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Posts posted by Seanaci

  1. Re: The cranky thread


    Why is it that the innocent person who pushes all the paper work for two companies at the same time always seem to be put in the middle of the battles?




    We run two companies (three technically, but I have no paperwork to deal with for the 3rd one) out of our office. One of them is a metal fabrication company (PMM), and the other is a powdercoating company (PTP). PMM sends completed metal parts to PTP to paint or silkscreen and then they send them back. I have to invoice for the parts that PMM sends out to it's customer's everyday, as well as invoice for the parts that PMM sends to PTP. However, the girl in shipping/recieving at PTP has a problem making sure that the pack list reflects the correct PO number (not to mention to make sure she's sending the right part for the PO) for the parts we sent them. When I get the packlists from the PMM shipper, I bill directly from them. PTP Is slacking in their duties of seeing that all parts get shipped back to us, or if we short counted and sent less parts than the PO says, they don't let us know to close the PO short. So, I have a folder full of PO's that have 10 or less parts still at the paint shop (supposedly).


    I've sent several open PO reports to the paint shop and asked them to let me know which ones I can close short. Have they done that though? No. They make it difficult and when they have a new PO arrive with parts that match an old PO, they ship against the old PO first, which leaves the new PO short pieces. How many times must I send a fracking open PO report to them and ask them to call me with which PO's can be closed short? *eye roll*


    And now, I have the PMM shipper frustrated and pi**ed off because the PTP shipper is a bozo and shipping parts against PO's that should have been closed short but still haven't been because I haven't been given the verbal "ok" to do so.


    And I am stuck in the middle of it all because I'm the paperwork pusher for both companies. And if they can't get their **** together, I'm gonna suggest they hire someone else to take care of PTP at PTP or I'm gonna quit. Why they haven't already hired a controller to take care of everything down there is crazy to me...as I have a feeling it just comes down to having to pay someone to push paperwork down there. Hello!! Lemme tell ya something...if ya hire someone with accounting experience and knowledge, we'd know exactly what's still open and what should be closed.



  2. Re: The cranky thread


    So I miss four buses trying to get into work which makes me late.


    And I crash the bosses PC so it needs a rebuild. It could get worse but that will do for the present.

    Always happens in 3's...still one more little thing to happen before your day starts turning around. :P

  3. Re: The cranky thread


    Having a sunburn sucks.


    Having a sunburn because you didn't take the time to wear sunblock really sucks.


    Trying to sleep comfortable while looking like a lobster sucks.


    A blister between your big toe and the toe beside it sucks as well.

  4. Re: A Thread for Random Musings


    Wow. It's gonna be a good day.


    My co-worker is out; she's riding along in a golf cart (having a few drinks I would imagine) at a golf tourny put on by her hubby. So I get to take twice as long on invoiving (yay!) and do less work today. :P


    Also, my boss will be headed back down to Children's Hospital after a while to see her son. (He's got some kind of infection; the blood culture came back and the infection is in his blood. They don't know, however, if the infection was in his blood and spread to his butt cheek or in his butt cheek and spread to his blood. Poor kid. My parents and I are going down to see him this evening.)


    It appears the VP will be leaving early as his RV is in the parking lot.


    And the President hardly ever stays past noon. So, the office could be very quiet come 1pm. But that's a yay thing. Cause then I can do no work at all and not get caught doing no work. :D

  5. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    I saw Leann Rimes on Top of the Pops last week.

    She's 23 now.

    And good lord she's attractive.

    I feel awful. I am old enough to be her father.

    You don't feel awful.


    Oh...wait...maybe you do...I forget you're not Bec. :P


    Log on Frog.

    No, Frog under Log. :P

  6. Re: The cranky thread


    And this is why I have kicked my wife out of the kitchen, it's my domain.


    Which is good by her since she doesn't much like to cook.


    I actually don't mind housework, and do the majority of it. I find it to be a very zen exercise. It' the friggin' lawn I hate and wish to destroy.

    I don't mind cooking...but, when DocO does move here, I have a feeling he'll be doing most of it. Which, is fine by me. I'd almost rather clean house than cook sometimes. :P



    My crankiness?


    My back is sore, my knees are sore, my neck is sore, and I'm sleepy...still. I hate going from hot to cold. As I'm sure it's the hot that relaxes my joints and stifness and then the cold of the cooler at work keeping our office cool that stiffens everything up again. >_< I'm just not a happy camper today.


    I also just discovered I screwed up somewhere in invoicing. Don't know where...but I did. You see, it's quite complicated. The President of Precision Metal aka PMM (the company I work for) also owns a powder caot shop (Pro-Tech aka PTP) and I do all the invoicing/billing for both companies. PMM's billing is cake because the resulting invoices get mailed out to the customers. However, PTP's is quite difficult as PMM is their main customer (and thus source of income) so the resulting invoices do not get mailed out. I have to take those invoices and then key them on the PMM accounts payable side. However, I have screwed up and did not key a $150 invoice into the PMM AP side. And now I have to figure out which invoice it is that didn't get keyed. Not too difficult because all I have to do is print the AP again for PMM and the AR aging for PTP, match the invoice numbers and should have one invoice left over on the PTP aging that's not on the PMM aging. However, it is a timely and annoying task when there are 50 invoices to match. >_<

  7. Re: Complicate the Person Above


    The reason Seanaci and SatinKitty never post between 6:00pm and 11:00pm EST is because they have to go to the theatre every night to star in Wicked.


    As Second and Third Flying Monkey To The Left, respectively.


    I envy them -- I didn't even mAke it past the first round of auditions.

    I so owe you rep for that. :)




    The reason Michael didn't make it past the first round of audtions for the part of a flying monkey is because they felt he was better suited as one of the trees in the forest who throws apples.

  8. Re: The cranky thread


    Yay for being able to take half a day off yesterday for the bosses daughters graduation. Boo for having to be back to work today.


    1) Because it's Friday.


    2) Because I had nothing to bill (they did it all yesterday so the month of May looked good money-wise *eye roll).


    3) Because not 2 minutes after I got here, the VP was at my desk:


    "So, what are you gonna be doing today since we got all the billing done yesterday?"

    "I have some Pro-Tech stuff I can do."

    "Well, I have some PO's that need to be entered and released to the floor. So, come with me and I'll show you what can be entered."

    *ish handed a nice big pile of stuff to key...*


    So...here it is, nearly 2 hours later and I'm just finishing. And I'm still not done. Now I've gotta go fax the acknowledgements off and make a copy of each PO to put with the master op sheets and give those to the VP...then throw the original PO copies (as well as the acknowldegement and fax confirmation) in the basket to be filed.


    I really do hate when the CSR is on vacation. It makes more work for me to do. And the part that really sucks is, when I take time off, my co-worker and boss do the billing (a huge part of my job that has to be done daily) but leave everything else for me to do (not a huge deal because it's just keying AP invoices and invoicing the paint company)...yet when the CSR takes off, I'm expected to do most of her work for her. >_<

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