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Manic Typist

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    Manic Typist reacted to RDU Neil in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
    Had a big game Friday night. A bunch of cosmic stuff that has been building for years (literally) in my game is beginning to come to a head. Alien invasions, multiple earths, secrets of the old gods, the passing of the Progenitors, etc. A bunch of the big name heroes were gathered.
    Meeting one of the last Progenitors he looks at Vengeance, the super-ninja who has become one of "the Blood."
    Progenitor: Ah... the new carrier. (looks at Vengeance like you'd size up a prize breeding cow) How many of your progeny have reached maturity?
    Vengeance: (eyes wide) uh... WHAT?
    Progenitor: How many of your offspring have survived to self sufficience?
    Vengeance: (incredulous) I don't have any kids!
    Progeniotr: (looking him up and down, concerned, almost angry) Are you defective?
    Vengeance: What? No... I mean... I have a girlfriend and we've thought about... getting... (looks at all the others watching him) and I don't know if she wants kids... (waves hands and backs off) Wait. I am REALLY uncomfortable talking about this!
    "Throw me the ninja!" (In the same tone as "Show me the money!")
    Much of the battle took place about a mile in the air, vs. an Azure Empirial Command Frigate... poor Vengeance had to be hauled along by the rest of the team who could fly... and passing him off as they engaged in battle generated the above recurring comment.
    Three of the heroes have armor/suits made of a unique substance called Crystal Tech and they had made a plan to fuse their foci in an attempt to communicate with a giant, living manifestation of crys-tech. Before this could happen, they had to battle the Azure warcraft. The main blow of the battle was delivered by Centurion (one of the three with armor) who performed a full, non-combat speed Move-Through head-on with the incoming ship also travelling about 1000 mph and the size of a naval destroyer. Just before he hits the breach for a truly massive impact...
    Locke to Vector: "Uh... we can still do this plan with two suits... right?"
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    Manic Typist reacted to teh bunneh in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
    In a 7th Seas game my wife was running, I was playing a Cap'n Nick, captain of the dread pirate ship The Skull and the Rose. We raided a Montaigne ship and were in the process of mopping up the defenders when my character saw a lovely Montaigne noblewoman carrying a chest and running towards one of the lifeboats.
    Cap'n Nick leapt to intercept her, brandished his sword, and said, "Not so fast, my dear. I'd like to take a better look at your chest. Also, I want to see what's in that box."

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    Manic Typist reacted to Dr. Anomaly in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
    In Saturday's game, a couple members of the team are meeting with a high-ranking VIPER member, incognito, during a function being held at the Scarab Club in Milennium City. Sentinel, the team's power armor wearer, stations himself on a nearby rooftop "just in case" something goes wrong or VIPER gets any "funny ideas." It turns out that the VIPER member had the same idea, and there's a VIPER aircav agent also stationed on the rooftop. After a bit of "strange cats sizing each other up" behaviors, Sentinel and the VIPER aircav agent come to the conclusion that (a) they're both there to do the same type of job and ( there's nothing to be gained from starting a fight with the other guy just this moment.
    Sentinel is also moderately infamous inside VIPER circles because, before he was piloting it, the suit of alien power armor he wears was in the hands of VIPER. He's the main reason it's not in their hands any more, and they really do not like him much.
    So, after some uncomfortable silence, the VIPER aircav agent tries to strike up a conversation with Sentinel, and is rather unsubtle about making a bid to get him to "come back" to VIPER.
    VIPER: "I really don't understand why you left VIPER in the first place. You put your life on the line every day, and for what? Public adoration? That and two bucks will get you a cup of coffee. The rewards for being a member of VIPER are much higher than veneration by the masses."
    Sentinel: "I make $300,000 a year. How much are you pulling down?"
    VIPER: (more silence) "There are a lot of perks for being part of VIPER, the sorts of things that, as a superhero, you just don't get to do. That's a much bigger incentive than mere money."
    Sentinel: "One of my teammates is the avatar of the goddess of Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll. How do you think that compares to your perks?"
    VIPER: (long pause) "I think we should keep our minds on the job were supposed to be doing up here." (lapses into silence)
    (One of Sentinel's teammates, Scarab, is a multiformer and most of her alternate forms are based on one of the gods of the Egyptian pantheon. One of those forms is that of Hathor. )
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    Manic Typist reacted to OneWingedAngel in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
    From a pick-up starwars game last night:
    A wookie and a human walk into a bar. (stop me if you've heard this one...)
    When questioned about his comrade, the human answers, "Him? He's my fur coat, I just haven't had it killed yet."
    Later in the same scene, the wookie is questioned by another wookie, to which he responds, "Oh, Him? He's my condom. I just haven't used him yet."
    "If we're not here to make trouble, what the hell are we here for?"
    On trying to break into a prison:
    "We'll get the wookie arrested. Just think of all the things you can hide in a wookie."
    "As long as we come out of it alive, it's alright."
    Two Jedi, A Killian Ranger (alternate force tradition), and two droids are breaking into a prison disguised as maintenance workers.
    The Killian Ranger and one Jedi are arguing in a corner, attempting to look nonchelant, when they are approached by a dark jedi and the obligatory cadre of stormtroopers.
    Dark Jedi: "I'm not sure... Which one of you is it?"
    Ranger: "What do you mean? We're just cleaners."
    Dark Jedi: "Spare me. Which of you is the Jedi?"
    The Jedi and the Killian turn away from him and huddle. Rock, Paper, Scissors ensues. The Jedi throws scissors. The Killian throws rock.
    Jedi: "****."
    Ranger: "HA!" Points to Jedi "He is."
    Just after the group has defeated the DJ, and finishes dispatching the stormtroopers, another three platoons of stormtroopers enters the causeway, escorting the prisoners we'd gone to recover. With bodies littering the floor, the Killian ranger calmly steps up to the officer apparent and says, "We'll take them from here."
    Persuasion check = 1,1,1
    "Oh, okay." And they turn around and leave.
  5. Like
    Manic Typist reacted to CrosshairCollie in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
    Pickup D&D game tonight. I decide to do something I rarely do, a pretty mindlessly direct greataxe-wielding Barbarian. I hold off my one-and-only berserk rage until the end of the night ... and we encounter the main bad guy.
    I get the best initiative.
    I rage.
    I charge.
    I attack.
    I hit critically.
    My 3d12 damage comes up 10,11,12.
    Counting my Strength and Power Attack at the time, the damage came up to 53.
    Fight over.
    Everybody just kind of stares at the minis and grid map for a moment. There's an uncomfortable silence, and then ...
    Me: "Looks like the crit hit the fan.":D
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    Manic Typist reacted to sinanju in Missing   
    Re: Missing

    Hmmm....that gives me a mental picture.
    Captain Amazing turned at the faint noise and saw a man watching him. A man in a business suit. (Not now,) Captain Amazing thought. (Not when I've finally tracked Mr. Blister to his next victim's home!) Half a block away, typical rush hour traffic moved in stops and starts, horns occasionally blaring.
    "This is no place for you, citizen!" Captain Amazing began.
    "I have something for you," the man interrupted.
    "I have a subpoena for you," the man said, holding up the briefcase he was carrying in one hand. "I'm a process server from Ingolf & Devore Insurance Company. Are you going to accept service, or do we have to bring the press into this?"
    Captain Amazing sighed gustily, annoyed and not bothering to hide it. "Very well. Let's have it--then you really need to go."
    "Certainly, sir." The process server set his briefcase on top of a closed dumpster, unlatched it and flipped it open. Golden light played across his features, and across the features of Captain Amazing, who gasped as if he'd been knifed in the belly.
    "Unobtainium!" Captain Amazing whispered. Sweat sprang out on his face and his color faded. "You've got Unob...tainium in...your...." His legs went wobbly and he collapsed, only semi-conscious at the feet of the process server.
    "That's right," the man said cheerfully. He picked up a couple of walnet-sized chunks of the extremely rare precious metal and knelt at Captain Amazing's side. "It was damnably expensive to get--especially this much of the stuff. But the accountants assure me that it will pay for itself in the long term."
    He shrugged. "Not that I really care. I'm just the messenger. And the message, Captain Amazing," he said with a sudden snarl, "is don't...****...with Ingolf & Devore!"
    Captain Amazing wasn't listening, of course. Even if he wasn't unconscious, he was too wrapped up in the agonizing pain that Unobtainium caused him. The process server pulled a silenced pistol from the briefcase and carefully applied the International Mozambique Pattern to his victim--two to the chest, one to the head. Captain Amazing didn't even twitch after the second shot.
    But the process server was nothing if not thorough. He dropped the pistol back in the case, then drew out a pair of rubber surgical gloves and a knife from the briefcase. He pulled the gloves on. Two quick cuts thru the fabric of Captain Amazing's costume--as well as his no-longer-invulnerable flesh--and there was plenty of room to push the two chunks of Unobtainium deep into Captain Amazing's torso, nestled amongst his vital organs.
    Pulling the gloves off with a rubbery snap, the "process server" tossed all his tools back into the briefcase, closed it and walked away. A block away he thumbed a switch to activate the time-delayed thermite bomb inside the case and dropped it into another dumpster.
    ...and now you know what Samuel Jackson and John Travolta were carrying around in that briefcase in Pulp Fiction.
    As for the actual topic of the thread--I think images of battle-torn WWII Europe give us a good idea of what it would really be like if humans capable of throwing that kind of energy (or those sorts of punches) regularly did battle in the streets.
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    Manic Typist reacted to Hugh Neilson in Quote of the Week from my gaming group...   
    Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

    NP: Everyone's picking on me. This game is too hard. I quit.
    GM: Why is my player base so stagnant?
    Hero Games: Why are our sales not going up? Where are all the new players?
    Off topic to the thread, but maybe the new player would have a better time, and be up to speed faster, if someone actually helped them, instead of yelling at them and abusing them for making errors. I like to get an experienced player to "buddy" the new player for a few sessions (freeing the GM from this task).
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