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About wowie

  • Birthday 03/16/2004

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  1. Re: Another question on aid... this is what you get after drinking tequila all day and nothing much else.. point taken. I just wanted a stab at it.
  2. Point monkey... *grin* I know it can be very scary... but humor me a bit.. anyway.. few questions on aid I built an aid like this: Aid 2d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1/4), any [special effect] power one at a time (+1/4), Time Delay (+1/4), Delayed Effect (+1/4) (20 Active Points) 1. Since it has a variable effect, does it mean i can apply it to anything? 2. Can I apply it to itself? allowing it to stack on its own so to speak? 3. Since it has Time Delay and Delayed Effect, can i give it for example 1min. and keep it at ready for however long a time? say the rest of the day? 4. So it should work something like this.. say the character in question has spd 4. making it 4 phases in a turn. there should be 5 turns a minute (60/12=5). that would roughly give 20 phases. 2d6 aid roughly 5 points at standard rate.. say in 2 phases the char moves that gives him an additional 10points, increasing aid to 3d6. next 2 phases add 15points that would give aid the boost 4d6 points total in 1 turn (total 45 points). next turn would grant 50 points making aid roughly around 9d6 (total 95points) next turn would grant... until the end of the first minute I would have a total of 1055 points giving me roughly 105d6 of aid points to distribute if my computations is correct... then again i may roll all 1s despite that and after all that i'd get roughly 4d6 in a minute. 5. will it work?
  3. Re: A question to the physics-minded... This really sounds so familiar with the boom gun from rifts... you could try looking that up.
  4. Re: Suppress vs Dispel thanks so much for the advice.
  5. Just would like to clarify. I want to build say either a device or a character that would cancel out powers or enhancements or cause them to fail at least to a certain extent. which should i use? i'd like it to be area effect and always on. any advise?
  6. Re: aid and succor Aid, +1d6 Body. Self only (-1/2), Only to starting values (-1/2), Always on (-1/2), Continuous (1), Persistent (1/2), Inherent (1/4). - could i make this variable so it restores anything that might be drained and restore it to its original values?
  7. Re: Why is Strength so underpriced? welcome.. i actually asked this awhile back or something similar to it. the reason you come out with a negative number is perhaps you opted to put a check on "add modifiers to base characteristic" if you were using hero designer at that time.. thats the only reason i know why you would even get points for it. its not because of no figured characteristic.
  8. Re: aid and succor it does.. thanks a lot!
  9. Re: Question about the "spirit" of an EC Well if costing end will be a problem, why not just use charges. that way, it fits the limitations you can take for say a suit of power armor.. this should allow you to take powers normally costing end, into powers that don't really cost end. and yet with a limitation that could balance it.
  10. My apologies.. i placed it in the wrong forum.. need advice on aid and succor I'm working on a 50active point limit.. I'm wondering if i read this right, Aid and Succor are the same except Succor only works if you continue to pay end. Well what if you have a succor power say 8d6 with +1/4 cost endurance to activate only. doesn't this mean that you gain the benefit of aid at a cheaper cost because aid only does say 5d6 worth of additional advantages but succor delivers 8d6 worth of advantages? at the same active point cost? also, say you used up aid/succor already to increase a certain power, does this mean that you can use it again to increase another power or does this mean that its just like a power boost that allows you to increase 1 characteristic at a time and if you used it all up, you can't say cast it again unless you move the increased points to another power? also can you distribute the points you get along a group? say i cast 5d6aid, giving me 25 points worth to allot, i have either 5 powers or 5 people i'd like to boost, can i give each a 5point bonus or i can only use it on 1 person/power?
  11. Re: No Figured Characterstics: DEX no figured characteristics only comes into play if you buy characteristics and place them under frameworks. but if you just say buy 10 dex outside of a framework, you get the whole deal, like dex, +s to dcv/ocv and +s to speed too.. right?
  12. I'm working on a 50active point limit.. I'm wondering if i read this right, Aid and Succor are the same except Succor only works if you continue to pay end. Well what if you have a succor power say 8d6 with +1/4 cost endurance to activate only. doesn't this mean that you gain the benefit of aid at a cheaper cost because aid only does say 5d6 worth of additional advantages but succor delivers 8d6 worth of advantages? at the same active point cost? also, say you used up aid/succor already to increase a certain power, does this mean that you can use it again to increase another power or does this mean that its just like a power boost that allows you to increase 1 characteristic at a time and if you used it all up, you can't say cast it again unless you move the increased points to another power? also can you distribute the points you get along a group? say i cast 5d6aid, giving me 25 points worth to allot, i have either 5 powers or 5 people i'd like to boost, can i give each a 5point bonus or i can only use it on 1 person/power?
  13. Re: Always On Limitation: I need a Variant is there a limitation to the amount of DI or GI like a limit to how much one can grow into? or is it limited by aid? would succor work as well?
  14. Re: Hand Attacks and +1 Damage Class question thanks a bunch
  15. Re: Hand Attacks and +1 Damage Class question gotta agree here, but the question is if could you make 10 attacks using the doubled advantage of autofire. Just a question.. i'm a noob but just wondering how you would build say an energy imbued hth strike that does decent damage? say you have an active point limitation of 50 points? and then build a series of moves or MA techniques? how do i add DC to it to increase damage?
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