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Posts posted by AdamLeisemann

  1. Re: What Would Your Character Wear? The Costume Party!


    Just something light-hearted and in season: in their secret ID, they manage to snag an invite to one of the coolest costume parties in the city! What costume would they wear?


    Or, if the hero has a public ID, they can be invited as well. Show up in your normal costume, something different, or a mix of the two?


    Derrik Brodey (A.K.A. Sonic Eagle) would likely come in a different outfit because everybody knows he's Sonic Eagle and coming dressed like that is rather unoriginal.


    Mick Calloway (A.K.A. Lab Rat) might just drop in with his costume and without the Holographic image inducer on. hopefully, following proper comic-book conventions, people might think it's cool animatronics instead of Lab Rat for real (that'd be his story).


    Sachiko Miyazaki (A.K.A Kitsune) would probably wear a specially alterred kimono and let her three tails show from a specially made hole in the robe. Otherwise, she'd take a human-like form and focus effort on making the tails "act" limp so they look fake.


    However they managed to invite Renn Fox (A.K.A. Reinard the Fox), he'd probably have a hard time picking out a costume. Legally, he does not exist, so buying one is out of the question. Going in the way he normally dresses is not much of a costume. And going in with nothing at all (afterall, cartoon animals are clothing optional) could have some embarrassing after-effects. He'll probably paint over his ownfur and scrunch his muzzle in and go as a raccoon. After the party, he'll just take a shower to get the extra coat of paint off (like in the cartoons, where a paint-job comes off when one gets drenched).

  2. Re: Wierdest powers...


    Thank you Doug for bringing us back from "lady parts and letters" and on to "more strange powers."


    Though I can see the Volvo/Vulva confusion occuring in a really bad Animaniacs cartoon, just like when they get "pianist" or "Penal code" wrong. (And yes, those confusions have occured in those cartoons. Gets wouldn't get the joke, but an adult most certainly will.)

  3. Re: [Game Idea] Beacons in the Night


    Personally, I have no intentions of pitting the heroes against the military, but:


    In the Hero System Bestiary, Succubi (and Incubi by extension) total 407 points, requiring 232 points of experience. Vampires total 412 (and that's a lesser vampire, greater ones total 696 points...). The easy solution would be to simply not have the players be full-fledged versions of these monsters, but the average monster would then have a likely advantage over them. In fact, by the numbers, a pack of werewolves would be a fairly close match for the PCs, and a group of vampires would likely overpower them.


    Of course, that assumes the stereotypical "unthinking players" who just go in without a strategy because they got started in the D&D someone once ran where strategy didn't matter anyways because many of the players would most likely get killed even if they ran away (he had a penchant for using Pit-feinds against 11th-12th level parties).

  4. Re: [Game Idea] Beacons in the Night


    The Father Confessor idea certainly seems interesting. I will have to arrange a campaign setting and pick out a final answer as to the role of "Adam", whether or not there will be a vampire/werewolf war (I'm leaning towards "no" on that one... I have no clue where it came from.), what kinds of villains to use (horror flavored traditionals or full-out horror monsters), campaign "age" and other things. Oh, and also if I should raise the campaign power levels from the 350 point norm or not to reflect the great power possessed by monsters.

  5. Re: [Game Idea] Beacons in the Night


    My brother gave me another idea involving Frankenstein's Monster:


    At the end of the book, "the creature" escapes to the arctic with intentions to end its life after pursuing a path of revenge against the man who made him, only to find him dead.


    Over a century later, in 2006, scientists (working for the human organization mentioned above) discovered a necroform of stitched flesh, beleived to be the creature made by Victor Frankenstein back in the Victorian Age, encased in ice. They dig out the creature (Think Captain America of the Avengers here) and attempt to bring it back to the lab in America for study.


    On a stormy night, as the scientists are headed back to the laboratory, they are trapped by a pack of werewolves (as long as we're getting monsters in here...). Things start to look awfully bleak when suddenly, a bolt of lightning strikes the ice, giving the creature inside it a jolt of life. The frozen creature breaks free, and sees the scientists in grave danger. The creature then charges in and fights off the werewolves, causing them to flee with their tails between their legs. The scientists are grateful, and tell the creature of the organization, their mission, and the plight of humanity. The creature, having had over a century to chill out (sorry, folks) from the rage of his former life, tries to comprehend what is going on and they go through it for some time on the way to HQ.


    (WARNING: I am about to do something I really hate to do, but it is most logical going from the book. Admittedly, naming characters after myself just feels so egotistical.)


    Now, the creature, dubbed "Adam" within the organization, is one of the leading figures among the heroes, much like Captain America is one of the leading figured for Earth Mightiest Heroes, the Avengers.


    This was just something my brother mentioned to me this morning.

  6. Re: [Game Idea] Beacons in the Night


    You hold a good point Liaden. I've been thinking about this along the lines of X-Men, but with something much more reasonable to fear.


    I have considered, actually, a Professor X kind of person who would get the team together and provide our heroes with protection. However, picking a type of creature for this one is naturally going to be difficult.


    As a random side note; Characters will be monsters, but it would also be a good idea to think outside the box. Yes, Frankenstein's monster would make a great Brick, but given his natural genius (read the book), he might make a good gadgeteer.

  7. Monsters lurk in the shadows.

    Terrible creatures hailing from our nightmares, stalking us, and somehow making use of us for terrible purposes. Some kill, some abduct, and some do far, far, worse.

    But there is hope. Not all of these nightmare beasts seek to do us harm. Some of them are actually out to protect us from those who would do such unspeakable things. As beasts, they are a part of the encroaching night upon us all, but as heroes, they are beacons of hope for us all.

    As such, they could be called beacons in the night.


    What's all this about?


    "Beacons in the Night" is an idea for a Champions game based around monsters from mythology and horror movies. The heroes are vampires, werewolves, ghosts, zombies, and other dreaded supernatural entities, as are the villains. This would be a mix of the dark (as the heroes must deal with what makes them monsters) and the comic-bookish (as we have some such creatures seek lofty goals as world-domination or world recognition (by creating and unleashing horrible beasts).


    Generally, the player should start with a monster from myth or nightmare and go from there to create their characters.


    How does this sound?

  8. Re: Wierdest powers...


    Here's another wierd one, straight from Wikipedia:


    Captain Marvel was the title character in a short-lived title published by Myron Fass' M.F. Comics in 1966, shortly before the Marvel Comics version debuted. He had no genuine connection to the classic Fawcett character, but invoked his powers by shouting the word "SPLIT!" When he did, his android body dissolved into its component head, torso, and limbs, which then operated coordinately. The title remains one of the most derided of the Silver Age.

  9. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous)


    ~smarmy grin~


    I'd play it...


    To quote, edited in italics, from a reveiw of FATAL (which may well have used Cool Devices as source material):


    "You know, it occurs to me that most games of FATAL are probably played with only the one hand, since -



    Remind me not to go down that path again.

    Not so fast! You forgot to picture them being the only gamers who have to wipe off their dice when they're done! I'd bet nothing but nothing will jinx your dice faster than leaving someone's
    on them.
    , when it happens, the FATALites probably laugh and shout (a la Saruman) "You will taste MAN JUICE!" Ugh.
    [stop putting
    IT. OW!]

  10. Just out of curiosity:


    What is the wierdest superpower you have ever seen on a superhero/supervillain? And who is that superhero.supervillain? Please restrict yourself to characters from outside the Champions game. (ie. no RPGs).

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