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Christopher R Taylor

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Posts posted by Christopher R Taylor

  1. OK I have been writup and uploading some fun useful files from years past in Hero.  They are rebuilds for 6th edition of old sheets, mostly from 4th edition, to make things easier for the GM.


    First up is the Campaign Sheet so GMs can pass it out before the game starts. It covers house rules, optional rules, the outlook of the game (is it realistic?  How important are the PCs?  What's the setting like?  What are the everyman skills and character point values etc?


  2. Yeah when 3rd edition D&D was put out, nobody anticipated a 3rd party company would outdo them.  D&D ruled the roost.  Things change over time; pulp used to sell really well and now it doesn't.  The only way things can have a chance to change is to actually push forward, and the present licensing system of Hero makes that possible even with projects that the prevailing wisdom insists can't work or has no chance.

  3. I agree, genre and story should trump rules any time there's a conflict, but the most recent editions can lead GMs into forgetting that and second guessing themselves too easily.  If you can shake that, the game hasn't changed a bit in its play since the first gray book came out except in minor details.

  4. Today's spell is a simple little ones for illusionists and other mages.  It marks the target with a symbol that glows, one that is easily seen at a distance, but only the caster can see it.  The victim may be aware the spell was cast on them but the mark disappears after a moment and is no longer visible to anyone but the mage.  There is a version of this spell that the caster can learn which makes it so the target is unaware of anything being cast on them at all.


    EFFECT: Places a mark on the target only the caster can see
    Active Cost: 36            Range: 120m
    Real Cost: 7                Gesture: yes
    Spell Roll: -4               Incantation: yes
    END Cost: 4                Side Effect: yes
    Casting Time: Phase  Concentrate: ½ DCV
    Focus: IAF
    Markers are small, illusionary lights that are visible only to the caster.  They are useful for identifying a target no matter what form it may take, or even if invisible (since the Marker is not).  The Marker is effortless to retain but requires the caster maintain the spell continually.  This magic may be dispelled (if found) but otherwise is permanent.
    POWER: Cosmetic Transform 8d6 (gives mark visible only to caster)
    MODIFIERS: Improved Results Group (+1/2); Bonus (1), Gesture (1/2), Medium Range (1/4), Extra Time Full Phase (1/2), Concentrate ½ DCV (1/4), OAF (1/2), Side Effect 2d6 Flash, d6 Drain INT rec/minute (1) [+1/2; -4]
  5. Out of four to six players, we rarely had more than one rulebook for any system anyway. Even when there was a separate "player's handbook". Is that much different in other groups?



    The last time I tried to teach people Fantasy Hero and ran a game with strangers, nobody bought anything, they just downloaded it all from Torrent.  And I ran the game at a game store to make it that much more likely people purchased books.

  6. On the other side of that, if there was more demand for fantasy books, they would probably get written.


    Maybe.  It takes someone with the ideas, drive, and materials to write one.  People are focused on Champions and superhero stuff, which is perfectly fine but not so much on fantasy.  I think if FH had more support material and adventures, it would do considerably better.   In my opinion, Hero actually does Fantasy better than Superheroes.

  7. Probably a GMing Hero book would be good.  That's what I envisioned with 6th edition: a simplified streamlined set of rules with lots of examples and a more complex set of rules with all the fine details and questions answered, and tons of GMing tips and tweaks as a second book.  That way there would be one easy to access cheaper book to get people into Hero, then a bigger book to help GMs and with more specific information that costs more.  Sort of the "Player's Handbook/DM Guide" model, but AD&D style, not the modern one where the player's handbook is twice as big as the DM guide.

  8. It depends on the setting.  In the movies, the stuff comes off like tissue paper, flying all over the place.  In the comics, its a lot harder to remove. Then again, scene by scene its harder to take the armor off sometimes than in others; mostly the exploding armor effect is for comedic impact than plot.

  9. Today's monster is an Olive Polyp.  This creature is one of several polyps in the Bestiary, fungoid creatures with various unusual abilities.  Immobile and nearly mindless, they react to nearby creatures and being disturbed in a variety of ways.  The Olive Polyp fires a cloud of hallucinogenic spores when disturbed, spores which have a random effect on the targets (usually fear, confusion, dizziness, sleepiness, or excessive joy and dancing for example).


    Olive Polyp


    Val Char Cost

      0  STR   -10

     13 DEX     6

     12 CON    2

      7  BOD   -3

      2  INT     -8

      5  EGO  -5

     10 PRE    0

      6  PD      1

      9  ED      2

      3  SPD   10

      5  REC    1

     40 END    4

     16 STN   -2


    OCV:    4

    DCV:    2

    OMCV: 2

    DMCV: 4


    0m RUN   -12

    0m SWIM -2

    0m LEAP -2

    Characteristics Cost: -18


    Cost Power

      5     Plant Mind: Mental Defense (6 points total) (Base MD)

      2     Mana (30) (2 Active Points)

     12    Tough: Resistant Protection (3 PD/5 ED)

     15    Tough: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25%

     15    Tough: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25%

     15    Plant: Life Support  (Immunity: All terrestrial poisons; Self-Contained Breathing)

     34    Sense Movement: Spatial Awareness (Unusual Group), +2 to PER Roll

      4     Keen Senses: +2 PER with Smell/Taste Group

      5     Keen Senses: Discriminatory with Normal Smell

     27    Hallucenogenic Spores: Mind Control 10d6, Area Of Effect (20m Radius Explosion; +1/2) (75 Active Points); No Conscious Control (Only Effects cannot be controlled; -1), No Range (-1/2), 12 Charges (-1/4)

    Powers Cost: 134


    Total Character Cost: 116


    Pts. Complication

     25   Physical Complication:  Immobile (Very Frequently; Greatly Impairing)

     20   Physical Complication:  Blind and Deaf (Frequently; Greatly Impairing)

     20   Physical Complication:  Instinctive Intelligence (Frequently; Greatly Impairing)

     20   Physical Complication:  No Manipulation (Frequently; Greatly Impairing)

    Complication Points: 85



  10. "Obvious Inaccessible Focus"


    Look under Focus in your rule book, but basically it refers to a device which others can prevent you from using by taking it away, but that is difficult to remove.  Like a suit of armor such as you mentioned, or an object that is so ubiquitous that you can usually find one lying around.  For example, OIF rock.  You can use any rock for this, but it has to be a rock that can be grabbed out of your hand.  Some places won't have rocks around, so its a limitation.

  11. I think the game should still be generic and modular - part of the appeal is the ability to use Fantasy Hero magic books in Star Hero and Star Hero gadgets in Champions, and run pulp characters through Vietnam War scenarios and so on.


    But as I suggested above, each book for the different genre sets can offer the rules in a way that focuses most on that genre.  So the base rule set can be very basic (have two kinds of attacks, or even one kind that you define as normal or killing; ranged or strength adds damage, for example) and then in the genre books you break it down further and be more specific.  In Champions you can use drain as suppress and transfer!  In Fantasy Hero Aid can be used for succor!  and so on.  So books about Pulp adventures don't really need transformation to be described on 4 pages of text, or even mentioned at all.  But Sci Fi probably does.


    And the entire line should be tilted toward the best marketing and most well known books in the system: Champions.  Fantasy Champions, Star Champions, etc.  I mean in the title, not the content.  Champions is the recognized brand, not Hero.  Exploit that.

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