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Posts posted by Seanaci

  1. Re: The Last Word


    Men will walk around with blood pouring from open wounds, clean it with an axle grease covered rag, wrap it in gas soaked towel and think nothing of it. They'll watch men in sports with blood pouring down their face yelling "get back in the game you pansy" and any wound is just a reason to be macho.


    Yet the very idea that women have a menstrul cycle is enough to make men go pale, hide in the corner and not want to hear about "icky stuff"?


    You pansies.




    Exactly. :D

  2. Re: The Last Word


    I never got the squick reaction... makes no sense. But then bodily fluids and related bodily functions don't scare me. Air goes in and out, blood goes round and round, all is good.


    As for me... my wife knows when her period is coming because I start to PMS about a day before she does. I've always had an uncharacteristictly (for men) strong hormonal cycle, and now I've synched up with my wife. It's great - she's overly emotional and I'm extra callous. Great week it makes. So the whole idea of PMS being squick never crossed my mind because I get it to (without all that bleeding and cramps thankfully :D )

    See...you don't truly understand...you don't get the bleeding and cramps. :P

  3. Re: The Last Word


    I agree with Alice.


    I also have to say that any male with younger (or older for that matter) sisters inevitibly knew when they were on their period and (like DocO at least) always seemed to be around when moms and daughters were complaining about their cycles. Which is why it doesn't bother him. He knows it's just part of being a female he doesn't want all the gory details, he'll always be there for and not squeamish. :P

  4. Re: The Last Word


    It does seem that way. Nothing makes the males run away faster than discussing monthly cycles.

    Well, some males. I'm fortunate in that DocO will promptly ask if I've taken anything for my cramps and if I haven't, he prods me to do so. He's also suggested I use a heating pad when they are really bad. I love him. He's the greatest. I suspect, once he is moved up here and we're living together, he'll be the boyfriend that will go to the store and get my feminine products should I not want to get out to get them, as well as bring me home either salt or sugar depending on what I feel like. :P

  5. Re: The Last Word


    Heh. ^ v ^


    Since I switched BC, I haven't been able to track when I'm PMSing, anyway. It could well be a factor, but I won't know until next week.



    I suppose I'm lucky then since I can pretty much mark on my calander when I'll be PMSing. If I was nice, I'd forwarn people...but I'm not that nice. :P


    Then again, it is time for me to make the yearly visit to my doctor...that could change. We'll see.


    And on an unrelated note, I think we might just kill the thread. :P And thus rule the day. :)

  6. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    I like to be nice and friendly with the new people I'm register training. I give them the impression that this is the kindest, most laid-back, fun place to work in the whole wide world.


    I figure that makes it more fun for their boss when he crushes their souls.


    Hehe. You rock. The work of pure evil. :)

  7. Re: The Last Word


    For me' date=' it's generally sparked by tiredness, distractedness and stress. I have a triple whammy going on today.[/quote']




    My confuzzledness can be caused by any of the following actually:






    -Drugs (OTC like Adivl or Midol)


    Actually...come to think of it...my personality is just prone to confuzzledness.

  8. Re: Complicate the Person Above


    RB, Death Tribbles assistant in Math 101. Which, if I might add makes for quite the (humerous) experience in trying to learn math when you're already confused as it is. :P


    *in professor-like voices, which in my imagination is for some odd reason, British*


    DT: And so you see, 2+2 is indeed not 4, but 8.


    RB: No no no, Tribble, you have it all wrong. 2+2 is 7.5.


    DT: *turns, raises an eyebrow* And just where on the bloody earth did you come up with that?


    RB: *in a quick and hushed tone so only DT can hear, he explains what he's written on the board, then looking to DT for a reply*


    DT: Ahhh yes, old chap, you are indeed right. Class, forget what I've told you of 2+2 being 8. RB here is most correct in his math that 2+2 is indeed 7.5. *looks about the class and sees every face confused beyond belief* And I do believe my job here is done. Class dismissed.

  9. Re: A Thread for Random Musings


    The moon lab assignment is due tomorrow. This assignment is just hell on procrastinators, and the circumstances of lunar phases this term compounds that effect drastically. We'll see how many people did it. Handed out in the first week of the term (back about March 30), and due in the last week of the term. Takes about two hours of clear weather when one can see the Moon, and a watch readable to at least seconds. An observing partner helps but is not essential; ditto a stopwatch.


    Only two full moons went by during this term, and we are coming off the five-days-or-so around new moon when the moon is invisible. Prior to that the weather sucked for about a week.


    Last year I caught a kid dry-labbing this assignment. My over-under line for this term is two, out of a class of about 55 students.


    I had an assignment similar that a few years ago in my astronomy class. We were to sketch/draw the full moon using a telescope or binochulars. We were to include what surface formations we could see, labeled of course; and had to mark if we used a telescope or binochulars. Oddly, I used neither and was able to make out most surface formations, though I wasn't able to label them. However, I marked that I had used binochulars. When I recieved the graded paper back, the professor had but one question "Are you sure you used binochulars for this assignment?" Ummm...I used neither cause I'm a lazy student. :P But I never admitted that her.

  10. Re: The Last Word


    Ah. So you weren't agreeing that _I_'m easily confused, just agreeing about the easily confused part.


    I think.


    See what I mean?


    Exactly. I was just agreeing about the easily confuxed part.


    I'm more easily confused when I'm PMSing. Thus all my assumptions and stuff on The Longest Running Thread regarding Sav's split of the money his group won over the weekend. :P:drink:

  11. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    Nope, 17$.


    A pitiful sum alone, but 85$ cumulative. May not seem like much to most, but I'm a poor bastage.




    Perhaps my math is off. But, the prize pot was $750, correct?


    A) Split 6 (if that 6th player is including you and/or not including you) ways, that's $125 each.


    B) Split 7 ways (including you, if my previous assumption is correct that it's 7 players including you, 6 without you) that's 107.14 each.


    C) If my assumption of 6 total is including you, you split the prize between 5 people at $150 each.


    D) If each of you was supposed to get $85, that would make 8 players total that shared the $750 pot.


    E) If none of those are correct, please help me try and get my math correct. :P I'm going nuts trying to figure it out. :P

  12. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


    6 total.


    These guys are on our team, or have been hangers-on for the past five years. They better pay up, or some mad bonus balling will be continually reigning in subsequent practices.


    Hehe. Hey, if it'll work to get them to pay-up. :)


    So they each owe you, what...about $30?

  13. Re: A Thread for Random Musings


    Over the Hedge.


    Have ya seen it? Go see it. If for nothing else but the humor. There's a lot of humor in there that will go over a young child's head (provided they live a semi-sheltered life and have parents who wash their mouth out with soap for saying dirty words).


    A couple of the best line's from the movie (without spoiling it for you guys that want to see it and have yet to see it):


    "Hey RJ, wanna help me find my nuts?"




    "Look everybody. I filled up the log.

    "What? How?"

    "I found my nuts."


    Gotta love Steve Carrell.


    Oh...and a sidenot to Death Tribble, I voted for you and Zorn. So no hunting me down. Are you two planning on running again? If so, lemme know and I'll vote for you as many times as I can. :P

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