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Everything posted by 薔薇語

  1. While enjoying a lazy Tuesday afternoon and cooking my only ramen allotment for the day a puff of smoke appears next to me. "Yes, Kurt? Did you come for my famous instant ramen noodles?" I joked. "No, Rose, I wanted to talk to you about the other teams." Kurt responds And in a moment of tinging pain "Yes, I know they have heavy hitters but we will diversity and skills. And the crowd loves underdog stories." I respond outloud secretly whispering to myself "I hope..." "No, no, no. Not that. I have faith that we can do this. No, everyone else seems to be getting theme songs" Kurt responds with a smile and a half chuckle. "We do too, ya know." "Yeah, our team does, that is for sure. But I am talking about individual ones. It would help us stand out even more and sway the masses to us. Nothing like an anthem" Kurt offers up. "Yeah... About that. Do you know how much it costs to license music for these kinds of events? I had to take out an extra title loan on my car just to get Monster Mash. And that one was cheep." I say while pulling my nearly ready ramen off the heat. "Can you grab a bowl for me?" With a quick "Sure" Kurt reaches his tail over for one of the bowls I have drying in the rack. "Look, I know it must be hard but think of the benefits. It will energize us and bring in the crowd." Thinking about the possible rewards I find myself enamored by the idea of pulling in the crowds with catchy theme songs. "Yes... Yes, this might just work." "So, it is a plan, then?" Kurt asks "Yes. I will license out some theme songs... I mean, I don't really need to eat everyday, right?" --- Monster Mash is now proud to announce the first round of Theme Songs for our team: Nightcrawler: I look over at Kurt "I thought a motivational and slightly religious song would best fit you." With a look of pleasant surprise Kurt responds "Yes, this sounds great!" "Fight on Warrior!" Groot & Rocket Raccoon Head cocked with a look of puzzlement, Rocket looks at me, "What is this? I mean, sure, the cinematics are nice but what is with that song?!" As Groot peers closer at the video he simply smiles and in true Groot fashion responds "I am Groot." "What? You like this? Really? Look pal, I don't know If I can go on stage with this kind of music playing." "I am Groot" After a quick nod of approval I say "He has a point, Rocket. You have been outvoted 2:1. The song stays." La Rose The next two to come soon.
  2. She is accused of it because such things are misandrous. And it is made clear that Sarah thinks that all men are inclined towards rape by the fact that she instructs all her viewers to send it to every man they know. Pushing a view that men are naturally inclined towards rape does not help the situation - it does in fact hurt the situation. Men are bombarded by message accusing them of being pigs, beasts, rapists, scum, and only exist for rape and destruction. This "rape prevention tips" bit that gets sent out is one of many such messages boys and men get about our horrid nature. And it needs to stop and certainly needs to stop being defended. Sexism and dehumanization is Sexism and dehumanization regardless of the sex of person it targets. La Rose.
  3. Oh, yeah. Well, they didn't prove to be too important. ^^ So, this means you have a two girl limit. A hard test for you. ^^ La Rose.
  4. And here I thought you were going to try and balance out last season's all female cast. La Rose.
  5. Almost sniped. He was originally my pick but I switched up knowing that he would go quickly. La Rose.
  6. Let's be honest here, words are the least offensive things put into his mouth.(^^) La Rose.
  7. isn't Batman outlawed in this draft for the same reason as Superman? We can't have our characters fighting gods after all. La Rose.
  8. Yes. Sorry. I was getting caught up before PMing you. ^^ La Rose.
  9. My next pick will also be a great tag team draft pick. ^^ La Rose.
  10. Me: "Okay everyone, time for a team meeting! AVENGE... I mean, Monster Mash Assemble!!!" Mystique: "Lay off with that name. Not all of us are 'monsters', Rosie." Me: With a slight sigh I look down "I thought I told you not to call me Rosie, Mystique." Mystique: "And I told you not to lump me in with the monsters, Rosie." Me: "Okay, okay. Deal." Big Green: "SHREEOONGK!" Me: "Settle down, Big Green. I know I forgot the chips but we will pick up some McD's afterwards.." -- *Last season he already bankrupted me on feeding bills and I didn't win... But we if don't pull through this time Mr. Tony is going to have my head... Literally..." Me: "Okay, so I called everyone here to inform you of our newest recruit before he arrives." Nightcrawler "I thought you were going to check with us before committing to the next one. What changed your mind." Me: "Well, yeah, I was but I already was contractually obligated to bring this one on so my hands were tied." Groot: "I am Groot" Me: "Goot, I know. Just give me a sec. Okay?!" Mystique: "What did the walking Fern say? Not all of us speak plant, ya know." Groot: "I am GROOT!" Nightcrawler: "Let's just get back on topic, mother. As you were saying Rose..." Me: "Yes. So, as I was saying, I already made a deal to bring on the next guy when I hired Groot. He was a package deal." Mystique: "Great. We get another female badass." Me: "Well, no. Not quite." Groot: "I am Groot" Mystique: "Pipe down you chia pet." Nightcrawler; "Don't be so harsh with your words. Groot is a fine person. Now, Rose, does this mean we are getting Drax? He should be able to go toe to toe even with the likes of Ben Grim. Me: "Well, no, he wasn't available. Something about avenging his family. No, we got..." New Guy: "Hey! Sorry to be late but, ya know, stuff. Where's the grub?" Godzilla "SHREEEONGK!" Me: "Really, both of you are in on this now? Give me a break. Do you have any idea how hard it is to cater for Big Green? I've been living on Ramen Noodles for a season and a half now! And even then I have to ration it out to just one a day! New Guy: "Alright! Don't bite my head off. But if we don't get the big guy fed soon I think he might start biting heads off. So how about we speed this up." Looks over to Mystique "Sup, toots. Where you been all my life?" Mystique: "Really? A talking Racoon. That is what we are going to use to beat Sinestro, Ms. Marvel, The Hulk, and Magneto... You are F*ing stupid, aren't you..." Me: "Language! Look, I wanted Groot and Rocket has great weapon's expertise. And we never know what the terrain will provide for us, so, ya know, he could turn out to be a great resource... Mystique: "You know the first chance I get to jump ship I am, right? This ship is going to sink faster than the one the Lizard man knocked over this morning." Godzilla: "SHREEEOONGK!" Me: "Yeah. I know. It wasn't your fault. Look, I know everyone is on edge but it is okay. I have a great idea for the next round. Just hold on for another day (or two), okay? Now lets get some McD's... Oh, and by the way, can anyone spot me a couple mill. I seem to be short..." --- Monster Mash welcomes Rocket Raccoon to the stage! His expertise and long history with Groot shall prove to be quite valuable. Spoiled for size: La Rose.
  11. Really, Hermit, you have no guess? When it comes to team dynamics there is only one choice. And that is TBA. ^^ La Rose.
  12. Shhhh. I he may want to have them for his own now... La Rose.
  13. You just don't love her enough. Good news for your wife, I guess. La Rose.
  14. Green - Will, Yellow - Fear, Red - Rage, Blue - hope, Violet - Love, Purple - empathy, Black - death, White - life / all. So, I predict a few Corp members in this round now... La Rose.
  15. Wow. I was a hairs breath away from choosing Mimic. Good choice! La Rose.
  16. This character is actually the back up for one that was already picked. But I am still thinking it should be okay. But that is a round 6 pick. La Rose.
  17. I am thinking I should start to rethink my next round pick. I originally chose the character for sentimental reasons but good gosh will it be hard for him to go up against some of the juggernauts (pun intended) picked so far. Well, here is to favorable arenas! And at least my round 6 pick should be a safe powerhouse. La Rose.
  18. Wait, he was on Excalibur? Somehow I never remembered that. It was a long time since I read those and I only read a few (mostly because of NightCrawler) but I just didn't recall that. That means my characters connect quite well with lots of other teams so far. Nightcrawler was on Excalibur and is an X-man. Mystique is the mother of Rouge and worked with The Brotherhood. I wonder if I will have a connection with every team by the end of this... La Rose.
  19. Has he ever been good? I didn't know that. Good (bad) pick. May we never do battle. La Rose.
  20. Could be a future they are set in. At the end of it all they are returned to the normal timeline. The big benefit of this outside of being able to undo the damage is that the mission continues even after the end of the campaign. The PCs now know Dr. D is alive. They know he will merge with Mechanon and that once that happens they will stand no chance. But how will they prevent it. It rewards the PCs for trying to learn how things came about in detail, too. It even lets them deal with tje difficult question of who to involve. Who knows what could come about when you tamper with time: ala the Age of Ultron alternate present storyline. La Rose.
  21. Okay, I am getting the sarlack next time... (^^) La Rose.
  22. I will post a picture and link and such later when I'm not on my phone. My pick for Round four is both beauty and beast. Someone who has helped give rise to two heroes and assisted one of the great villians. Ahe connects three of our picks already, one of which is mine. Assuming the stage now for Monster Mash is the one and only, Mystique. La Rose.
  23. Is there a new RS issue? I know about them publishing an unchecked and fabricated claim of gang rape by frat guys some time back but is this new issue different? Or has there been new info? La Rose.
  24. This season is going bad for me so far. I've been sniped a few times and pushed up one of my characters from Round 4 to Round 2 to avoid sniping. And my alternate for him just got nixed... So, my round 4 pick may be a pick in name only and not actually appear in the arena since I haven't yet found a suitable replacement for my replacement... La Rose.
  25. It is already super late at night for Bazza. He might not see that message in time. Would it be prudent to give him a freepass on the 24 hour pick rule (for this pick) since he might not have a chance to rethink his pick? At least he goes again soon so he is not likely to get sniped in the next four picks. La Rose.
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