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  1. I remember as a kid using a hand auger to drill through 2 feet of ice to go fishing, and that took about an hour.... but then again, I was only about 12 or so. and I was not a muscular kid.
  2. I have yet to purchase CC... Mostly because I already have both 6e, MHI, Basic, and a few other books in hard copy plus a butt load of pdf's. I was a bit disappointed with some of the things that were left out of basic, but like you said Nolgroth...still a very playable game system. And so much easier to ease people into...at least that is my hope!
  3. By basic, I meant specifically using only the basic rule book. HERO is a 'scary' game in my neck of the woods because it uses 4th grade math and for whatever reason it has a reputation of being super (overly) complicated. I was going to start off with pre-gen characters and once I've got them hooked, let people build their own... I'm actually making a conan-style one-shot for the Pathfinder group I play with; no powers except for the baddies. So far they're game but they are still intimidated by the character creation process, which I don't find any more difficult than pathfinder...but there you go.
  4. Thanks for the pointers. As far as the character sheets go, I've been working on some simplified forms.... haven't quite decided which one looks the friendliest . And, yes... the 6 hr limit is intended to represent the need to rest (threshold event) but I do like your idea about parsing out the REC... I'll have to fiddle with it a bit... maybe use two different types of magic. My initial plan is to build a fantasy one-shot ( or two) and if they play well, I'll expand the idea into other genre's... to give people a taste of how HERO works in different settings. I'll probably stay clear of superheroes for the time being. Mostly for my benefit, until I get more used to running the system. I don't want to turn people off HERO with my incompetence.
  5. So I've been considering running some one-shot HERO games at my local FLGS and possibly at some local conventions but I only want to use the Basic Rules. I'll probably be popping in here to quiz the HERO brain-trust on occasion. Right now I only have one issue and that is building an Endurance Reserve with a Recovery of 10 points every 6 hrs. The special effect is a Magical Aura which a spell caster would use to power his spells. So the reserve wears down with spell casting, then slowly recovers up to 10 points every 6 hrs. My initial solution was: Magical Aura 20 End = 5 points 10 Recovery = 10 points Active Cost = 15 points Limitation: Extra Time (6 hrs) (-3 1/2) for Recovery -----> Would this Limitation only apply to the Recovery (10 points) or the whole "power" (15 points). Real Cost = ?? (3 or 7 points if my math is correct.... mmmm math) Can anyone see a better way to do this.... remembering to keep it as simple as possible for new-to-HERO players. I should also say that I have only been a player in a HERO game and that was in 1987.... so my HERO-Fu is extra old and crappy. thanks in advance
  6. Tony's Theme by the Pixies. It's a song about a superhero named Tony.
  7. So, after being a lurker on this forum for the last few years you've gone and made me sign up as an actual member.... because this is a damn fine idea. I tend to listen to quite a few podcasts while enjoying the cozy-closeness of my cubicle and a HERO cast would be fantastic. As I'm in the process of slowly introducing HERO to my Pathfinder group, and as a relatively new HERO GM, I would definitely benefit from a podcast that focused on viewing the world through the HERO system. Explaining differences in build techniques for constructing the same thing and showing ways to minimize the GM workload would two great themes for the show. Anyway, you have my enthusiastic attention.
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