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Scion Zane

HERO Member
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Posts posted by Scion Zane

  1. Re: Final Fantasy potions and items and Monsters




    Description: A big Flaming ball of fire, with eyes and mouth.


    30 Str 20pts

    15 Dex 15pts

    16 Con 12pts

    16 Body 12pts

    8 Int +2

    10 Ego 0

    15 Pre 5pts

    8 Com +1


    6 PD

    6 ED 3pts

    2.5 SPD

    16 Rec

    32 End

    29 stun


    2 over all combat skill level 20pts


    Has no ground movement flight only 12pts for 6†of flight


    4d6 Energy Blast 20pts: damage shield +1/2, Continues +1, zero end +1/2 =40 pts


    Bite Hka 1d6+1=20pts


    Firespell attack Rka: 4d6 20pts,


    Self destructed: 4d6 EB. 20pts, area effect radius +11/4, Explosion +.75 40Pts


    Absorption to Self destructed on physical attacks -1/4: 5d6=25pts: one minet+1/4,


    Special notes all fire attacks heal bomb +2


    Weakness cold attacks:-20pts


    Pts 463pts


    well here is my first attempt at the bomb critter

  2. Re: Final Fantasy potions and items and Monsters


    That looks pretty good Scion. I happen to be playing FF5 on my PS2 right now actually. Of course you also need:

    Soft: Major Transform Stone to Flesh

    Cornucopia: Growth (only to counteract shrinking)

    Maiden's Kiss: Major Tranform Frog to Human

    Elixir: combination of potion and ether with LOTS of dice to make sure it fills them all the way up

    Antidote: Dispel poison

    Holy Water: Major Transform Zombie to Human

    Esuna (spell): All of the above! Quite pricy hehe


    Good luck.


    as for this just have not goten to them yet LOL

  3. Re: Final Fantasy potions and items and Monsters


    I just thought of something' date=' in most FF games you can use potions on undead to damage them, or phoenix down to kill them. So you might want to work in a EB or RKA (only against undead).[/quote']


    Yes you can use potions and X-potions on undead but istead of adding eb or ka I was going to give the undead weakness to any healing. so what ever dammage that would be heald would do dammage to undead as part of thier limitation



    As for metria they usely did some form of stat boost + give an element attack or defence depending how you equiped it. As for Vpp i would nnt use. I used a Multipower pool for it, and I gave it its own exp to help it grow depending on use and dammage

  4. Well I was board and I have ran a FF game but never got around to working on the potions and items and monsters. I had some write ups of an item or two and a few criters, but nothing really major


    here are some of the items


    Potion: (healing) BODY/STUN +1/2, 3d6 =30pts, OAF -1, Fragile -1/4, gestures (drinking) -1/4, Charges (1) -2, 14pts or 14gill


    Hi-potion (healing) BODY/STUN +1/2, 6d6 =60pts, OAF -1, Fragile -1/4, gestures (drinking) -1/4, Charges (1) -2, 26pts or 26 gill


    X-potion (healing) Body/stun +1/2, 12d6 = 120pts, Oaf -1, Fragile -1/4, Gestures (drinking) -1/4, Charges (1) -2, 54pts or 54 gill


    Ether (healing) END 3d6 =30pts, OAF -1, Fragile -1/4, gestures (drinking) -1/4, Charges (1) -2, 9pts or 9 gill


    I hope you dont Judge to harshly!

  5. Re: G.i. Joe Hero


    Destro should be nearly laser proof oweing to his chrome finish.

    as far as i remember only his head and guantlets were crome.


    may be head and hands locations


    "Destro missile defelects with his head and guantels" hehe

  6. Re: G.i. Joe Hero


    very interesting idea a Gi joe hero game


    hehe "cobra"


    could be fun to see the write ups for cobra personel and gi joe personel


    Hum I wounder 50 points and 50 points of dissadds

  7. Re: Any resouces for converting D20 to Hero


    I am looking for some resources to help me translate a D20 setting to Hero are there any guidelines out there for that or any suggestions for doing so I do not know much about D20 and am not interested in learning about because I think levels suck lots.


    Please help me!





    I agree levels suck!:thumbup:

  8. Re: Bubble gum crises to hero


    Nene hard suite Type 1 first season



    All are part of OAF-1/2



    Targeting computer: 3 over all combat skill levels 27pts mines limm. = 18pts


    Optics and special sys.

    Ultraviolet Perception: 10pts =5pts

    Infrared Perception: 10pts = 5pts

    Night vision: 5pts +5 to perception, =2.5

    Flash defiance: 5pts =2.5

    Telescopic 6pts: =3pts +4 for Rmod sight group

    Radio perception: 10 pts = 5pts

    Increased arc of perception: 240 5pts

    Built in skill find weakness Boomers only: 10pts for 11- + another 25pts for a +5 = 18pts

    Rader full passive and active 20pts =10pts


    ECM: Flash: 6d6 =30pts and DEX drain of 3d6 =30pts area effect radius+1 , only works on Missiles -1/2, linked +1/2, End 12 cost 60pts


    Computer pool: 90pts skill role -1/2 part of the suite -1/2 = 45pts

    Computer telepathy (cables or wire less connection): 6d6 =30pts telepathy computer only -1/2, End 3 15pts slot (2 pts Ul.)

    Computer Mind. Control: 6d6 =30pts mind control computer only-1/2 , Emd 3 15pts (slot 2pts Ul.)


    Computer edit major Transform : 3d6 =45pts cumulative +1/2 68pts 5pts slot End 7


    Str : + 15 for 15 pts =5pts

    Body: +5 for 10pts = 5pts

    Spd: +1 10pts =5pts

    Dex: +5 =15pts =8pts

    Armor: 14pd 14ed = 42pts Hardened +1/2 for pd and Ed =53pts

    Damage reduction: 50% resistant 30pts physical and energy =60pts =30pts

    Run : 36pts + 18” = 18pts

    Leap: 30pts +30” = 10pts


    Power: 6pts for 60end = 3pts

    Rec: 15 for 15pts = 8pts



    Weapons pool 70pts active: oaf -1/2 35pts

    Laser beam weapon: 2d6rka 30pts +AP. +1/2, penetrating=1/2 60pts 3pts fixed slot end (6)


    Pulse laser: 1d6+1K 20pts+1ocv= 2pts =22pts +ap+1/2 autofire (5) +1/2 =44pts =22pts 4pts variable End (4)


    Total points: 377pts

  9. Re: Avatar: The Last Airbender


    I'm really leaning toward using Exalted since it is already so close to what the show is. I might try doing a couple conversions to see how it looks in Hero system. I'll let you know.

    You could use Exalted but i think hero would be better for Avatar. Because in exalted you are all ready pumped up a lot. I like the world back groud.

  10. Re: Bubble gum crises to hero


    Excellent, more cool stuff.


    I'd be almost tempted to make those ribbon cutters double AP since I can't recall seeing anything that seemed able to resist them.


    After a review of the show and the art book and Edsel and my friend NSG. I changed the razor ribons to double ap in stead of one.


    Thank you both for you input.

  11. Re: Bubble gum crises to hero


    Excellent, more cool stuff.


    I'd be almost tempted to make those ribbon cutters double AP since I can't recall seeing anything that seemed able to resist them.


    I was thinking about it but I figured it was enough to just one AP for now. I might change them later on.

  12. Re: Bubble gum crises to hero


    Linnas hard suite Type 1 first season



    All are part of OIF-1/2



    Targeting computer: 3 over all combat skill levels 27pts mines limm. = 18pts


    Ultraviolet Perception: 10pts =5pts

    Infrared Perception: 10pts = 5pts

    Night vision: 5pts +5 to perception, =2.5

    Flash defiance: 5pts =2.5

    Telescopic 6pts: =3pts +4 for Rmod sight group

    Radio perception: 10 pts = 5pts

    Increased arc of perception: 240 5pts

    Built in skill find weakness Boomers only: 10pts for 11- + another 25pts for a +5 = 18pts


    Str : + 15 for 15 pts =5pts

    Body: +5 for 10pts = 5pts

    Spd: +1 10pts =5pts

    Dex: +6 =18pts =9pts


    Armor: 14pd 14ed = 42pts Hardened +1/2 for pd and Ed =53pts

    Damage reduction: 50% resistant 30pts physical and energy =60pts =30pts


    Run : 36pts + 18” = 18pts

    Leap: 30pts +30” = 10pts


    Power: 6pts for 60end = 3pts

    Rec: 15 for 15pts = 8pts


    Weapons pool 75pts active: OIF -1/2 38ptss


    laser beam weapon: 2d6rka 30pts +ap +1/2 , penatrateing=1/2 60pts 3pts fixed slot end (6)


    Pulse laser: 1d6+1K 20pts+1ocv=2pts =22pts +ap+1/2 autofire(5)+1/2 =44pts =22pts 4pts veribale End (4) (20)


    Knucle bombers: hka 3d6 45pts ap+1/2, charges(4) -1 =34pts 3pts fixed slot


    Razor ribon:hka 2d6 30pts ap+1, autofire(2) +1/4, 68pts =34pts 3pts fixed slot

    end 8


    TTcost 261

  13. Re: converting Wow (world of warcraft) to hero


    Warlock class 9pts


    Stat bonus: 7pts Skills: 12pts

    +2 to con 4pts Ks magic: 3pts

    +2 to Int. 2pts Ks demons and devil lore 3pts

    +2 to com 1pt Ks arcane and occult lore 3pts

    Literacy 1pt

    WF: Common Melee Weapons 2pts

    Spell casting: 5pts




    Mistrusted: 10pts



    this is what I have so far. I'm working on the spells and the first summoned pet the Imp.

    I am having trouble with the spell immolate its a damage over time spell.


    any suggestions would be a great help thanx

  14. Re: Quickie CSL question.


    For the dwarf traite vs/ giants I would go with the 8pts skill level for all combat, dont for get dwarves also get the dodge bounas vs/giants as well. I would buy two 5pts csl. for a +2 Dcv vs/giants dodge only -3/4Lim.


    Then thier is the orc/and goblin raciel enemy. Id buy a two points csl to ocv+1 and for the damage bounas Id buy a 5 pts for a 1 points hka for a -1/2 limitation

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