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Posts posted by ross_winn

  1. Re: DC Suckverse?


    Perhaps the title is a bit harsh but as I was doing my Batman research at DC's website I have to ask:

    It looks like Wonder Woman is being cancelled. Any other victims?


    Wow, not only is that a drastic oversimplification of the issue, it doesn't even come close to stating the many other available options. Infinite Crisis has been an excellent story, and I look forward to the retooled DCU.

  2. Re: The Invisible World


    The Mechanics do not, and should not, trump all or become so important that everything must have a mechanical effect in the game.


    Universal Game Effects that are part of the setting inherently don't need mechanics - they just are.


    Otherwise we'll need to add a few things and start everyone at 0 - literally - because you'll need to buy Life Support: Breathing; Oxygen Atmosphere since this is Champions and Mechanics mean everything, afterall.


    But they are in the setting mechanically -- from the creation of the first version they are assumed. Everything else is a diversion from that norm. Since you are adding a new permutation and special effect you need a mechanical justification from that norm.

  3. Re: The Invisible World


    No. It's not.


    Hero System is not just Champions.


    Lucius Alexander


    The palindromedary thinks that sounds familiar....like something that's been said again and again....


    While I understand your point, to most people the two are synonymous. Champions is Hero and vice versa.

  4. Re: Chronicles of Gor


    Maybe I'm misreading some of these posts but I think that we have to remember one very important thing about Gor.



    You know I used to think gamers put more thought into what they said then most.

    I guess I was wrong.


    Yes, you are absolutely right, it is a Fantasy World if you are a normal well adjusted person. However as I have personally witnessed with my own eyes, and has been mentioned exhaustively in the last few hundred posts to this thread, there are a lot of abnormal and not well adjusted people in the world.


    I personally feel the idea of slavery is a lot more dangerous than even the objectification of women. Since slavery is the objectification of EVERYONE. However both are pretty fscking reprehensible.


    There are legions of people who hold this up as a lofty ideal, they have clubs, there women dress up like slaves and they think this is serious stuff.


    Basically I think you have missed the whole point, and that is that you cannot expect reasonable behavior from unreasonable people; and that a lot of stuff that seems cool to people at twelve is not cool at all.


    Maybe you should read the entire context of the conversation next time.

  5. Re: Sex and the Single Superhuman


    Weirdman / Joe is married with a loving wife who is a police officer attached to Special Crimes in the NYPD. She has some vague suspiscions that he is hiding something; but no idea that Joe is a closet homosexual with a long history of short affairs with men. She did see him, or someone who looked exactly like him, exiting a bathhouse in midtown during an investigation a few weeks ago.

  6. Re: Infinite Crisis


    I am looking forward to a DC that doesn't have monthly continuity issues just within Batman titles. One unified world was a stupid idea, and the DCU will have multiple continuities when we are done, thank you very much.

  7. Re: Who is the best Archaic/Anachronism/whatever in comics?


    Who was/is your favorite Cowboy in comics?

    Jonah Hex is just over Tex Arcana, and I mean just.


    Who was/is your favorite Ninja in comics?



    Who was your favorite Knight in comics?

    The Dark Knight, of course.


    Who was your favorite Archer/Robin Hood type?

    Oliver Queen, no question.


    Got any other favorites? (Samuraii, Cavemen, etc)

    Usagi Yojimbo is my favorite Samurai. Kamandi is my favorite caveman (if you don't know who that is then you are too young ;))

  8. Re: Purpose of Playing a System-Philosophical, Unscientific and Wordy


    Zornwil said:

    To respond to that first, I think one dirty little secret, as you make me think about it, is that many GMs and groups change rules because "they're too hard" which means "I can't play them well!". We can dress it up in verisimillitude or claims of broken mechanics, but often it's things like "Phooey on that rule, I don't understand it and/or I can't figure out how to make it work the way I want." Which is perfectly okay, but we ought to admit it, I suppose. And we ought to be careful we're not ruining someone else's fun in a group or actually tearing at the core of the game (unless we really also want to do that and face the consequences).


    There is one other issue, and it can be quite a bit uglier. A lot of bad GMs use tweaks to attack the players. They hate it when you call them on it, and it is passive agressive in the worst way. In some groups how much you adhere to the rules is a sign of how well the game is run. At least in my experience the more house rules there are the worse the game is.

  9. Re: Highest level Champions game you could play?


    the highest powered game I have ever played in was characters with a real cost of 500-600 points, but an active cost of almost double that.This was a 4e game, but I think each of us had at least one power with a +2 variable advantage. It became fairly ludicrous, because it was very hard for anyone to stay hidden long enough to threaten the world.

  10. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it...


    I just finished rereading "A Scanner Darkly" by Philip K. Dick. The book si a complete mind****. It has the distinction (along with books like The Naked Lunch, Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas, and On The Road) of makling you actually feel stoned while you are reading it. I reread the book in anticipation of the film version debuting soon.


    Weird, wild stuff.

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