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Posts posted by AdamLeisemann

  1. Re: Disturbing Character premises...


    More disturbing premises from myself, based on a discussion with jkwleisemann.


    Takofanes' Dominatrix. Since the only beings more vile and more powerful than Kal-Turak would be the interdimensional demons of cthulian nature, this would be breaking a number of taboos. My brother then added the image of Takofanes in a japanese girl's school uniform.


    Ask jkwleisemann for more details if you are morbidly curious. If not, please take a bucket and take out your sickness away from me.

  2. Re: Disturbing Character premises...


    Not really disturbing, more disgusting but..


    "Gunk is a large mass of green phlegm-like gunk that is vauguely humanoid in shape."


    The players heard the words "green phlegm-like" and just didn't want to touch the guy :D


    Ew. I suspect he'd be Billy's hero from Billy & Mandy (I personally cannot stand the show, but that's the image that comes to mind.)

  3. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever.


    Captain Marvel is the superhero with the most namesakes. One of his Namesakes is certainly considered one of the worst heroes ever.


    In the 1960s, there was an Android Captain Marvel whose power was that he could separate his limbs and head by yelling "SPLIT!" Now, I like quirky concepts, but it works when the writer actually does something cool with the quirkyness.


    Another contender would be Doop from the X-Men universe. Who the heck thought it was a good idea to introduce a mutated peice of $#!t into a world torn by Mutant Hysteria? Admittedly, this is only judging the critter by his looks.


    If we expanded the "Worst Hero Ever" to include heroes we've made up, I can name a few of mine here. However, that's going to waste some time.

  4. Re: Disturbing Character premises...


    Sounds like I owe the thread another on topic post.


    We had a player play a shape-shifting type character called Shyft. Not inherrently disturbing but he would too often use terms such as "tendrils" or "tentacles" where simple stretching or extra limbs were needed. We thought we were getting a Mr. Fantastic clone but instead got a frik'n H. P. Lovecraft reject.


    We weren't disappointed when the player changed characters.


    Sounds like Mr. Fantastic got caught in a Hentai Flick whilst clad in a japanese girl's uniform there...








    *ducks any projectile vomit from the mental image.*

  5. Peter Cottontail - The Easter Bunny, The Killer Rabbit


    25....STR.....15...25......14-.......HTH Damage 5d6 END [2]

    25....DEX.....45...25......14-.......OCV 8 DCV 8



    12....INT.....2...12......11-.......PER Roll 11-

    12....EGO.....4...12......11-.......ECV: 4

    25....PRE.....15...25......14-.......PRE Attack: 5d6


    5....PD......0...5.............5 PD (0 rPD)

    6....ED......0...6.............6 ED (0 rED)

    4....SPD.....5...4.................Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12




    9....RUN......6...9"................END [2]

    2....SWIM.....0...2"................END [1]

    8....LEAP.....3...8"................8" forward, 4" upward

    CHA Cost: 187


    60.....Supernatural Durability: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75% - END=0

    40.....Supernatural durability: Healing 3 BODY, Resurrection, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (100 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (Character May Take No Other Actions; -1 1/2) - END=0

    10.....Rabbit's Luck: Luck 2d6 - END=0

    POWERS Cost: 110


    12......+3 HTH Damage Class(es)

    3......Slash/thrust: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, Weapon +5 DC Strike

    4......Strangle: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab One Limb; 3 1/2d6 NND

    4......Sensitive Cut: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, 3 1/2d6 NND

    5......Takeaway: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab Weapon, 50 STR to take weapon away

    MARTIAL ARTS Cost: 28


    3......Acrobatics 14-

    3......Breakfall 14-

    3......Climbing 14-

    10......Defense Maneuver I-IV

    3......Shadowing 11-

    3......Stealth 14-

    2......TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles

    10......Two-Weapon Fighting (HTH)

    8......WF: Common Melee Weapons, Chain & Rope Weapons, Flails, Garrote, Homemade Weapons, Off Hand, Staffs

    SKILLS Cost: 45


    1......Reputation: Serial Killer (A small to medium sized group) 8-, +1/+1d6

    PERKS Cost: 1


    9......Ambidexterity (no Off Hand penalty)

    3......Combat Ready

    20......Deadly Blow: +2d6 (any circumstances, any HTH weapon)


    3......Simulate Death

    TALENTS Cost: 49


    20.....Hunted: Police 14- (Less Pow, NCI, Capture)

    5.....Money: Poor

    15.....Psychological Limitation: Sociopath (Common, Strong)

    15.....Reputation: Serial Killer, 11- (Extreme)

    20.....Vulnerability: 2 x STUN Fire (Common)

    DISADVANTAGES Points: 75

    Base Pts: 75

    Exp Required: 270

    Total Exp Available: 270

    Exp Unspent: 0

    Total Character Cost: 420




    "Here Comes Peter Cottontail,

    "Hopping down a Bloody Trail,

    "Chippety, Choppety, Easter time you'll fear..."


    Almost two decades ago on Easter Morning, Peter committed his first murder. Nobody can figure out why, but he took the axe that his father used for chopping uip logs, and he slipped into his parents' room, hacking them both to peices. Peter was only five years old then, nut slowly he was able to scatter the bodies by peeling off their flesh and storing it in plastic eggs, which he then distributes. Neighbors said that there was normally a lot of yelling in the house and that they thought nothing of the noise, but only when a couple of children found the eggs, was the truth of a horrific murder was finally discoverred. Young Peter Lapini was locked up in an asylum miles away from the city after the police found two adult lapine skeletons in a closet, hacked apart savagely and beginning to attract flies.


    Thus, in Appelton, began the urban legend of Peter Cottontail, a rabbit whom, on Easter, would kill people and use plastic eggs to store their flesh. and get rid of the bodies. Mothers would mention Peter in order to make their kids behave. Some families (of carnivorous species) have devised a twisted joke tradition of storing freshly cooked meat inside of plastic eggs and putting those into the Easter baskets-- purely as a joke.


    In Recent years, the detained rabbit has broken his way out of the asylum, with the aid of other inmates, and stolen a car (despite not being able to drive) and he drove back to Appelton, for reasons most alien to any sane person.



    Nobody knows why Peter is a killer. Nobody knows why Peter commited his first murders. All anyone does know is that this rabbit is pretty much unrepentive and just likes the thrill of the kill.



    None. Peter does not speak if he can help it.



    Peter Cottontail is just your average horror-movie style Slasher, similar to such killers as The Shape ("Halloween"), Jason Voorhees ("Friday the 13th"), or certain Santa Claus imitators ("Silent Night, Deadly Night," "Psycho Santa," or "Satan Claus.") This includes supernatural toughness for the most part, and a very eerie ability to use just about any melee weapon imaginable despite the lack of training.


    Campaign Use:

    Peter is simply a serial killer for any anthro-themed Horror Hero campaign (as rare as that would likely be). Use him as you please.


    Designer's Excuse:

    See here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/485217/ And besides: It's Easter. :P

  6. Re: Disturbing Character premises...


    Hmm, let's see.


    We have a group of individuals who have taken it upon themselves to make the world a more "caring" place. To this end, they spy upon the earth seeking out anyone who they feel is "uncaring".

    Creepy point #1 - They can spy into peoples homes.


    When they identify a target, they assemble a strike team and decend to earth, seeking out the targeted individual to ascertain the cause of their unhappines and what led them to be uncaring. This is all well and good. But when that indicidual chooses of their own free will to remain uncaring, but basically keep to themselves, this doesn't jibe with the Care Bear ideal, so they whip out the "Care Bear Stare", which forcibly alters the subjects persona to one more in keeping with their world view.

    Creepy point #2 - Brainwashing is perfectly okay.


    Basically, we have self-appointed thought police that can and will rob you

    of your free will if you step out of line.


    This is what we subject children to? We're telling them that it's okay to forcibly reprogram somebody because their outlook doesn't conform to somebode elses worldview.


    The Care Bears.

    The Cute And Fuzy, Mind-raping Comformity Police.


    You can't tell me that that isn't creepy.


    Understood now.

  7. Re: Disturbing Character premises...


    Well, here's a super-team I came up with that creeped me out. I have yet to play these characters in any Champions game (primarily because I refuse to.)


    Keep in mind that one of my friends is something of a studier on the subject of kinks and fetishes. He's got an interest in what turns people on. I have, admittedly, developed a more academic wondering of "why" myself.


    So presenting, an as-yet-unnamed team of kinky supers.


    Liberty Lash is a dominatrix with a patriotic bent. She used to be in the military, but when it was revealed that she liked her men tied up, she was discharged from the service. Her "powers" come from the various used for the whip (not just the bedroom uses)


    Pet Rock is The Thing as Liberty's lover. 'Nuff said.


    Latex is a stretching-type who formerly worked at a PVC factory until during a factory heist, he was thrown into the chemical mixture that then reacted with his own body-chemistry. He has all the powers you'd expect of a stretcher.


    Golden Flame is an energy Projector, and that's more into than he's worth.


    And as much as I dislike the branding of "Furry" as a fetish, I must admit some folks like to sexualize anthropomorphic animals (I will never stoop as low as to give material to zoophiles, though). Vix-N is a gynoid made to resemble an anthropomorphic fox, hailing from a distant planet (presumably where the natives are all like that). Her powers are mostly back-up for GF's Energy-blasts (from her hands) and Pet Rock's strength. She still does not understand the strangeness of the others, for her people "have seen many cultures and lifestyles, thus they do not judge."

  8. Re: (worst ever)...reasons to be a supervillain


    Villain? I thought this was an Iron Age setting!?


    "Wasn't this setting made by Byron Hall? I'm supposed to be doing all these horrible things, aren't I? Is this some sort of April Fool's joke?"


    I'd rep you, but I have to spread some more Rep around first.

  9. Have you, as a GM, faced a character concept that has disturbed you? Or have you, as a player, ever disturbed your GM, the other players, or yourself with a creepy character concept? Or has the GM ever disturbed the group with a character idea?


    This thread for for all the character ideas that have gotten shivers and quivers in your group (or just out of yourself). Have fun posting the ideas.

  10. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares


    My Little Shub-Niggurath


    I can imagine that to the old tune from the 80s cartoon...


    Yeah, I watched both boys' cartoons and girls' cartoons.


    Mythos Babies (actually an idea I had for a line of sculptures, including baby Cthulhu, a baby shoggoth, and a Puppy of Tindalos)

  11. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares


    Wait...they're not? :confused:


    It can be so much more. The only difference would be the aesthetic. ^.^


    Take a "Conan" story. Now, with the violence and mature themes (including horror) prevalent to them, they are clearly not kids' stuff. On the other hand, Conan is not pornographic either, even though the movies have their (unerotic) nudes (though I don't know if that's part of the original tales, or just based on breasts being the cheapest crowd-pleaser.) Would any of that change if our barbarian hero was a wolf or a bear instead of a human?


    Personally, I don't think so. To me, furry is just another aesthetic, just like how many anime could just as easily be done in live action (Grave of the Fireflies or Barefoot Gen in particular). Those were animated because that was part of the desired aesthetic.


    Okay. Enough ranting from me.

  12. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares


    Frankly, I think Redwall's biggest problem is that the books were written for children, and thus it has to be repetative and the characters stupid, because that's the way children are.


    Sadly, people all think that anthropomorphic animal characters are either kiddie-crud or smut.


    But back on topic...


    S.A.T.A.L.: Superhero Adventures to Adult Lechery (old joke, I know.)


    Real Heroes (Superhero gaming meets complete reality, ensuring that at least one "power" everybody has is "Thyroid Cancer" thanks to the radiation exposure.)

  13. Re: hitting that moving hex.


    Though a Hex has a DCV of 3. Of course, on another thread, it was established that the DCV is 8 if the hex aborts to dodge.


    Frankly, don't ask me to figure out how that works, except as an excuse for bad die rolls.

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