypass the rolling stuff.) Superhuman Generator Types and Subtypes Table: 3.5 Weaponmaster Characteristics: 1 Brains and Will Set STR 15 DEX 15 CON 18 BODY 13 INT 23 EGO 23 PRE 23 COM 10 PD 8 ED 7 SPD 4 REC 11 END 36 STUN 30 Primary Powers: 1 Super Warrior Set Combat Sense Defense Maneuver II Deadly Aim: Find Weakness 12- with one attack Combat Protection: Armour (6PD / 6ED) (changed it to 9PD/9ED with OIF for Body Armour) Power Strike: HA +9d6; Hand to Hand Attack (-1/2), plus another (-1/2) Limitation - I'll choose OIF: Nunchaku (the character is a weaponmaster after all) Ducking and Dodging: Missile Deflection (bullets/shrapnel) or +3DCV - I'll choose Missile Deflection Secondary Powers: 1 Freight Train Set (That's three 1s... glad I'm not rolling damage) Impact Resistance: Armour (13PD / 13ED) Impact Resistance: +6PD Runs Like The Wind: Running +15" (21" Total) Skills/Perks/Talents: 2 Dedicated Fighter Set Acrobatics Breakfall Combat Skill Levels +6 with HTH Combat Personality/Background Skills (11 points) Absolute Range Sense Disadvantages: 11: Standard Set Hunted: Personal Enemy 11- Psychological Limitation: Code Versus Killing Social Limitation: Secret Identity 9: Standard Set (I'm going to substitute the Psychological and Social Limitations rather than double up) Hunted: Personal Enemy 8- (More Powerful) I'm going to take Normal Characteristic Maxima instead and lower the three CHARs I have which are at 23. They will be reduced to 23 INT (costs +3) 20 EGO and 20 PRE. REC dropped to 10, too, and I added 2 to COM making it 14. Social Limitation: 15 points 15: Radiation Accident Set Hunted: Villain involved in experiment, MP, NCI Psychological Limitation: Fear of 'Energy/Circumstances Linked To Accident' Vulnerability: x2 STUN from same energy as used in accident I think I'm missing 10 points somehow. I'll add the points to Skills. NOTE: I'm going to reduce HTH Combat Skill Levels to +3 and use the 15 points for some Martial Arts maneuvers. Now to put all of the random elements together and make up a character. Superhuman Generator Types and Subtypes Table: 2.1 Martial Artist - 6 Martial Mystic Characteristics: 5 Brains and Will Set STR 15 DEX 15 CON 18 BODY 13 INT 23 EGO 23 PRE 23 COM 10 PD 8 ED 7 SPD 4 REC 11 END 36 STUN 30 Primary Powers: 3 Super Boxer Set Fighting Style: Martial Arts (30 points) Ch'i Powered Leaping: Leaping +10" Ch'i Powers MP - Ch'i Control: Healing 4d6 - Iron Shirt: Armour (12PD/12ED), Activation 15- - Lei Kung's Fire: Energy Blast 8d6 - Ox-Felling Blow: HKA 2d6 - Sublime Energy Control: Missile Deflection and Reflection (All Attacks) - Unshakable Balance: Flight 5", Only In Contact With A Surface (-1/4), Only To Stand And Move On Small, Fragile Surfaces (-1/2) - Wire-Fu Wall-Scaling: Clinging; Requires Acrobatics Roll (-1/2) Secondary Powers: 4 Ground-Pounder Set Toughness: Damage Resistance (12PD/12ED) - Spread this to Mental and Power Defence - PD/ED were less than 12 Rooted: Knockback Resistance -4" Incredible Leaping: Leaping +10" Runs Like The Wind: Running +20" x4NCV Skills/Perks/Talents: 2 Investigator Set Bribery Bugging Bureaucratics Conversation Criminology Deduction Interrogation AK: Campaign City 11- AK: Campaign City 11- Persuasion Shadowing Streetwise Personality/Background Skills (10 points) Disadvantages: 11: Standard Set Hunted: Personal Enemy 11- Psychological Limitation: Code Versus Killing Social Limitation: Secret Identity 15: Radiation Accident Set Hunted: Villain involved in experiment, MP, NCI Psychological Limitation: Fear of 'Energy/Circumstances Linked To Accident' - Changed this to Distrusts Scientists Vulnerability: x2 STUN from same energy as used in accident - Taken This Out (duplicated last character) 6: Infamy Set Hunted: Press 8-, Watching Hunted: As Powerful 8- Reputation: Did Something Very Wrong 11- (Extreme) Substituting Public ID for Psych Lim: Driven To Prove Her Innocence I think I'm missing 5 points somehow. I'll add the points to Skills. Now to put all of the random elements together and make up a character.
  16. #7 ABEL (Argentina) I've been thinking about a Private Investigation Agency called Reddy, Willing and Abel for a while now (ever since remembering an Australian Tv series of the same name back in the late 1980s or early 1990s - can't remember exactly!). This character is Abel - one of the three principal investigators. He is also a solo hero and has a habit of challenging other heroes into giving up their secret IDs - and if they refuse he tends to uncover them anyway and reveal it to the world. You can't trust someone wearing a mask! Character Sheet Hero Designer File And here are the original dice rolls... Step One: Argentina Step Two: (4) Single Character Step Three: (1) Male Step Four: (2) Hero (At last I roll a hero - Ben) Step Five: (9) Martial Artist Step Six: (3) 350 points (175 Base + 175 Disadvantages) Step Seven: (5) 17XP Step Eight: (1) Modern Era Next up is Armenia and then .... well, I think I'll insert one for Atlantis and then Home Sweet Home Australia!
  17. Re: Beauty Is In The Eye Of The... Sand Dragon? Her COM is actually 14, but I agree that shapechanging kind of negates base COM scores. The scores are in the right hand column, costs in the left hand one.
  18. Beauty Is In The Eye Of The... Sand Dragon?
  19. Re: My CU based webcomic Awesome. I can tell that the comic is a 'labour of love' - it looks like it'd be a lot of fun to create. Repped!
  20. #6 SAND DRAGON (Antigua and Barbuda) The picturesque tropical islands of Antigua and Barbuda also include a little island called Lagarto (lizard) which turns out to be more than just an island. It's also an alien entity which plummeted to Earth over one hundred and fifty years ago and has been eating wayward sailors and tourists ever since. Sand Dragon is a combination of Krakoa the Living Island and a giant Sand Lion (those insects which lie under sand and wait for an unsuspecting ant to wander past before flicking sand at it and bringing it down into the maws of death... yeah, loved them as a kid). Also has a kind of Sarlaac Pit feel to it from Return of the Jedi. Anyway, here is the latest character - a villain, but one who can't really chase after you. She's an island. She can't move. Character Sheet Hero Designer File And here are the original dice rolls... Step One: Antigua and Barbuda Step Two: (3) Single Character Step Three: (4) Female Step Four: (6) Villain Step Five: (20) Roll Twice - (4) Energy Projector (12) Metamorph Step Six: (6) 600 points (400 points +200 Disadvantages) Step Seven: (5) 18XP Step Eight: (4) Modern Era
  21. Re: #5 BLACK RHINO (Angola) Work in progress needs those nitpicks. In reality, yeah, but I wanted to give him a general attack that wouldn't run out. I don't think Batman runs out of his batorangs very often, and I wanted to reflect this in the character. On the other hand I also wanted Black Rhino to be a fairly hard-pressed character with his back regularly against the wall, so if he did run out of charges it might be a good (character) thing. I'll make some changes. Thanks Basil. Another great critique. Have to admit that his secret ID only came to me at the end.
  22. Re: Around the World With A New Character Each Week Thanks for that! I am hoping that people in the know will actually point these things out. I actually took the name Fabrice from the Angolan soccer team. I think I'll change it to Fernando. There'll be an update tonight or tomorrow. Excellent ideas. I'll add them to the update. I'm actually running a European game (set in Venice) so Black Rhino could make an appearance. I'm always on the look out for criminal activities and diamonds are a nice hook for the female characters of the game. Have some rep!
  23. #5 BLACK RHINO (Angola) I was hoping to create a Joker kind of vigilante for this one after I rolled up a vigilante gadgeteer, but I ended up with a Batman-style guy. Born into a warzone, Black Rhino never really had the chance to develop compassion, so he fights crime and corruption on all sides with his own version of cold, austere justice. Character Sheet Hero Designer File I'm happy with how this picture turned out. The energy exoskeleton looks cumbersome but the beams are supposed to be able to bend and crackle as he moves. And here are the original dice rolls... Step One: Angola Step Two: (4) Single Character Step Three: (2) Male Step Four: (3) Vigilante Step Five: (7) Gadgeteer Step Six: (3) 350 points (175 Base + 175 Disadvantages) [B]Step Seven: (4) 8XP Step Eight[/b]: (5) Modern Era
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