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Everything posted by Sammael

  1. Re: Justice League-type DC/Champions campaign. Advice, please. Well, if you do, I'll certainly check them out.
  2. Re: Champions Complete Freebies And Errata Now Available I found the 6th Edition character sheet on the website, but not the Champions Complete character sheet, which does have some differences. It would be great if it were made available. Hint, hint. If there is significant errata, at least it's not been obvious to this new guy, though I'm still reading.
  3. Re: Justice League-type DC/Champions campaign. Advice, please. Actually, I did look at Normal Characteristic Maxima as the basis for a soft cap on characteristics, but I eventually walked away from that, as it felt contrary to the spirit of super-heroic role-play. I'll take your advice and write NCM off my list of tools to use. And I'll take a harder look at Batman.
  4. Re: Justice League-type DC/Champions campaign. Advice, please. All player-characters are original designs and homegrown. We'll fight evil with the DC Superheroes, not as them. Nice to have the behind-the-scenes too. Thanks.
  5. Re: Justice League-type DC/Champions campaign. Advice, please.
  6. Re: Justice League-type DC/Champions campaign. Advice, please.
  7. Re: Justice League-type DC/Champions campaign. Advice, please.
  8. Re: Justice League-type DC/Champions campaign. Advice, please. Thank you, Hyper_Man! I love your JLA thread and write-ups. They are inspirational reading.
  9. Re: Justice League-type DC/Champions campaign. Advice, please. According to the DC Adventures Hero's Handbook, Superman - built on 290 points - has a Strength of 19 with Enhanced Strength 4, Limited to Lifting (giving a 23 STR for lifting purposes allowing him to lift 200,000 tons). DC Adventures uses the MEGS philosophy of (roughly) doubling scale with every point of ability. In case you don't recall Mayfair Games' DC Heroes RPG, MEGS stands for Mayfair Exponential Game System and improving an ability by 1 point doubles the power of that ability. To double it again, just add another point. It's obvious, even to a newcomer like myself, that Champions Complete is not a MEGS-style game. I'm ok with that. I like your idea of capping characteristics to reflect the prowess of the iconic members of the JLA. Tasty food for thought there. I really appreciate the heads-up on the SPD/CVs. This is pure gold as far as I'm concerned.
  10. Re: Justice League-type DC/Champions campaign. Advice, please. Sammael. Really?
  11. Re: Justice League-type DC/Champions campaign. Advice, please. Sound advice. I think I'll follow it.
  12. Re: Justice League-type DC/Champions campaign. Advice, please. You're right of course, but I can't help feel that I'd more often rather play Batman than Robin. Having just visited a thread where some of the JLA big guns were crafted at 400 points, I must say that I'm a lot more inclined to consider Standard.
  13. Re: Justice League-type DC/Champions campaign. Advice, please. Thank you, Kirby and I'll look for that thread right now. In Champions Complete, a Standard Superheroic character is based on a maximum 400 point budget. I must confess to being prejudiced by the "Standard" portion of the term. It sounds weaker than Justice League. Silly me. EDIT: Just discovered the link in your post. Thread is very good and will be a great help to me. Thanks!
  14. Re: Justice League-type DC/Champions campaign. Advice, please. Hello psyber624! Well, if 650 is that high... I'll have to think harder about it. Thanks for the tip. The main thing for me is that I don't want the players to feel like they've got Heros just starting out in their careers. I'd like them to be roughly comparable to the Justice League.
  15. Re: How do you feel about House Rules? I've too many other demands on my time these days to work on many House Rules. I used to game with a few cleverly hand-crafted rules every game I ran and I ran most of the games our group played. I do have a couple in a DC Adventures game I'm currently running, but that's only because the rules are so poorly done. The Champions Complete game I'll be running next look to be sans House Rules (so far). Though, you never know... I might just HR a d20, roll high replacement mechanic. Ok, just kidding.
  16. Re: Justice League-type DC/Champions campaign. Advice, please. Alternatively, is there any sage advice for a new Champions GM?
  17. I've recently started a DC Adventures Campaign that I'm switching over to the Champions Complete rules set when I can (I'm still reading the rules). I'm not in a hurry to make the switch. I want to do it right. So I'm learning the rules now. Once the theory is down, we'll play some combats then a couple of one-offs before actually switching. I plan on using DC characters and plenty of home-brew characters. The DCA Power Level of the campaign is 16 (out of 20). I'm currently considering 650 point characters. I'm looking for any advice I can get as to point levels and any caps or restrictions that might be prudent for a JLA level team.
  18. Hello everyone! I'm new here. New to the forums and (mostly) new to Champions. Until now my only experience with Champions was way back with the release of the 4th edition hardcover. I was to be a player in a campaign that never got off the ground. We rolled up characters and that's as far as it went. I recall loving the character creation (I designed a shape shifter), though it really was too much freedom for me back then. I also remember feeling very nervous about the mechanics of the game. Still, I had never before played a superhero game and I really wanted to. Decades later, I've decided to get back into roleplaying and I'm going to run a superhero game (because I still want to play one and this will be the only way that'll happen). I checked out the 6th edition Hero System/Champions option, but declined after I discovered it would require 3 large books and, worse still, I was having trouble tracking down a physical copy of 6E1. In my searches I failed to uncover the fact that Champions Complete was being released soon. I ended up with DC Adventures, primarily because it reminded me of Champions. The rules look alright, in general, but they are sloppy. 9 pages of errata sloppy. Had I checked into the errata prior to purchase, I would've saved myself some cash. The slop goes much farther than the errata, though. The rules are poorly organized and poorly written even where they're correct. So, in growing frustration, I cast my eye once again upon the available superhero roleplaying games. And I finally saw Champions Complete. I bought it on the spot. I'm still reading it now, but what a contrast to DC Adventures. Champions Complete is well written and well organized. It's a joy to read and wonderfully cross-referenced. The book itself is not as lovely as the other game by design, but also because the lamination is already beginning to peel away from the cover. Still, I'm in love. This is how rules should be written and published.
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