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hooligan x

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Everything posted by hooligan x

  1. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game No news yet... Man, the suspense!
  2. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game Eva Von Doom Player: Hooligan X Val Char Cost 13/43 STR 3 18/23 DEX 24 15 CON 10 20 BODY 0 30 INT 20 20 EGO 20 40 PRE 10 18 COM 4 5/44 PD 2 5/44 ED 2 6 SPD 32 8 REC 4 35 END 3 30 STUN 5 10" RUN 8 3" SWIM 1 2 1/2"/8 1/2" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 148 Cost Power 50 Doom's Armour: Armor (25 PD/25 ED) (75 Active Points); Real Armor (-1/4), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 15 Doom's Armour: Life Support , Safe in High Pressure, Safe in High Radiation, Safe in Intense Cold, Safe in Intense Heat, Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum, Self-Contained Breathing (19 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 4 Doom's Senses I: Infrared Perception (5 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 4 Doom's Senses II: Nightvision (5 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 3 Doom's Senses III: Enhanced Hearing (+4 to PER Rolls for Single Sense) (4 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 28 Doom's Jets: Flight 15", x4 Noncombat (35 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) (uses Personal END) 17 Doom's Might: +30 STR (30 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) (uses Personal END) 11 Doom's Mettle: +10 BODY (20 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 16 Doom's Majesty: +20 PRE (20 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 12 Doom's Mastery: +5 DEX (15 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 18 Armour Power Plant: Endurance Reserve (100 END, 10 REC) Reserve: (20 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 60 Doom's Energy: Multipower, 75-point reserve, all slots: (75 Active Points); Only In Heroic Identity (-1/4) 4u 1) You DARE touch Doom?: Energy Blast 12d6 (vs. ED), STUN Only (+0), Trigger (when Doom is touched) (+1/4) (75 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), No Knockback (-1/4) (uses Personal END) 6u 2) Doom's Wrath: Energy Blast 15d6 (vs. ED) (75 Active Points) (uses Personal END) 5u 3) Doom's Force Shield: Force Wall (15 PD/15 ED) (75 Active Points); Restricted Shape (-1/4) (uses Personal END) [Notes: Dome-shaped] 10 Wrist Console slot A: Force Shield: Force Field (14 PD/14 ED) (28 Active Points); Conditional Power Power does not work while wearing armour (-1), 4 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Turn each (-1/2), IIF (Focus (wrist band); -1/4) [Notes: Doom-shaped] 8 Wrist Console slot B: DoomCom: Radio Perception/Transmission (10 Active Points); IIF (Focus (wrist band); -1/4) 11 Wrist Console slot C: Doombot Control: Mind Link (Specific Group of Minds), Any distance, No LOS Needed, Number of Minds (x8) (40 Active Points); Only With Others Who Have Mind Link (-1), Limited Class Of Minds Single species/type of mind (-1), IIF (Focus (wrist band); -1/4), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4) 25 Sorcery of Doom: Multipower, 50-point reserve, all slots: (50 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost 2x END (-1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) 2u 1) Crimson Bands of Cyttorak: Entangle 5d6, 5 DEF (50 Active Points) (uses Personal END) 2u 2) Blinding Light of Losoghri: Flash 10d6 (Sight Group) (50 Active Points) (uses Personal END) 2u 3) Deadly Bolts of Gnargugu: Energy Blast 10d6 (vs. ED) (50 Active Points) (uses Personal END) 2u 4) Gate of Shanfahd: Teleportation 7", x4 Increased Mass, Megascale (1" = 1,000 km; +1) (48 Active Points); Can Only Teleport To Fixed Locations Floating Fixed Locations (-1/2) (uses Personal END) 2u 5) Mystic Road of Standitko: Extra-Dimensional Movement (Any Dimension, Any Location), x2 Increased Weight (50 Active Points) (uses Personal END) Powers Cost: 317 Cost Skill 4 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Small Arms 3 Paramedics 15- 3 High Society 13- (17-) 3 Riding 13- (14-) 3 Persuasion 13- (17-) 3 Oratory 13- (17-) 0 Language: Latverian (idiomatic; Native) 3 Language: German (completely fluent) 3 Language: Hungarian (completely fluent) 3 Language: Romany (completely fluent) 3 Language: English (completely fluent) 3 Language: French (completely fluent) 3 Inventor 15- 3 Mechanics 15- 3 Electronics 15- 5 SS (INT-based) Robotics 17- 3 SS (INT-based) Biology 15- 3 SS (INT-based) Anatomy 15- 3 PS (INT-based) Monarch 15- 3 AK: Latveria (INT-based) 15- 3 AK: NYC (INT-based) 15- Skills Cost: 63 Cost Perk 10 Fringe Benefit: Head of State 15 Money: Filthy Rich 45 Follower DoomBots(x8, 150 Base, 100 Disad) 2 Deep Cover Eva DeSalle Perks Cost: 72 Total Character Cost: 600 Pts. Disadvantage 20 Hunted: Shield 14- (Mo Pow; Watching; Extensive Non-Combat Influence) 20 Hunted: EuroPetrol Ltd 11- (As Pow), Harshly Punish, Extensive Non-Combat Influence 10 Hunted: Reed Richards 14- (Less Pow; Watching; PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find) 20 Reputation: Mad Dictator 14- (Extreme) 20 Psychological Limitation:Code of Honor: Doom's word is bond! (Common), Total 20 Psychological Limitation: Uber-Arrogance (must prove herself to be the best) (Very Common; Strong) 20 Dependent NPC: Eloise Nelson, BFF 8- (Incompetent; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID) 20 Social Limitation: Secret ID (Frequently), Severe Disadvantage Points: 150 Base Points: 450
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I say you get the biggest mutant cyborg bear alive and strap on a basking shark loaded with fertilizer and deisel fuel. Since basking sharks don't bite, give the shark a pair of scottish claymores and a HK G-11 prototype assault weapon with caseless ammo. Oh, and feed Bill Seinkewitz a fist full of peyote buttons and make him draw it. Then maybe we'll go out for pizza. Sausage and roasted red pepper. I'm buying.
  4. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game Can someone take a small European country as a DNPC?
  5. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game Doom is not Cobra! The metal mask was Doom's gig long before the 80's! And Doom's soldiers hit what they shoot at.
  6. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game Eva von Doom Height: 1.73 m Weight 51 kg Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Black Background/History: Eva von Doom returned to Doomstahd in her nineteenth year. Many years abroad in various schools had left few happy memories of her home. Latveria had been intermittently ruled by her father in-between his plans of revenge and conquest. Less capable hands had ruled when he was imprisoned or occupied and her people suffered from his absence. He would return from his neglect and shower Latveria with prosperity which would last until his next absence. Eva felt the most Latvarian of all Latverians. She had left her father's tutors and been enrolled in university under the false name DeSalle when she saw the news reports. Doom the despot, Doom the tyrant, Doom the madman. Doctor Doom was dead. She would miss him. As she missed him all her life. As the Doombots carried her father's armored corpse to the Tibetan furnace where his first mask was forged, Eva addressed the country. There was a von Doom in Castle Doom again and Latveria's prosperity would endure. It took two weeks for the first coup attempt. Castle servants had let an assassin in the employ of a distant relative of King Rudolpho into her chambers. He was unprepared for the sorcery taught Eva by Doom's tutors. A month passed with no word from Eva. Rumors of her death raced through the countryside. "King" Rudolpho II arrived at Doomsport to address his subjects. He was met by Doom. Eva had forged her own armor based on her father's designs. The would be king asked of her what Victor von Doom could never give. Mercy. Doom's mercy was for him to be banished from Latveria along with his supporters. His funds were stripped and added to the states coffers. It was more than he could hope for. Eva now has returned to Empire State University to get her medical degree. She is in constant contact with the Doombot on her throne. Latveria is prosperous once more. Personality/Motivation: Eva von Doom seeks to change the image of her country in the world's eyes. She has decided that her talents could benefit all mankind, not just Latveria. Like her father, she is convinced she knows what is best for the world. Unlike Dr Doom, she doesn't need to conquer the world to save it. She has her father’s arrogance and his sense of honor. Doom always keeps her word. Quote: "Oh yes, poor enslaved Latveria. We have the highest standard of living and the lowest environmental impact in all of Europe. My people will take 'tyranny' and prosperity over elections and poverty any day!" Powers/Tactics: Eva has followed the father in jointly studying science and magic. She has built a suit of armor styled after Dr Doom's. While in her armor, her strength, reactions, and senses are enhanced. She can fly, fire energy bolts from the suits gauntlets, create a force bubble to protect herself and others, and survive in the most extreme environments. The suit also has a defensive electric jolt to discourage people from touching her. She also has built a small device to wear on her wrist. With it she can control her Doombots and communicate with others. She also has a weaker force field generator that can protect her in emergencies until she can don her armor. the force field will not work when surrounded by her armor. While not as advanced as her father, Eva's magic allows her to teleport great distances, travel to other planes, bind her enemies, and defend herself with mystic bolts of energy. She is still studying sorcery and at present find using these powers to be exhausting. Eva's Doombots are redesigned from her father's originals. They are female in shape and have realistic human features. When fully armored, they are indistinguishable from Eva herself. Appearance: In her official capacity as Doom, Eva wears a suit of armor with a green tabard and cloak. She has a removable helmet she wears in combat that has a life support system. As Eva DeSalle, she usually wears tasteful designer label couture. Her hair is black and usually worn shoulder length.
  7. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game You dare caress the quivering nether-regions of DOOM?!
  8. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game
  9. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game So Eva wins. Maybe I'll take all the others as hunteds or DNPCs. Or not. What's Reed Richard's current deal? I'm writing up my background now,
  10. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game
  11. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game Still figuring out Ms Von Doom. Peep these pics and let me know which one grabs you. L to R: Eva (daughter of Doom and undisclosed Euro-snob), Claire (daugher of Doom and Emma Frost), Magda (daughter of Doom and Morgali), Lena (mother unknown), DoomBot.
  12. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game Hmmm. Emma Frost. That would require a new picture...
  13. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game "Father, did you think I would be fooled by a Doombot at my recital?!"
  14. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game With a PhD in Comicbook Science, she would insist on being called Dr Von Doom. What the papers called her might differ (and would probably irritate her.) If Doom is still alive, I see them as estranged but not enemies. These two are too proud and headstrong to have survived her adolecence amicably.
  15. Re: A couple questions for GMs 1. I leave it up to the player, with the warning that I will flesh-out an sparse character. Some players prefer to get "Wolverined". Some would rather not. I find it's better to let them decide. 2. I usually forget most disads and my players will say things like "Crap city! I take double damage from unholy weapons!" or "Does the entangle shell trigger my claustophobia?". Uh, yeah it does. Sorry about that.
  16. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game Ok, no stats, but I spent a few minutes on HeroMachine. Please say hello to Eva Von Doom. Before I get into character design, I need to know what Doom's current status is . That will influence Eva's background, motivation, and powerset.
  17. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game Oh. I'm sure I can do better that that. Any non-Sue ideas on who her mother should be?
  18. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game Mother question aside, do you think Dr Doom would name her anything other than Victoria? Was there a Alt-timeline Daugher of Doom in FF around the Heroes Reborn nonsense?
  19. Re: Clix mod challenge If I owe you figures and you will be at GenCon, PM me. I will bring them. If you aren't, I'll mail them. I have figs for Corben, Alwyn, Tribe, and Savien. Anyone I've forgotten? Since I can't seem to take a decent picture, all I ask is that you take pictures when you get the figs and e-mail them to me.
  20. Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game Soooo, could somebody, say...ME play the Daughter of DOOM!? She would still speak in third person, of course.
  21. Re: Love Child of the Marvel Universe If I lived in your town, I'd have to play the daughter of Illyana Rasputin and Victor Von Doom.
  22. Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character… Gambit got Uber-screwed by X-hackery and he's now Apocolypse's Death. I never liked his costume or his fake patois or his powers. Other than that, he still sucks. I suspect we must agree to disagree. Or you can tell me I am right. Either is cool with me. Oh, and let me go on record as hating Apocolypse.
  23. Re: If You Had To Play a DC Character… Tops would be Connor Hawke. I'd like to play Ollie, but I really like how Connor is hotter than his dad yet doesn't even consider acting slutty like Ollie. Also, I like legacies. Connor is a good dude who doesn't judge his family for their faults. And that Arrow clan has some serious drama! A sex addict, a former drug addict, and a former addict and prostitue with the HIV? And they litter. Second choice: The new Captain Boomerang. Dad was a mort but the new kid is cool. He's got the legacy thing and the reform thing going for him. Old school trick boomerangs and superspeed? It's like playing Barry and Ollie at the same time! And the cat has a fly scarf. Third: John Constantine. You know why... he tricked Hell into curing his cancer! He can't fly, or take a bullet. His only real superpower is his enormous pair of huevos. Eff Yeah, Johnny Constantine!
  24. Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character… GAMBIT? You're favorite X-Men is Gambit? Man, you seemed so rational too...
  25. Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character… Avenger class: I'll go with Beta Ray Bill because everyone can use the 'why the long face' joke. And also, he's Thor, but not an A-Hole about it. X-Guy: Havok, because he's the dude you know who's rough around the edges and has that prissy perfect sibling. Street level: A post-Miller reformed Gladiator drawn by Butch Guice. Cuz the GM won't have already given him to another player. Seriously, dude. He and Electra fought off a beeyotch-load of Hand Ninjas like it weren't no thang. Of course, She does that by herself, too. What If: Matt Murdock, disciple of Dr Strange. Matt learns ninja shizzle from Dr Strange, who is not a mystic, and joins the Hand. He leaves the Hand for love and turns good. Fun times.
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