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Posts posted by DasBroot

  1. Did Trump fire his handlers again? Just... wow. 


    To recap:


    He's not a misogynist because the witness is disgusting, has a sex tape, and was probably sponsored by the Democrats as a desperation weapon to use against him.


    His opponent isn't fit to be president because her loyalty is only to herself and big business. Also she probably cheated on her husband.


    It's been a joke the entire campaign but do we seriously need to worry about trade or military action if someone like Merkel tweeted "Just met President Trump.  Thoroughly unpleasant man.".?

  2. But trade, and its (highly debated) effect on jobs, matters more to a lot of American voters than those other issues, particularly in the battleground states, several of which lie in the so-called "rust belt" of manufacturing-heavy economies, where many believe they've lost jobs to globalization.


    Exactly - "They took our jobs! I'll bring them back! And give them to true, legal Americans!" is the heart of Trumps platform.  I'd like to think that the majority of his supporters fall into the camp of 'oh brother, he's opening his mouth again but ... it would be really nice to reopen those steel mills.'.


    THe problem is that he's about as unlikely to be able to deliver on his campaign promises as any other candidate in political history (from head of the PTA up) - and I'm ok with that.  What I'm not OK with is how he'll represent the USA on the international stage while failing to deliver - the debate proved that even when he's trying hard he can be rattled. He WILL be rattled.


    Presidents can't afford to get rattled.

  3. I've got to ask, what happens when Pence and Kaine get 3 buzzes (which should be at about the halfway point of the scheduled debate)



    That's when they release the lions into the arena.


    I was thinking 'suspend debate and reschedule.  Keep trying until at least one side can make it through an entire debate without getting buzzed out' ... but I can back Old Man's plan.

  4. If his numbers climb after last night's performance then we're in even deeper trouble than we thought.


    Forget Watson - we need a panel of political scientists, historians, and supreme court judges sitting around a table with buzzers fact checking in real time.  Any time someone says something irrefutably false they get a buzz.  Three buzzes and you need to swap out with your running mate for the rest of the debate.

  5. I had a feeling some people would bring up the collateral damage in that clip. :rolleyes:


    I admit it looks less than ideal out of context; but to be fair, the city was a war zone under attack from Darkseid's forces, and most civilians had already been evacuated from the vicinity, while the Justice League (and a bunch of supervillains who wanted to help) fought to contain the enemy.


    But let's be honest: if you can't punch a villain through at least a few buildings, it wouldn't be a comic-book fight. :angel:


    That's not collateral damage. THIS is collateral damage.


  6. Attack on Titan season one


    Beautiful, great potential, interesting world - but choppy as hell and some aspects that seriously needed explaining nearly pulled me right out of it for large chunks of the story.


    I have no doubt the manga fills some things in - but I don't read manga.  Based on being stand alone there were plot holes large enough in season one to march a  Colossal Titan or three through.


    I'd watch a second season without reservation but on my personal anime-o-meter Season 1 is lower than I expected (which is why I try not to buy into hype).

  7. Clinton calls 'half' Trump's supporters 'deplorable' and 'irredeemable' (xenophobes, homophobes, islamaphobes)




    Obviously 'half' is political hyperbole (at least I seriously hope so) but the sentiment rings true and it's in line with what people have been saying since day one. I'm not sure it will pan out for her, though:  Unlike Mr Trump she doesn't have the luxury of saying whatever she wants whenever she wants and insulting millions of Americans (Latinos, Muslims, African-Americans) without repercussion.


    I still would like to know why that is.


    Anyone who knows a woman who works in the public sector should be aware that this is her reasoning.  I've seen it at work, I've seen it in my wife and her career (government worker) - if a woman in a position of power or authority allows herself to act in even the most slightly 'unprofessional' way (what they mean is 'emotional') whatever they are saying is frequently dismissed as 'exaggerated' or 'hysterical'.


    She's no 'colder' or more 'aloof' than other western female political figures past and present: Thatcher, Queen Elizabeth, or Merkel to name a few.  Many act similar (and are similarly criticised) because to do otherwise just provides their opponents / detractors another avenue of attack. 

  9. Saw the new Fantastic 4 last night.


    It's not the worst science fiction film ever made, like some people claim.  My biggest problem with it could be summed up as:


    It. Was. Boring.


    All of the characters were completely flat with none of the source material personality traits.  This is particularly confusing as more than half the movies run time was devoted to character interactions.  Boring character interactions.


    Superpower wise the effects were ok but honestly the ones from 2005 looked better overall.  Sue got her powers as an afterthought.  Ben's best action scenes are on MONITORS at the base.  Johnny looked better with special effects 10 years ago.  So did Reed. Doom, as always, was a mess.


    There was no heroic action until the end - one fight scene in all of that run time.  It was a boring fight scene to boot, and shot so that it was hard to follow. It took me a second to realize that Sue had turned Ben invisible so he could wallop Doom while the other two kept him distracted.   


    Also the FF just don't work as teenagers.  Most of their character depth comes from them being in their 30s - with long relationships and full careers behind them before the accident.  18 year olds who sneak off to another dimension? Ugh.

  10. If it's intended for CW they should have considered Static Shock instead.  Closer to their demographic.  Black Lightning could appear as a series regular (principal of Virgil's school - in the know because they can detect each other's ability to manipulate electricity) like Wells or Joe West on Flash.


    I'd be worried if it did end up on CW that they'd de-age the character - focus on his time as an olympian (before he started using his powers) instead of his life after sports (when he did).


    If it's shipped to another network... well, we all saw how Supergirl went.

  11. Just watched the Daredevil and Jessica Jones netflix series.


    Daredevil was the stronger series, in my opinion.  The cast was strong all around (with the only character who annoyed me being Karen Page and Vanessa to a degree).  Kingpin was very well done.  Punisher not so much but still watchable.  I know the focus was on Daredevil and there's more than enough law court procedural shows to go around but I do wish Matt Murdock had more screen time as a lawyer (though missing days of work at a time, ruining your relationships and career, because you're fighting people all night and recovering is the most realistic thing on the show).


    Jessica Jones was interesting.  It had no choice to be dark with the Purple Man as the season foe but it wasn't dark for dark's sake.  I hated Simpson. Hated him.  He was fine for one appearance, maybe two - but after that he just annoyed me to no end, and no amount of trying to give him a backstory could change that.  Tennant was great as Zebadiah - er Kevin.  Of note, though, due to me being hard of hearing and needing captions on if I'd binge watched the show and if I had made a drinking game based around every time Jessica's CC line was 'scoffs' I'd be dead.


    I'm surprised truthers don't jump all over this and claim it's because there wasn't - that this proves 9/11 was an inside job - that the mayor, who would have been in the know, doesn't even consider it a foreign attack in his own memories.


    edit: Annnnd he was talking about during the years after Bush signed the Patriot act before Obama was elected. Media soundbytes are awesome. I still disagree but it's a more sane an assertion.

  13. Calling the sitting President of the United States and his former Secretary of State co-founders of a terrorist organization. 


    Then saying 'it was sarcasm'.


    This is how he keeps his followers whipped up - telling them what they want to hear knowing they won't hear a retraction. 


    It's still astounding it's taken him this far.


    For someone who proclaims to hate the media due to bias he certainly is a master of manipulating it. His entire campaign is no different than any tabloid story - big, flashy front page that catches everyone's eye as they go through the check out line a grocery store and sticks with them whether they believe it or not -- itty itty bitty disclaimer inside that it's not true, or more often a tiny one paragraph retraction a month later after receiving a cease and desist.

  14. After the Ang Lee Hulk... something, I really enjoyed the The Incredible Hulk. I thought that it worked. I often wonder how it would have turned out if Ruffalo had played the lead.


    I liked Hulk.  I liked the focus on the characters yet with more than enough Hulk action (throwing tanks hundreds of feet, the super leaps).  I liked the comic book feel of it as well - very creatively shot.


    Even the silliest components (hulked out poodles) could have been lifted directly from the source material.  Hulks opponents are always over the top or silly looking. Making him 15 feet tall sometimes also a little odd but not without precident in the comics (I remember Grey Hulk during the Spider Man as Captain Universe run being drawn to be easily 12 feet tall in a panel facing Spidey).


    I liked the Incredible Hulk as well for what it was ... a standard fare action film.


    My best Hulk movie would be somewhere in the middle - the character pieces and sheer power of Ang Lee's version of the character combined with the art consistency and appearance of the Incredible Hulk / Avengers Hulk.

  15. Does he not remember that there's a British national being held this very minute for attempting to steal a police officer's gun and shoot him?


    Or does that not count because it was a Brit?


    American = right and civic duty

    Not american = terrorist attack


    He needs to state that he won't participate in a rigged election any longer and go slither back into his hole, where he can sleep soundly knowing that the election was rigged against him and that he did nothing wrong his entire campaign. 

  16. On the other side of the fence it also says something that the only headline stories about Clinton in the same period talk about her growing lead, and how Republicans are beginning to support her.  Mostly they're not even headlines, though - just blurbs.


    In other words - boring.  


    Looks like we may find out if 'there's no such thing as bad press'.

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