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Posts posted by DasBroot

  1. I think he'll die and pass the power/curse on to the brother. I expect the brother's purer motives will help him control the demon better, so that he can at least contain it.  Because if you give it to some random vengeful schlep, you go back to the status quo, which is the spirit causing random mayhem while on its mission, which could possibly hurt innocents indirectly. That'd let them have a somewhat happy but still somewhat tragic ending for the story arc.


    I guess anything is possible ... after all this version of the character bears no canonical resemblance to the comics version (I've been praising this representation of Ghost Rider, the Spirit of Vengeance.  Robbie Reyes is NOT a Spirit of Vengeance in the comics, and I don't mind at all that they changed things to be closer to the classic Ghost Rider).


    I expect him to either lose the powers fighting his uncle or give them up somehow at the end of this arc.  I'd be happier if he just transformed into the Rider and roared off, car flaming, down a dark street though - this mission done, and on to the next.

  2. In a way, yes.  Things are definitely worse for Ghost Rider's little vengeance coffee break.


    And that's how it should be, in my opinion.


    My favourite versions of the character have always been the ones that emphasise that being possessed by the Spirit of Vengeance is NOT a gift. It's a curse.  In many versions of the character the motivations behind taking the guilty is NOT to protect the innocent - it's to send them to Hell for the Devil's purposes.  He's not sparing the innocent for being innocent - he's sparing them because they're useless to kill: they'll head to the wrong place.


    Like all long standing comic characters this aspect of his story has come and gone, writer dependant, but I'm happy to see it represented in this version of the character. He's an anti-hero, pure and simple, hanging around because it suits his mission and his mission is not always beneficial to the team.


    (I do eventually half-expect them to screw it up... he gains control over the Rider and joins the team or something equally stupid .. but I'm hoping that it really is nothing more than the equivalent of driving off into the sunset.)

  3. Not quite. Lightning Lad was a classic "hit with electricity got electrical powers" kind of origin, for example. But for the majority of the membership had "natural" powers. They were usually just among the best of their planet. The Legion wasn't based on the concept thought, it just sort of developed that way.


    So in HERO terms basically members of their race but with a higher active point cap and more character points than the average 'person'?


    I'm not enjoying this season as much as last and I've been unable to put a finger on it.  Maybe I just got over the show during its hiatus (absence doesn't always make the heart grow fonder)? Just not sure. 

  4. My favourite Rider scene has still been where he's defeated Quake and she's shouting at him to finish it as he just stared at her with head cocked before walking away.  You didn't need to hear his otherworldly voice say "Innocent" to get it ... and as such I'm glad they've kept the full on Rider mode non-speaking.


    All the cons scrambling to lock themselves back in their cells in the hopes that will suffice as the Rider walked among them is another good one though. All in all the show is doing him more justice than I thought they would.

  5. I don't know if I ever recall two candidates for President who obviously loathe their opponent so completely. They absolutely detest the opposition, with the intensity of a supernova.


    Reasons Trump has for hating Hillary: She hasn't dropped out yet.


    Reasons Hillary has for hating Trump: His continued existence as a viable candidate in the minds of Americans in the face of all he's said and done makes a mockery of the system she's dedicated most of her adult life to.


    There are dozens of other things they could hate about each other - if not hundreds - but I doubt they're as important to them as those two things.

  6. "Did the two fire guys just fall into a warehouse filled with fireworks?"

    "You had to see that coming."


    Yes we did, and it was great.  Fun fight all around - though I doubt very much that the Ghost Rider would have let Robbie take the guy alive (or at the very least not finish him off the moment they get the info they need from him - which I'm half expecting).

  7. Trump has to knock it out of the park in tonight's debate.  We're talking Martin Luther King Jr, JFK, or Hitler levels of oration. 


    Clinton needs to bring her A game as well.  She's done fine in the debates (not hard - unlike the primaries you can't actually bully or shout your opponent out of the race, and that's all he had going for him) but if he gets desperate and unhinged in the slightest and she delivers the performance of her career the contrast will serve her well.

  8. Well, McDonald's is the big offender of this for me anyway.  And no they don't ask, so you have to tell them specifically no mayonnaise.  Then, they look at you with extreme confusion like you just gave them the answer to a difficult calculus problem.  ANd then put the mayonnaise on the burger.   To be fair, every other place I have little to no trouble with, and I long since stopped going to McDonald's.   It would be nice if people could figure out with condiments that it is easier to add than remove (indeed impossible to remove).


    Wendy's for me.


    What I order - a Junior Bacon Cheeseburger with just lettuce, mayo, and ketchup on the burger.


    Noteworthy results:


    - a junior bacon cheeseburger without cheese or bacon

    - no lettuce, mayo, ketchup

    - just mustard

    - a bun with just lettuce, mayo, and ketchup


    Various Wendy's all over the country and I probably go every week or two and they get it wrong often enough that after 20 years of the same order it still surprises me a little when they get it right.

  9. It's been mentioned before but AoS's depiction of Elena's super speed is pretty fun to watch.


    It was so nice of the EMP pulse to merely disable electronics instead of permanently frying anything un-shielded with current running through it. The first pulse, where cell phones sparked out, had all the proper menace.  


    They mentioned the 17 Inhumans killed during these blackouts but the real death toll would be hospitalised normal humans.

  10. What Barry's done so far is nothing compared to the chaos unleashed over on Legends of Tomorrow. You'd think they'd have screwed stuff up even worse.


    I imagine Barry's method of time travel packs a lot more of a 'brute force' approach than the time ships.

  11. Let's place bets:


    a) This does nothing to his chances.  He's successfully created a vaccine for moral outrage.

    b ) Trumps official response will make the ending of "Scarface" look like the ending of Forrest Gump.

    c) This finally puts an end to his run and he returns to his tower - secure in the knowledge that he was cheated of his victory and that he has done nothing wrong. He spends the rest of his life proving it.

    d) Trump has leaked all this himself - terrified to continue and too proud to step aside.


    B is a given, so pair it up with another option....

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