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Posts posted by GothKidSamurai

  1. Re: What source material informs your fantasy gaming?


    All sorts of stuff. A good bit of humorous or light fare, Piers Anthony, Terry Pratchett kind of funny stuff. Lots of fairy tales. A good bit of Jim Butcher influence as well. And a lot of stuff cribbed from Dragonlance and Eberron.


    Mostly a lot of light stuff that pokes fun at fantasy tropes while embracing the ones I enjoy. And nothing too dark to depressing. I get enough of that in real life.

  2. Re: What Non-Fiction Book have you just finished?


    A Lion's Tale: Around the World In Spandex - Chris Jericho


    Man, this guy has jammed a lot of living into his career. This starts with him doing wrestling stuff with his best friend as a kid and ends with him doing his first appearance in the WWE on RAW.


    You get to see from his vantage point just how messed up most of the promotions are and why the WWE just seem like Nirvana by comparison. Some very funny incidents, a lot of self-deprication.


    I really need to get that book.

  3. Re: Has anybody played "Spirit of the Century"


    Yeah, I can see how it isn't everyone's cup of tea. I'm just an oddball though, I love crunchy systems as much as I love rules lite indie press style RPGs.


    I can sit down with HERO, Burning Wheel, FATE, True20, or Warhammer Fantasy and have just as much fun with each as with any other.

  4. Re: Yog-sothoth.com


    Oh, I understand how hard it is to get good recordings. A lot of the Rolemonkeys episodes have the same problem.


    And I'm pretty sure I've heard HERO actual play recordings before as well. Just can't remember where.

  5. Re: Help me flesh out a kernal of a setting idea




    I had an idea similar to this for my NaNoWrMo story this year that never got off the ground. Mine was a little more quirky with steampunk spaceships and clockwork robot men but some things could be relevant.


    My idea was influenced heavily by both the Jak and Daxter series and the Ratchet and Klank one.


    The main race was a elven like race, similar to Jak and there were animal races like Ratchet and Daxter.


    But anyway. All these different races. They lived on the moons of Jupiter, where long long ago Earth colonies had been set up, but for some reason the Earth empire had collapsed and a dark age occurred on the moons.


    Eventually they had each built their technology back up and began to find each other in the void of space.

  6. Re: HERO: Combat Evolved [Equipment Posts & Comments]


    Isn't that just extra KB?


    Does it also have some shield effect? Didn't seem to when the Chief used it, but the Brutes with hammers seemed to take two or three clips to take down.


    I think that has more to do with them being more elite Brutes. Like the Brutes with the funny hates wielding the plasma cannons.

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