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Everything posted by 薔薇語

  1. And obviously those people had it coming because they weren't 'respectin da po-po's authoritah!' Had they just gotten down and groveled a bit maybe our honorable masters would have let them live. But I guess Seattle residents are just a bit too upity. La Rose.
  2. A 10 hour repeat of the Leak Song as done by Hatsune Miku. ^^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SyWDt7IWiE&channel=xxxCRAZYchannel Oh, and 千本桜 (senbon zakura - 1000 cherry blossoms) by 和楽器バンド (Wagakki bando) La Rose.
  3. Here is a quite long but interesting article about rape on US campuses in the US. It starts out focusing on one particular case but then expands to the issue in general. Some quotes that I thought were interesting below: --- Also, here is The Young Turks view on the Rolling Stone article that was referenced a few times in the above article: Let it be known that the above video is a discussion about an accusation of gang rape and uses strong language, it is not safe for work (NSFW). La Rose.
  4. What if Dr. Light decided to be a pop idol and not an astronomer? My guess is that she would have videos like this: La Rose.
  5. No he wouldn't. If the dispatcher had given that info, the cops would have likely murder the boy anyway given their pre-disposition to reckless behavior. La Rose.
  6. I really want to hear this audio. But regardless, the cops did everything wrong. La Rose.
  7. Buzzfeed Article "In statements given shortly after the shooting, police officials said that Rice was with a group of boys when he was shot" Filthy lie from filthy murders. "Follmer said that Loehmann saw Rice take what looked like a pistol under a table in the park and put it into his waistband" Filthy lie from filthy murders. "The police union also reported that Loehmann asked Rice to raise his hands three times" Filthy lie from filthy murders. "In a press conference on Nov. 24, Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Wiliams said that the video corroboraed the officer's initial description of the shooting but that they had not yet taken "official statements" from the officers who shot Rice" Why not? Because they want to give the officers every possible chance to cover their own asses because they are filthy lying murders. La Rose.
  8. Assuming that is right, my natural reaction is "so, someone who works with the police is covering to protect the police. Big surprise!" And do you have any linkage that backs up that? La Rose.
  9. Per the lying police. Excuse me if I think that is not an acceptable response. I don't trust proven liars and murders. La Rose.
  10. Bigbywolfe, who made that claim you just quoted? It sure as heck wasn't me. So please enlighten me. But since I know it is me that you are poorly quoting, allow me to actually quote me: "They should have pulled up at a distance. Slowly walked up to the situation and confirmed if it was a real gun or not long before drawing their own. Had they, there would be one more young child in this world." That isn't an edict in all situations as yours is. Mine was a reference to this case in particular. Please keep that in mind. These cops showed that they absolutely do not care about murdering children. We can see that in their reckless approach on a child (They know it is a child from 911 call). They show it in their Shoot First because 'black boys are scary' attitude when they didn't even give the boy a chance to surrender. We can see it in their absolute eagerness to flat out lie about a the situation in their reports. These cops did everything they could in order to set up a situation where they could kill that boy and had it not been for a lucky camera filming them, they would have gotten away scot free. Heck, they still might because people seem to think that they are somehow justified in murdering this boy. Once again, they should have approached the situation with due caution (for their sake, for the surrounding people's sake, and for the murder victim's sake). They didn't. They should have used distance as their friend to ascertain if the boy actually had a gun for everyone's sake. They should have NOT tried to scare the child by doing a drive-by on him with guns blazing - for everyone's sake. Had these cops showed even the slightest amount of common F'ing sense, we would have one more child in this world and two less murderers (assuming they haven't murdered before). They are filthy and horrible human beings. They are moderately extreme examples of the filth that seems to be in our police force and we need to fix that. La Rose.
  11. Here is a longer version without quite the same jumps in edits (the only edits are explained as they are edited). La Rose.
  12. And I never said that you said that. You presented a claim and I shot that claim down. That is all. La Rose.
  13. The video is edited because of the time lapse between the call and the arrival of the police. La Rose.
  14. I realize you are trying to walk the fine line of not defending these cops and trying to tell the other side, but I don't think it is working well. Those cops most certainly did not say jack S* to the boy their murdered. There wasn't enough time between them stopping their car and them murdering that boy for them do have done anything other than pull a trigger. They were / are trigger happy murderers who have been given license to kill us at will and somehow the public still stands with them. Sad day for America. La Rose.
  15. Just because I am sure some people haven't heard the 911 call or seen the footage of the police murdering the boy, here it is: The Cops lied in their report. The cops were reckless on this video. And the total time between seeing the cop car come into frame and there being a dead boy is less than 5 seconds. Those cops came for blood then lied about it hoping that no one would question their 'authoritah'. They are despicable people. And yet somehow we are suppose to believe them when they say "he reached into his waist band? And to me it looks more like the kid dropped to the ground before the cops even finished stopping their car. I hope those cops get their trial and go to jail. If they don't, I wouldn't be surprised if we see a real rise in the number of riots. La Rose.
  16. And given how corrupt police are and how quickly they turn to lying to save their own asses, I am not inclined to believe them. I think they were told and they disregarded it. Even if they weren't told it was a fake one, they were told it was a kid. BOTH are great reasons to show some F'ing common sense and approach the situation cautiously. Fire both of them. Bring both of them up on charges. They don't have to be doing quick draws with someone to end a situation. But this "Shoot First. Blame the Victim Later. Cover for Everyone" BS must stop. They are not paying the police to go in guns blazing. They need to learn some F*ing restraint. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OxM9pWGsaQ&channel=Swordforces La Rose.
  17. Here are a few more police that need to be fired: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghmjems40PM#t=119&channel=ksbwtv Seriously? Punish the guy who calmed down the kid because the other cops wanted to get their rocks off and taze some poor suicidal kid. How is it that we seemed to have managed to hire only the worst possible people to be officers in our nation? La Rose.
  18. The two cops in the Rice case should be in tons of trouble. The person who called 911 stated that they were worried because they didn't know if it was a fake gun or a real one and was clear in telling the 911 attendent that it could have been fake. The officers then took that information and decided to go in guns blazing and low and behold a little kid gets murdered. You do not go up 'drive by' style on someone who has a gun. If they do have a gun, it could spook them and cause them to accidently discharge. They could see you as a threat and fire at you. And by pushing the situation you increase the chances that anyone near by could get caught in the line of fire. It was a completely reckless thing to do. They should have pulled up at a distance. Slowly walked up to the situation and confirmed if it was a real gun or not long before drawing their own. Had they, there would be one more young child in this world. These cops did everything they possibly could have to cause this to end the way it did. They are murderers with no regard for anyone's life outside of their own pathetic ones. La Rose.
  19. When a cop engages in an activity that he is barred from doing because it causes suffocation and death then the victim complains of suffocation, he ought to do everything possible to confirm the guy's safety. But no, he ignored the reasonable pleas of a dying man. Why? Because the jerk and his jerk friends don't care out the safety of the citizenry, only with making sure people respect their authoritah! The police officer should have never done that, and now we have a dead man who may of committed the awful crime of selling some cigs. The office got away with murder. La Rose.
  20. While I thank you for your support I don't think that gif is as useful as you want it to be. While Vondy and I may be at arms right now, I still think he is a good and reasonable man. He has more of my respect than many posters - even when I disagree with him. And as sharp as I may have been, it was because I know and respect his opnion. La Rose.
  21. Vondy: "My read of your remarks on Ferguson remains that they are largely speculation and guess-work. Why? Because, there is no way to prove your assertions" No, the Ferguson issue is not speculation. The way the prosecutor handled the situation is public knowledge. Please feel free to look into this a bit more. Among the most dissettling things is the 'info dump' he did on the Grand Jury. He bombarded them with documents without end expecting them to be able to make sense of it all. Why would a prosecutor who's sole job is to present the State's best case do that? Because he doesn't want it to get past the grand jury. He was reportedly soft handed with the officer and harsh on anyone who, you know, would prove his case. Rather than be quick and concise with his proceeding, he dragged it on longer than normal so as to tire out the jurors. He mixed in all competing forensic reports so as to cast doubt on the situation. Basically the man did everything he could to ruin the state's case at the Grand Jury - he purposely failed at his own job! And he has a history of this. So, Vondy, you will excuse me if I think your out of hand dismissal of me and this position scream of a level of arrogance and close mindedness unbecoming of you. Vondy: "When its my local / regional news I'll huff and I'll puff and invest in strongly held opinions and take action. In these two cases, its simply not my place. Based on your location information..." Vondy, I get it, you and I have never met face to face so I can't expect you to remember where I am from. But before you do the laziest of checks to just realize I live in Japan, try and think back a bit more or do the due diligence of asking me. Ferguson is a lazy drive away from my home. Missouri is where I was born and it is the place I love. When there are troubles in Missouri, there are troubles in my back yard. Also, might I add that the level of cognitive dissidence you seem to be enjoying while making such statements is a bit disconcerting. An expat who commonly made comments about the US and its internal and external affairs should not be telling others to stick to their own homes. Moveover, injustice knows no home. It is not something to be left unspoken just because it happens at your neighbor's and not your own home. That is the kind of willful blindness and abhorrent tolerance that leads us to not get involved when people are being slaughtered in other nations. And despite the three monkeys best attempts, choosing to ignore injustice does not make it go away. As to your last point about being a regionalist, it has no connection to what I have said. I believe in regional governership more than most on these boards most likely, but that isn't the point here. I am not staying that the solution to this problem is somehow external intervention. I am saying that there is a problem - a pan-America problem. One that must be talked about. One that must be addressed. And one that must be solved. Everyday a cop kills at least one citizen in the US. Cops have taken up this horrid "us vs them" mentality that we even try to train our soldier to not do. Why do we let the people who are sworn to protect the public treat us like the enemy and behave as if they live in a war zone? There are places in the US where death by Cop outnumbers death by gangs for heaven's sake. We have cops who steal our money, molest and rape people, brutalize people, and kill us without repercussion. This is not an acceptable thing. And our only recourse seem to be to rely on a corrupt justice system that favors our occupiers over the citizenry. This is an unacceptable situation and it must end. La Rose.
  22. Of course it is a bad idea. We are expecting a person in an elected position who relies on the cop unions to keep his job directly going after a cop. We are expecting a person who has to deal with cops as partners on a day to day basis to nail one when they step over the line. It is too much to expect. La Rose.
  23. If Satan was a cop I think most of his peers would still cover for him. --- Maybe this is the deep down reason I like Gotham so much. They show cops for what most of them seem to be: self-involved dirty jerks but at least give us one man worth rooting for. One man who reminds us that not everyone is that way despite it being a majority. La Rose.
  24. Speaking of D* cops: a Texas Cop decided to step over the bounds of reasonable action and put a young lady into a choke hold. Why? Because she knew her rights and wasn't "Respectin' his Authoritah!" -In case you are curious, the prosecutor in that area even stated that the young woman was within her rights and of course the cops tried to make her delete the video but she didn't. Seriously I am typically pro-cop. I have taken the opposite sides of these discussions when they have come on these boards in the past. But I can't count the number of times I have read / watched a story like this or worse and can only walk away with the classic "F* the police" chant. To be honest, I don't trust a single cop. I am getting to the point where I just assume the cop must be in the wrong because it isn't a "small few" but "a majority" who are either belligerent jerks, thieves, or straight up murderers. Body cam ever single one of the jerks. Never let them work alone. Never let them do "internal investigations" and always demand truly outside investigators and prosecutions for when police cross the line. La Rose.
  25. While it was speculation in this case since I haven't gotten to read the news about it yet, it was not speculation in regards to Ferguson. All in all, I think that the system we have now is not working to either promote justice or the perception of justice: both of which are of dire importance. Things must change to ensure both. If they don't, then the resort to riot activism will become inevitable. La Rose.
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