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Posts posted by boomer

  1. Re: What is HERO about?


    Hero is an "open source" gaming system. That's what I like about it. You can do just about anything, play any kind of character with ease. No alignment restrictions, no boring combat system...."I attack. It does this much damage. He attacks me. I have to take it...." I've done more with characters in Hero than in any other gaming system. That's what I think it's about.

  2. Re: Super Agents?


    I've actually played a "normal" Street Cop in a Supers Campaign.....my friend and I wrote up two Street Cops to play in a Con game that was very 4-color themed. One was the young hip cop and I played the Danny Glover "I'm too old for this s**t" type named Det. Vincenzio Soprano...and yes he had a throw down gun and evidence to plant....the GM gave us some body armor to help us survive but that was it....alot of fun to play and different at that.

  3. Re: Hit Location equals K or N


    Actually the hit location tables cover this.....a bullet which does killing damage does less (I believe it's halved in the hand) than in the chest or vitals.....this already represents "winging" someone. A bat to the head is still going to do (I believe) 5X damage......and will most likely do enough body to actuall kill someone......also you would apply the disable/impairment rules to that hit for sure......good idea, but I think the rules have already taken this into account.......of course there's nothing to say you can't create your own House Rule for what you want to do.....God I love Hero System for that very reason....

  4. Re: Pro & Con: Using Points for equipment


    In our Fantasy Hero World, weapons just cost what they cost in the books. If you wanted higher quality weapons, or weapons made out of special metals, etc.....we had a system of extra XP (gold star points basically). You didn't get many of them each session, but you could save them up and cash them in (of course you had to have the special metal, or find someone with it, then someone who could work it....) and get a fine quality weapon that would give you and extra couple points of OCV......

  5. Re: Batman Begins: Batman


    He looks good. I'm not surprised one bit he came out like a Fantasy Hero character....Batman has always been the exception to the rule....the "Normal" human with no superpowers what so ever who is on par with the Supers.......

  6. Re: Things you do to acheive immersion


    I've always found the experience better playing in games with Props....our Fantasy Hero GM always has slightly burned letters (actually burned...) wax sealed scrolls, etc.......He enlists our help creating races, or fleshing them out....he and I created a Draconian Pictographic language........ Friends that put on games at Cons do the same thing. I've played in Shadowrun games where you came in, put your hand on a scanner, got your pic taken then laminated on a "security pass" then had to sit and open up an "Employee" packet complete with application and employment contract all the while the Sader-Krup flag was above the table staring down at you. Fun stuff.....

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