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Everything posted by azato

  1. Re: MYTHIC HERO: What Do *You* Want To See? For me..I am more interested in running a Scion Hero type campaign...what that means for me is that i am less interested in the stat-ing out of individual deities but more interested in a coherent system in which to operate. By that I mean both the psychology and quirks of the deities as well as how they interact with each other. I think a discussion of ways the various pantheons would/could interact. To me there is plenty of things to discuss to help make a more coherent setting IF having multiple pantheons coexist. (like if each pantheon has a lord of the dead...how can each be the ruler of hell/sheol/hades/paradise etc). Also...for the stat-ing out...it may make sense to make different power levels of the same deities to better fit into some settings. I would be interested in discussion of various ways to use the pantheons in modern or even future settings. Also, as mentioned above...how to deal with the subject of worshipers...I think, handled properly could spill over nicely into other types of games.
  2. Re: Thoughts on usage of trained animals in Heroic Campaign Thanks all, very good ideas. Not sure how I will execute this...but most likely a conglomeration. I think a limited Animal Handling skill...and make it a social skill of sorts...and working against the Tree Rats Psycho disadvantages could produce the results I want. The player wants to have some psycho disads for the Tree Rat..In that vein...Follower may not make sense.
  3. For the Traveller Hero campaign I am running one person wants a tree rat for a pet. I statted the thing out and lets say it comes to 100 points. If purchased using Follower, it would cost 20 points. But....it seems a bit silly to go this route since it doesn't have the same functionality as a human follower would have. The advantages of this this is it is smart, can be trained. can sense and distinguish emotions...but it has a number of disadvantages as well, namely a trouble maker. So while the pet has it bonuses is isn't a big game changer. I thought about just having the character buy the tree rat but it seems to me to be more than just a object. I thought about having her just pay partial points... thought of a some other things that are just silly. What are your thoughts on this?
  4. Re: Here is my take on the Traveller Tree Rat Mind?...Mind?....I don't stinkin' mind!
  5. Please give me your thoughts...good or bad. Tree Rat VAL CHA Cost Roll Notes 0 STR -10 9- HTH Damage 0d6 END [0] 17 DEX 14 12- 5 CON -5 10- 6 INT -4 10- PER Roll 10-/13- 12 EGO 2 11- 6 PRE -4 10- PRE Attack: 1d6 3 OCV 0 10 DCV 35 3 OMCV 0 3 DMCV 0 4 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 4 PD 2 4 PD (0 rPD) 2 ED 0 2 ED (0 rED) 4 REC 0 20 END 0 4 BODY -6 20 STUN 0 Movement Cost Meters Notes RUNNING 0 12m/24m END [1] SWIMMING 0 4m/8m END [1] LEAPING 0 4m 4m forward, 2m upward Characteristics Total: 44 Cost Powers 5 Nightvision - END=0 6 "an extremely well-developed olfactory system": +3 PER with Smell/Taste Group - END=0 20 "detection of emotional states through different smells": Detect Emotion A Class Of Things 12-/15- (Smell/Taste Group), Discriminatory, Range, Rapid: x10 - END=0 1 "adapt to changes": Life Support (Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat) (4 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Week, Only to Activate, -2 1/4), No Conscious Control (-2) - END=0 2 "Prehensile Tail": Extra Limb (1) (5 Active Points); Always On (-1/2), Restrainable (-1/2), Limited Manipulation (-1/4) - END=0 8 Clinging (normal STR) (10 Active Points); Conditional Power Power does not work in Uncommon Circumstances (Only surfaces their claws find purchase; -1/4) - END=0 Powers Total: 42 Cost Skills 3 Contortionist 12- 3 Lockpicking 12- 3 Shadowing 10- 3 Stealth 12- 3 Tracking 10- Skills Total: 15 Cost Talents 3 Bump Of Direction 2 Environmental Movement (no penalties on narrow walkways) 3 Simulate Death 3 Lightsleep Talents Total: 11 Value Complications 15 Psychological Complication: Insatiable Curiosity (Very Common; Moderate) 10 Psychological Complication: "Like to collet bits of shiney or brightly colored material" (Common; Moderate) 15 Negative Reputation: Nicknamed "Cinnamon Thief", Very Frequently 15 Physical Complication: Small (.8 m +6" KB) (Frequently; Slightly Impairing) Complications Points: 55 Base Points: 200 Experience: 0 Experience Unspent: 0 Total Character Cost: 112
  6. Re: Need help with the middle of my Traveller Hero plot. Thanks Al....I will check that out. I may get to use this, but my party just took a drastic turn. Some various tensions between members of the party has created a situation that may not get resolved and may end with most going to jail. (sigh). They will get to Milagro...but it may be with different characters. This stuff is worse than a TPK. AARGGHHH!!!
  7. Re: Need help with the middle of my Traveller Hero plot. Sorry, Chris....i need to give out more rep before I can give you any more.
  8. Re: Need help with the middle of my Traveller Hero plot. Thanks all! Ternaugh - The high population didn't fit my needs (I would rather this be a low population world) nor did it make sense since there are several other far more hospitable frontier worlds within a parsec or two that have no population, like, why not live there instead? . However... I do like the idea of an unused city. It is quite possible that, just like in real life, towns and cities are abandoned, especially when work moves on to other areas. This is probably even more true with the amount of energy required to maintain a population is so high. Time wise it has been many weeks. A jump basically takes two weeks (.5 Week to get out of gravity wells, 1 week to jump, .5 week to make it to the planet) and I figure that after a month, or so, families would get worried and then raise money to send one person to Milagro. So I would say 6 weeks to two months. Sundog - Thanks, I will use that. Christopher - The characters will have a hard time using their ship because the terrain because the terrain is rather rough and spotting a small vehicle may be a bit difficult. They also do not have an air raft, and any means of getting to the location if they should find them from the air....But that is a possibility....that they could scout around with the ship and if they do find it..then rent a vehicle to go check out the wreckage. Thanks, all.
  9. I am going to set up the players with a contract to ship goods between various planets in the District 268 subsector in the Spinward Marches sector. One of the planets (Forine) the players are being contacted by a person who want to travel to Milagro looking for a lost father. Here is what I (the GM) knows... Forine is sending dissidents and various people to Forine as contract workers. In many ways Consider Forine to be somewhat like China, or in this case North Korea. The people are shipped to Milagro to work for Ling Standard Products. LSP pays Forine for the workers and Forine, in turn, pays the workers VERY LOW wages. Thus Milagro gets cheap labor, Forine makes good money off their excess population, and the common people suffer. While travelling from the port city (only one) to the factory city, the "bus" containing this woman's father and a load of Forinians got lost.. got on the wrong road and came too close to a cache of illegal drugs. This cachet was set up with either automatic defenses...or the road was simply mined. The bus blew up and the survivors froze to death. Because of the low value placed on the people...and the lack of significant technological resources (1970's ish) ... and the low population (i changed it to 90,000)...and the severe conditions on the planet (cold)...there was no search party or any significant energy put out to find the survivors. My plan is to get the party to that place (by wheeled or tracked vehicle), suffer the same kind of event and work out how to survive...plus they will likely find the drug cache) That being said....what is a reasonable way for them to find the trail to lead them to where I want them to go.
  10. Re: Guess What I Received Yesterday? Terracide! I read an book about W. F. Buckley and he was once interviewed by Playboy magazine. I forget the age he just turned...it might have been 50 and they asked him to the effect "Have you found any novel sensual experieces since turning 50", And he said, "Yes, having the President of the United States writing down what I was saying in a meeting with him".
  11. Re: Guess What I Received Yesterday? Terracide! When, my friend the pdf?
  12. Re: Help: cant find a link No..that isn't it..(sigh). Thanks, though.
  13. Somebody had a link a while back...I thought it was to http://www.projectrho.com , but I cannot find it. The article had if you accelerated mass to a certain part how much energy it would take. The main gist was that a ship travelling at even small percentage of the speed of light could effectively destroy a planet...or at least all life on that planet. I believe it even showed how even a small amount of matter, like a few kilograms sped up to the speed of light would effectively destroy a planet. Another example was launching a nuclear submarine as something like 6gs from Jupiter, what damage it would cause if it hits the earth. I think it was tied to the Boom Table on the same site. HELP!
  14. Re: Searching PDFs Thanks!!!!
  15. Somebody posted a couple years ago how to add somethign to a search and it would only search the headings. Thus (I am just making up the character) #aid would only search AID in the headings and not the body of the text. I cannot remember nor find how to do this. HEEELLPPP.
  16. Re: Star Frontiers Conversion I think this is the way I am going to do it... 5pts....+1 Small Arms (all types) 3pts.....+1 Weapon System (laser, slug thrower, etc) 3pts.....+1 Weapon Type (pistol, rifle/assault rife, shotgun) You will need to buy a 1pt Weapon Familiarity for each system (laser, needler, etc). Amazing what a run, in the heat of the day, will do to clear the mind.
  17. Re: Star Frontiers Conversion The other thing with lasers is that the would also probably have positive range modifiers because you don't have to deal with gravity affecting the trajectory in combat. I have also wondered about weapons....that instead of energy types..instead do weapons types....Pistols/Rifles/Shotguns/Autofire. Thoughts, anybody?
  18. Re: Star Frontiers Conversion Thanks...after years of piddling with this it looks like I am finally running this game! Still have some details to work out, and a bone to throw at Arrgg. One thing that does kinda have me wondering.....breaking down the weapon classes for the ranged stuff. I am thinking about putting gyros, slug throwers together...but should needlers be thrown into the same category? If a person can shoot an assault rifle or slug thrower....shouldn't they be able to easily fire a laser pistol (which has no recoil)?
  19. Re: Star Frontiers Weapons and Defenses Conversion cptpatriot: >>How would you handle the Body of the attack getting through? I'm thinking making it proportional to the Stun that gets through? Looking at the rules...I could just hand wavium as you mentioned or perhaps add at Damage Resistance 50%, Stun only, and Linked to the Body. Christopher: >>Albedo/Skein Suite: Ablative Defense may be better. Body that only works vs. Certain attacks is difficulty to handle. Note that ablative in 6E has this nice alternative (-5 AP per hit that get's trough). Looking at the Ablative rules, they are both too complicated and also do not follow the spirit of the Star Frontiers rules. UNLESS I was to make a custom limitation - Lasts until 10 body is absorbed. That may be the simplest way to handle this. -------------------------------------- Christopher >>Instead of Desolid you might want to use DR or maybe high DN. There are optional rules for 100% DR in the APG, too. After looking at that...yeah, I think that is best. --------------------------- CPTPATRIOT >Shouldn't the END cost for the rifle at the top end be 10 END? No, to do a straight conversion it should be shooting up to twice the maximum power of the pistol...which seems a bit overkill. >The damage falloff seems rather harsh, especially for the Sonic Devastator whose range used to reach 100 meters. How about -1 DC for every 2 meters after 4 meters? I agree >Also I think 1/2 END should be applied to all the sonic weapons as it appears that sonic weapons use less energy than the laser counterparts for the same amount of damage done. You are correct as to how the SF handled those weapons. IT is something i considered but wondered how unbalancing it would be. What is your experience? I like keeping that as a more exotic weapon but maybe I should be used to keep the Rock-Paper-Scissors feel of defenses vs Weaponry. >The original game has the anesthetic needles doing the same damage in pistol and rifle, but it kinda makes sense that it does more because of the added velocity being fired from a rifle. However, I believe that the needles are similar size and the clip just holds more power to launch them faster, so they don't hold a larger reservoir of anesthetic and that is why they don't do more damage but I like your take on it just fine. I think i failed to read the rules when doing the rifle but I like the idea of rifles carrying more UMPH. >Also it should be noted, for those reading this, that anesthetic ammo and barbed ammo are not stored in the same clip, so you need to manually change clips out. Good point
  20. Re: Star Frontiers Weapons and Defenses Conversion Thanks Chris and cptpatriot....I am headed for a family vacation so it may be a bit before I respond.
  21. Re: Star Frontiers Weapons and Defenses Conversion Boostable charages...that would work, but that just may create an unnecessary complexity. If this were a normal power (as opposed to a weapon) one could adjust the amount of AP in the power up to the maximum. The weapon acts that same way. I will probably make changes to the laser as I don't know how it balances out. I have a feeling that people would rather just go with projectiles. I am thinking of giving no penalty for a second shot fired off (rather than the -2) due to the lack of recoil, but perhaps limit the number of shots per segment to 2. If I do away with the AP, that would give a person about 3 shots on a clip at full power or 6 shots at 1d6. That seems quite poor when compared to a pistol. Dunno....
  22. Re: Star Frontiers Weapons and Defenses Conversion Lasers...if anything like the old Star Frontiers game, people will fire full blast twice, then reduced a third time.
  23. Re: Star Frontiers Weapons and Defenses Conversion *Albedo/Skein - I will check that out. Not sure why I didn't thought along those lines. * Desolid - Yeah, i hate the Desolid as being a "catch all" I will scope out the APG. *Laser - They can be fired using either the clips or the belt (or even power pack) as stated in the beginning. Thanks for the feedback!
  24. I have gotten the inspiration to pick this back up. Made some modifications to my previous work.. Feel free to tear apart. I have a long ways to go...and who knows when I will finish. Defenses and Armor General Guidelines I am making a first rough pass with weapons. For defenses there are shields and suits. They can be mixed but other than inertia duplication provides no extra benefit. Power Clips/Supplies 1 SEU = 1 END Power Clip = 20 End Power Belt = 50 End Power Pack = 100 End Defenses Albedo Suit +20 Body -1/2 only vs ED, -1/2 only vs lasers, -1/2 OIF Skein Suit +10 Body -1/2 only vs PD, -1/2 only absorbs 1/2 of the attack damage, +6 rPD vs Needlers only (-1), OIF (-1) Albedo Screen Desolid, Only vs Lasers (-1), OIF (-1/2) , (+1/2) uses 1 END/minute, -1/4 uses 1 end for every 5 points of STUN taken (rounded up) Inertia Screen Damage Reduction 50%R PD -1/4 uses 2 end every time it is hit, -1/2 OIF, +6 rPD vs Needlers only (-1), Sonic Screen Desolid, Only vs Sonic Weapons (-1), OIF (-1/2) , (+1/2) uses 1 END/minute, -1/4 uses 1 end for every 5 points of STUN taken (rounded up) AND Darkness (sound) No range, continuous, uncontrolled, +1/2 zero end, OIF(-1/2) Weapons Beam Weapons Electrostunner 500 Multipower 1) 2d6 RKA - Limited Range 32m (-1/4), Reduced By Range (-1/4) 2) 3d6 NND (Not Electrically Grounded) - Limited Range 32m (-1/4), Reduced By Range (-1/4) Laser pistol can be adjusted from 1 to 6 DCs of RKA AP (2d6 AP) (1 end to 6 end), Smoke cuts effectiveness by 1DC per hex (-1/4) Laser rifles can be adjusted from 1 to 10 DCs or RKA AP (3d6+1 AP) (1end to 7.5 end) Does not work vs Albedo defenses (-1/2 Smoke cuts effectiveness by 1DC per hex (-1/4) Sonic Disruptor 3d6 RKA (sonic) Reduced by range* (-1/4), Does not work in vacuum or noise dampening field (-1/2), OAF (-1), Reduced Penetration vs. non-organic targets (-1/4), 1/2 end (+1/4), * This Loses DCs based on the range modifier. Thus -1 DC after 5 meters, -2DC after 6 meters, etc. Sonic Devastator 5d6 RKA 1/2 End, ) Reduced by range* (-1/4), Does not work in vacuum or noise dampening field (-1/2), OAF (-1), Reduced Penetration vs. non-organic targets (-1/4), 1/2 end (+1/4), * This Loses DCs based on the range modifier. Thus -1 DC after 5 meters, -2DC after 6 meters, etc. Sonic Stunner 3d6 +1 NND, Reduced by range* (-1/4), Does not work in vacuum or noise dampening field (-1/2), OAF (-1), (-1/4) Reduced Penetration vs. non-organic targets, 1/2 end (+1/4), * This Loses DCs based on the range modifier. Thus -1 DC after 5 meters, -2DC after 6 meters, etc. Needler Pistol OAF, 10 Charges (-1/4) Multi-Power 1) 2d6 RKA Reduced Penetration 2) 1d6 RKA AND 3d6 Drain [END], Linked to RKA (-1/4), RKA must do at least 1 BODY (-1/4), Needler Rifle OAF, 10 Charges (-1/4) Multi-Power 1) 3d6 RKA, Reduced Penetration 2) 2d6 RKA, Reduced Penetration AND 4d6 Drain [END], Linked to RKA (-1/4), RKA must do at least 1 BODY (-1/4), Melee Weapons Electric Sword HKA as per given sword AND +2d6 NND [electrical] [Only vs grounded Targets], Linked to HKA (-1/4), Damage Shield (+1/4), Persistent (+1/4), 0 End, uses 2 END per hit (+1/2)
  25. Re: A DRAIN that powers AID or REGENERATION I went with Ice9s second idea. I have them both in a multi-power and limited the AID to only those character points DRAINed. Since there is a return rate for DRAIN the AID amount will be affected by that.
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