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Everything posted by Ivan

  1. Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes Why are we just limiting this to comics? Black Paladin's change from his first appearence in Enemies to the revamp in Classic Enemies was awesom. Not just the art but the whole concept changed, he really looked scarry in Classic Enemies.
  2. Re: Jedi and evil actions Just to play a little devils advocate, but shouldent social norms be taken into account. To use a non SW refrence there was a story were one member of a certain orginzation, after killing his opponent was preparing to eat him. Of course the other members of the group were horrified by this and the perp was mystified as to why. Turns out that the society he was from consuming a defeated enemy was a way to honor that enemy an ensure that at least some small part of him remained. (Extra points to anyone who can name the group and character.) So, if a Jedi comes from a society where killing prisioners was common place(fight or die, we give no quarter) would his not even trying to stop the killing be evil? As an aside, I was playing the bounty hunter in the above situation, and I agree that the GM was being an hathat.
  3. Re: Jedi and evil actions Let me clarify one point, the GM was not saying that any evil in the galaxy, his point was an evil act in close proxcimity to the Jedi. The argument was that the attempt, sucsessful or not was enough. The GM's piont was that the Jedi had not prevented said act when it took place in the near area.
  4. OK, a few years ago I was involved in a WEG Star Wars game when a huge contrversy croped up. With out going going in to to much detale; Jedi character became aware of another PC about to perform an evil act. Due to the situition in game said Jedi was unable to prevent the other PC from taking this action(in this case excuting a prisioner the Jedi tried to prevent the bounty hunter from doing this.) GM threatened to give jedi a dark side point, because he let an evil action take place. An argument ensued, the Jedi player saying that he had tried to prevent the killing and that intent should be enough. So whos side do you come down on the Jedi, because he attempted to stop evil, or the GM the very act tainting taking place in the Jedis presece tainting his soul. I figure with the collected wisdom on these boards we should get a good debate out of this.
  5. Re: Name for an elemental mage Has everyone forgotten the classics? you should name him Tim, Tim the enchanter.
  6. Re: IQ a give away It may just be me, and it is totaly off topic, but does this feel like a trolling(is that a word?) post to anyone else? What I mean is, after his initial post Mr. Vorsch has not added anythig to this thread. Whats more the comment " yeay 5th" is really out of place as all the editions of Hero, going all the way back to to the blak and white cover, have had INT costing 1/1. Like I said it may just be me and if I am wrong my apologies in advance.
  7. Re: Average Human Running Speed and What is Sprinting And your point is? AnyTHING with a 7 speed is well beyond human and firmly into the superhuman range.
  8. Re: Pros/Cons of an 'official' campaign world
  9. Re: Pros/Cons of an 'official' campaign world Well I happen to agree with FOX. I mean how dare they take already published characters away from the public like that. And they have been doing it for years. From the the original enemies books we are still missing Frisbee, Ultraviolet, Dart, Orb, and Diamond. This is a wholy indefensible move on the part of Steve and all the others at DOJ. We want the Geo-desics(sp) back!!!!
  10. Re: Which Edition of Champions/Hero System Worked Best for Your Champions Campaign? I know that this is going to be a dumb question but here goes. What does BBB stand for? I know that it is the 4th ed hardback but what do the letters stand for?
  11. Re: Which Edition of Champions/Hero System Worked Best for Your Champions Campaign? 4th for a few reasons. 1) upped the the complexity to just the right level IMO 2) the cover of the hardback ROCKED. DD looked great, Seeker about to be KO'd til next week, just the whole "Last stand" look of the thing, and Perezdid it. Sorry geeked out there for a minute.
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