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Everything posted by Catseye

  1. Well, as co-designer of Dark Sun Online II:The Age of Heroes (a project sadly never completed) let me give you a few of the ways we balanced things: (1) Sorcerer Kings are ultimately competitors. And totally self-centered, so they act as checks on each other pretty well. Noone wants any other one to get too more powerful then they are. With that to worry about, you don't need the hassles of a peasantry in active revolt too. Any weakness will be lept on by your 'fellows'. (2) Remember that Dark Sun is fundamentally an eco-fable. Sorcerer Kings are Defilers. The Druids and their preserver allies represent an important counter-power trying to return the world to a natural state, which means limiting and eventually eliminating the defilers. As the representatives of the fundamental forces of the world, what could be considered "true gods', they are a real danger to the SKs.
  2. ... or its neverending sequels (Seriously NES was kind of fun, but the sequels got pretty old by NES3.)
  3. Someones already mentioned Ladyhawke, right? More then just fantasy, to me thats the essence of a fairy-tale movie. Actually though the only magic in it is the curse thats ets it all in motion...
  4. I havent seen the FH yet (my FLGS's destributor is backordered ). I developed my own D&Dish system awhile back. Basically there are armor use skills you need to have (light, medium,heavy, sheild) and then armor has STR minimums and DCv minuses.
  5. Good news! My FLGS tells me their destributor (Alliance I believe) is back ordered on FH. Bad news, I can't get mine yet Hey Darren, sell them some more copies! JK
  6. This one is worth lookign at on a per spell basis IMO. D&D lumps its all together but 3E kidn of makes it clear that saves mean different thinsg under different situations. For instance, the saving throw for a fireball is a chance to dive out of its way. This is simply the "Dive for Cover" manuver v. an area effect (the fireball). Some spells the save is mental resisatnce, in which case its really EGO combat and IMo again handled implcitly by the system through the EGO combat roll and typical effefct roll v. EGO defenses. Some spells have no save at all. In general I think you need to look at each spell in question and ask "what does the save here really mean?"
  7. FWIW we generally found that the lack of ressurection balanced for the lower incidence of death. You don't often die, but when you do, its all over.
  8. Con experiences I have run gam,es at the local cosn here in Northern Cal for a number of years and, to be honest, my favorites are the mid-sized ones. Large enough to attract a lot of people and have a lot goign on, small enough still that everyone gets lots of play time. The biggest problm with big cons is there are never really enough games for all the players Last number of years when I did GenCon it was on busisness either manning or walking the show floor and, to be honest, I found I enjoyed that more then the con itself. But back when GenCon (and the industry) was small it was a blast. Saw my first live Playboy bunny at a Gencon when I was 13 :) (The early ones were held at the Playboy club in Lake Geneva.) Anyway Im HOPING the SoCal one being new will be on the medium size...
  9. Which is right next to Disneyland to be the MOST specific :)
  10. Southern California. Which is to say Los Angeles. http://www.gencon.com/display.aspx?file=socal
  11. Re: Re: Fry's good service!? Phil, I understood Catseye
  12. Um, not being from around here I think Steve missed the gag. In the SF bay area Fry's is notorious for bad service. (Try Googling for "I Hate Frys" Steve, there are whoel web pages devoted to the subject.) Suggesting that someone needs to work to get to Fry's level of service, at least around here, is a true insult. Catseye
  13. Wow! I didn't knwo about this! (Shows what happens when you drop out of the con circuit for even a con or two.) Guess I better start making Dec. travel plans! Catseye
  14. Hey Guys, I've been busy as heck with life changes so I haven't been around for a bit but your still very much in my thoughts One of those changes is a move to the Scotts Valley area. I took buying my FH as an excuse to go into Scotts Valley's one and only FLGS and talk to them about Hero. The went to their distributors catalog to order FH for me (I'm pretty sure it was Alliance) and couldn't find FH listed, only the Grimoire. They told me they'd call Alliance about it and get it ordered for me but I thought maybe I should let you guys know. Ciao Catseye.
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