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Everything posted by solron915

  1. Re: Brink Of War G-A I'm sending you a very rough character sheet for you to look over. On the schools of magic I was thinking of Alchemeny, Conjurturation, elemental,and rune magic. How much does each school cost . Do we have to buy each spell or do we get to use all the spells in each school starting at 8- or what?
  2. Re: Brink Of War I'll be there on thursday as I have Tim's old desktop now. Question how many points are we using for character creation? Any disvantages need, I know you were talking different schools of magic, have they been completed. I can make out a rough character stats or is a background more important at this time?
  3. Re: Brink Of War Still having issue with laptop. I havn't had a chance to talk to Starwolf about it. Hopefully we can get together tonight and I maybe a little late as I have to go see my wife at the rehab center.
  4. Re: Brink Of War I have the laptop up and running but I had hard wire it to the router for now. Hopefully I can get Starwolf help on fixing it.
  5. Re: Brink Of War Does that mean I have to send him his computer?
  6. Re: Brink Of War Hopefully I'll be there next week. My wife will be in a rehab center for up to 6 weeks and she is kind nough to let me play on thursday. Plus I have an adware virus in the laptop that I have to remove before next week also. The little bugger won't let me use the internet for more then a few minutes then it dumps me back to the desktop. Wish me luck that I don't have to reformat the HD.
  7. Re: Brink Of War Cool deal can't wait to see them
  8. Re: Brink Of War [quote=Starwolf;1765820 Assuming mavsfan77 is who I think it is, if he wants my help with his hedge magic mp, I am willing. If you're assuming that he lives in the same house as me then you're right. Starwolf. And he'll need your help.
  9. Re: Brink Of War Well in the spirit of the new world forming from G-A thoughts . I 'm thinking of a Human Mage. Qliian Seriantep, born 3rd son of a minor noble, An given a quest by his father to become a high priest of the high church. He has a passion for history and lanuages and has an adept skill for magic. Though passion led him away from his studies at the high church to the real world outside. So begins his journey.......
  10. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign I am for fanasty
  11. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign COOL , I'm a player. I have never ran a game but if you start up a game I'm ready to play.
  12. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign I'm sorry to hear that the game is ending. It was something I looked forward too every week. I'm sorry for you too, 7-day work weeks really suck. Both Dtarwolf and I have been there. As G-A said , I hope you find replacements soon, game or no game.
  13. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign He's fine he just had the ringer off. He called me later that night ,no problem other then we wondered what happen to you Nol.
  14. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Well atleast you're ok. We had no idea what was happening, hopefully next week will be better and maybe Tim will have his new computer by then.
  15. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign I got my wife home. Luckly she did not have a stroke again. Doctor said for her totake it easy. So I'm keeping and eye on her and making suren she doesn't over do it. If the game starts I'll be in and out checking on her.
  16. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Hey what's up? I tried to load up maptools but no server and also tried to call Starwolf no answer there either
  17. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Cool How about a snapshoot of it.
  18. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign I'm ready for tomorrow. The masterful Starwolf saved my backside once again. As he setup my token and macros while I had to go to my father- in -law funeral in Texas over christmas. Have plenty of time to play as I 'm still laid off. But I tend to think of it as my winter vacation period. Oh Nol, TA is ready for some down and out trouble. And he is ready to spit in fears face.
  19. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign We're not split up yet. All of us and the 2 robbie robots are in the dning area. Ta'Rang has an odd feeling. That the banquet could turn into a blood bath or not. I guess we'll see tomorrow.
  20. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign :eg:Whata nice dream but ya know Nol will never let it happen that way.
  21. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign May as well start the New Year out right. I'm for the first. Are we going to MT and will that be an upgrade to .48. As we are are using version .45 at the present. I guess I should have read Starwolf last message on 1.3B48. I'll upgrade my system and work on my token and macros.
  22. Re: Dark Matter Rising Starwolf we just tried Tim's computer and it timed out too. When he tried to connect to MT. So I'm guessing the problem is at your end.
  23. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Know the feeling G-A . MT just dumped me and won't let me reconnect now.
  24. Re: Dark Matter Rising I was connected then I got dumped now I can't reconnect. I keep getting a timed out message. So what are we going to do?
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