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Everything posted by scorpionx1

  1. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete okay you sold me then! just checked google, first day of fall is sept 22. countdown is on!!!!!!
  2. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete certainly. look, the cover to champs beyond was amazing. something like that with action and exploding sheot in the background but with the millenium city champs. that would be awesome
  3. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete this is a forum, we are GOING to voice our opinions. whether you like it or not. AND they all deserve to be heard. okay with that out of the way, i agree a lot with what memorax is saying. with superhero movies all the rage now, the time is upon us to grab more HERO system players. they company needs to think about doing more than just a one book effort. yes it may be difficult but take some risk, set the goal high! ask yourself, what would a superhero do?????
  4. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete well i thought about this more and was originally a 'naysayer' so to speak, but now i realize the potential. I have come around to the 1 book idea, i see the reasoning for it now, however 240 pages seems short for HERO. I had never read M&M before but i picked up a copy and i was surprised at the quality. it has come along way from d20 and is barely recognizable from normal d20 stuff now. hells bells, looks like they stole some HERO concepts too... just look at the powers and points system. in my mind M&M is what HERO is competing against; they need to get some of that market share back. so how do we do that? GREAT art and in-color, not B&W art. I understand it is cost prohibitive but this is a mistake as the competition has good art and in color. And the cover should be very superheroey! and hardcover would be preferable but not a deal killer as long as color and art were good. if all this happens then the differentiator becomes the support books. M&M 3e is still new and doesn't have much support yet. They also seem to be stymied into supporting DC Adventures RPG so support will come slow. CC on the other hand will be compatible with 6E and even 5E will little to no conversion necessary. So HERO gets the win, but only if the book is color and arty! So i really implore DOJ to look at a color book and getting quality art in there! C'mon, you guys can do it!!!!! please don't half-ass this up!!! p.s. if these suggestions were incorporated, i would support a kickstarter!
  5. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete not super thrilled about this. would rather have a reprint of 6E1 so that i can have a real hardcopy. reading PDFs all the time gets tiring. looks like this will never happen now. also, 'champions core' sounds like a more appropriate name for this version. 'complete' implies everything under the sun which is 6E1 + 6E2 + whatever else.
  6. Re: Dark Champions yeah, i hear ya. bummer. dark champs was one of my fav's. was really hoping for an update next year. best of luck to Steve, Darren and Hero!
  7. Re: Dark Champions you should time it so that it comes out at the same time as the next Batman movie. heheh
  8. Re: Champions Beyond Is this a sourcebook, e.g. Champions? Or it it more a "universe" or setting book, e.g. Champions Universe? Just wondering as I am not keen on the setting books (I do custom settings) but I like picking up the sourcebooks for the additional rules, powers, ideas, etc. thx.
  9. Re: God of the Machines try checking out Exalted: Autochonia for an example of that world you describe,.,..,
  10. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game .
  11. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game do you need both CoH and CoV to play or can you play with just CoV???
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