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Posts posted by Astromath

  1. This is concerning the "d6-1" cost.  On page 403 DC table in the 5e revised, the cost for 2d6-1 is 25.  However, on page 195 sidebar for the colt M1911A, 2d6-1 costs 27 (I took the active cost [34] and divided by the advantage [+1/4] to get the original cost).  Shouldn't it be 31 (25 x 1.25)?  I'm wondering where the extra 2 points is coming from.  Also, it isn't just here, even in the Equipment Guides, the d6-1 cost is +12 rather than +10.  Which cost is correct???

  2. @Steve:  If this is not the proper forum for this 5e question (you don't seem to have a forum for 5e questions), please move it to the proper forum.  Thx.


    Under The Ultimate Vehicle page 41 there is a tire chart.  I don't understand how to build the tires to get the point cost that's on the chart.  Let's say the standard tire has 2 BODY and costs 0 points.  What I'd like to do is to just simply add +x BODY (but keep the DEF at 2) to get a nonstandard tougher tire.  I'm especially having problems with the DEF calculation.  It has +4 DEF, Only Versus Blunt Attacks (-1) and this is supposed to add +2 to the cost, but I calculate 6 for this.  Am I missing something?


    EDIT:  I think I found my problem.  I forgot to add the OAF and Partial Limitation limitations.  What threw me was according to the text they add up to -2, but they actually add up to -3 (-1.5 each).

  3. I have figured out a possible way to obtain invulnerability (but not 100%).


    85 Desolidification  (affected by Divine or Spiritual powers), Inherent (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1), Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates; any condition that results in damage but before damage is taken; +1) (170 Active Points); Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (-1/2), Always On (-1/2)




    32 Continuous (+1) for up to 40 Active Points of Desolidification (40 Active Points); Limited Power Desolidification turns off after the condition that results in damage goes away. (-1/4)


    I used desolidification because anything that does damage and does not have the Affects Desolidified advantage will not do damage to the PC.  However, since Desolid requires some type of effect that bypasses it, I used Divine/Spiritual powers.  This is useful in a fantasy setting.  For a more modern setting change this to being affected by mental powers.  Making it invisible will make it seem that the PC does indeed seem invulnerable to the damaging condition.  The inherent is so that it cannot be turned off by almost any means.  For reduced endurance, being invulnerable should not cause the PC to tire out.  Persistent is there so that the Desolid cannot be turned off by being unconscious.  Invulnerability doesn't mean the PC can go through walls, therefore the Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects limitation.  The always on limitation means that the PC himself cannot turn the power off.  I put Continuous as a Naked Advantage because there needs to be a way for the Desolid be able to turn itself off once the damaging condition ends.  This allows the PC to walk through fire or even lava or on the bottom of the ocean without taking damage.  Depending on the setting, the limited power on Continuous may be worth 0 instead of -1/4.  The big thing that makes this work is the Trigger.  Without this and the naked advantage, the PC will never be able to affect the physical world without the appropriate advantage.  If you want to make it a little more realistic, add the limitation Does Not Protect Against Knockback for -1/2.  Even the Hulk or Juggernaut takes knockback when hit and they both have invulnerability.  This is where the CPTSO comes into play in that the PC can be knocked back into a building causing collateral damage to that building.


    The only downside to this invulnerability is that while the PC is in the fire, he cannot affect the physical world until the damaging condition stops.  Of course, you can have another limitation in that the Desolid can only protect against the damaging condition.  This would allow a PC to rescue people from a fire.  I would recommend a -0 limitation modifier for this.


    The use of this invulnerability does have the byproduct of being a type of very expensive Life Support for several of its aspects.  The invulnerable PC cannot drown (this is a damaging condition), cannot be poisoned (also a damaging condition).  However, dying of old age is not a damaging condition whereas a heart attack is.  For immortality the PC still must buy the appropriate LS.


    I use the words "damaging condition" to indicate that the damage can come from any source, be it instantaneous attacks or something that's ongoing or even internal to the PC.


    If anyone can improve on this, go ahead.

  4. So, I guess, you're telling me that there is no way to do it in HD.  My question had nothing to do with HS rules, but how to apply those rules to HD (at least in this specific instance).  As far as I can tell, there is no way to do it in a VPP gadget pool.  I give up and use Custom Power as a placeholder, even though that is not the way to go.


    There is one book where this was done with an entangle.  See product 203 Millennium City, pages 48-50, Dr. Silverback.  On page 48 is the entangle gun and on page 50 sidebar is the gadget in the VPP that "improves" the original entangle gun.  I'm just trying to duplicate that for an EB, but I can't get it to work in HD.

  5. That's easy if it is not in a power framework.  Use the Combined Power rule.  However, what I want is the additional dice and charges in a gadget pool.  Think of an assault rifle that has a bullet clip.  The gadget pool clip represents larger bullets (extra damage) and more of them (even more charges).  The Combined Power rule breaks down.  Maybe Naked Advantage representing the extra dice and the extra charges on that?  Not sure if that would work.

  6. Using 5e template.


    How can I sell back characteristics, such as running, through the Powers Tab?  Main reason is to put limitations (or advantages) on the points being sold back.  Example, Armor (OIF) that reduces running by 2".  That means putting an OIF on -2 points of running.


    How would you be able to do the following:

    You have a power, let's say a blaster rifle 4d6 EB with 6 charges.  You also have a gadget VPP that includes a gadget, such as a power pack, that gets attached to the blaster rifle which adds an extra 2d6 to the EB (for a total of 6d6) and replaces the 6 charges with 16 charges.  How can you build that gadget in the VPP?  The VPP in question has 60 base cost and 30 control cost with the OAF limitation for a total of 75 points.

  7. Just going through this supplement I noticed a couple of things with The Bolshevik Boys, pages 144-146.


    First:  Red Hammer.  This sheet seems incomplete.  It says Char 124 + Powers 89 equal 213.  But the powers section only adds up to 45, not 89.  There's 44 points of missing powers/skills/perks/talents.

    Second:  Red Ice-Sickle:  This sheet is completely missing.


    Anybody out there have the complete sheets of the above?

  8. I'm looking for pros and cons about the following power construct:


    Shape Shift to the Mental Sense Group.


    What do you think this power represents. How about tacking on the 0 END, Persistant, Always On modifiers. Could someone find this person with Mind Scan? Could this person's mind be read by Telepathy?


    Let's make it more interesting: Make the INT & EGO 5 with the Psych Disad Schizophrenia.


    I'm not actually creating a character with this construct. I'm just looking for an interesting discussion.:eg:

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