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Logan D. Hurricanes

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Everything posted by Logan D. Hurricanes

  1. Burgess Meredith was so good in this show. I saw Printer's Devil again just the other night and he really presaged the Batman's Penguin in that role.
  2. I watched these last night, Paladin is a sweet episode and it's nice to see Danny Kaye in it. Newton I had seen before but forgot the name, great little mini episode!
  3. I'll have to look those two up. Fortunately YouTube has most of the '85 series.
  4. Let's take a stab at some more classic scifi, the show I know best, The Twilight Zone! Favorite, not necessarily best, though I imagine there will be some overlap. (As a superfan I can say my favorite episode, A Game of Pool, is not always on the best lists.)
  5. My friend composes songs about sewing machines. He's a Singer songwriter or sew it seams.
  6. Today I thought of a color that doesn't exist... but then I realized it was just a pigment of my imagination.
  7. Some neighbors moved away apparently, and they left a cat which has pretty much gone feral now. Mom started putting out water and food for it if it's brave enough to take it.
  8. A couple. Jonnu, Mark Andrews, Kelce... umm, maybe someone else.
  9. Another 50 point loss. This is a stupid game. PS: Somebody trade me a good TE.
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